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Twilight Sparkle is Dead.

Her friends decide this isn't an acceptable state of affairs and vow to change it.

They really should have compared notes first.

Commissioned by TheDriderPony

Spanish/Español: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Las-muchas-resurrecciones-de-Twilight-Sparkle-937900726 by SPANIARD KIWI

-GM, master of ghosts.

Chapters (1)

The important ponies, lings, or whatevers are important. They get all the food, love, or whatever. They get all the abilities. They are the only ones that are gifted.

Or so they like to think.

Enter me. I'm a disfigured underling, and I'm also perhaps the most gifted individual since Starswirl himself. And even then.

This is my story.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (3)

Broken by the loss of her friends and son, a far older Twilight Sparkle seeks out the companionship and advice of the only friend she has left, Discord. She knew that the Spirit was just as shaken as her, if only because of the loss of Fluttershy, and yet he managed to continue with life.

As with all things Discord, she was not expecting what she got.

Chapters (3)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Sunset Shimmer, the former pupil of Princess Celestia, entered the mirror hoping to find a place where she could plot her revenge and prepare to enact it.
Instead she finds herself face down in a swamp, cold and alone, lost to the machinations of the dark, that is until she comes face to face with a being almost as ancient as her old mentor, and maybe just as wise.

Spoilers in the comments
Original Art by Bakki
Featured 5/30/2019

Chapters (12)

When a portal is opened between two otherwise disconnected worlds, a few reliable spells go a little crazy- and result in a series of letter-bearing owls passing through the portal. Several times.

What could possibly go wrong?

Made it to 34 likes before the first dislike. For my first story to make it past 7, that's amazing. Thank you!

Written with the able editing assistance of Skittlebug starting Chapter 12 and Gerandakis as well starting Chapter 20.

As of today, 1/26/20, this story has been cancelled. I kinda hate to cancel a story that was going so well... But, to be completely honest, it sucks. When they talk about story 'arcs', they mean that if you were to make an outline for it, and use indentation to denote subplots and so on, each arc would form a rough arch shape against the side of the page, with the indentation. I just threw one together with this... and it looked like a list of bullet points. Random, incoherent events, tied together by nothing but SoL (No plot relevance to each other)... Not good, either by itself or for the future of the story.

Edit much later than it should have been: As of 2/25/20, the rewrite has begun publication, and is available... here: On the Implications of Parallel Worlds

Worry not, this story is staying up indefinitely, even as the rewrite inevitably develops far past it.

Chapters (75)

Fluttershy wakes up, to find all the animals can now speak!

What can a mare do, besides question her sanity?

Rated T for very mild language.

OMG, On Toast! My Very First Featured! 5/14/19

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle keeps using a specific phrase out in public to describe her 'special relationship' with her friends. Said friends are convinced it does not mean what Twilight thinks it means.

Part of the MAD verse.

Thanks to Steel Resolve and Nova Quill/Firimil for their edits and sugestions! Also thanks to DrakeyC for the story prompt and his edits and suggestions!

And finally, thanks to jhayarr23 for the hilarious cover art.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to 1000 Years

1000 years later after the events of 1000 Years, Null will be thrown into the deep end, seeing if he will sink or swim. How will he cope with his newfound freedom? Will it be what he hoped for? And most importantly, what will crack first? the eggshells he treads on, or he himself?

WOOOO. featured already from the first chapter with a couple hours! 5/9/19

Chapters (30)

To escape from Tartarus is nearly impossible, even for one of great magical power. When you've lost your powers and are little more than a withered old centaur, it's even harder. But Tirek has a plan, one that will draw in a creature from a world where life is cheap, hats are plentiful, and gravel is king. Will the Spy take the opportunity to enjoy a well-earned vacation in this new world, or will he see the population of friendly, innocent ponies as just a fresh selection of backs to stab? It could be both!

(Takes place before the beginning of Season 9.)

Chapters (21)

When Princess Luna awakens, she finds herself in an unknown land, trapped in the body of a filly. With her connection to her moon gone, along with most of her magic. She finds herself in one confusing situation after another.

So she opts to travel with a local, a human by the name of Red. Together, they travel the land in serach of answers. Luna to her reason for being here, Red for his purpose in life. And together, they may just discover ancient mysteries, dark secrets and more about themselves than they thought possible.

And why does everyone keep calling her Woona!?!

Coverart lovingly suppied by Snowdustdragon AKA, my lovely wife~

Edit: Featured on the first day! Thanks a lot everyone~

Chapters (2)