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Twilight Sparkle learns about the Bronycon Bookstore, and everything that's in all the books being sold there. She's having ABSOLUTELY NONE OF IT.

Written for RBDash47

Chapters (1)

Anypony can see the runes, the symbols, the glow. It looks like magic.
In order to turn it on, unicorns have to feed it magical power. It's powered by magic.
But is it really magic?
The only pony that knows... is dead.
Or so they think.

Tags may be updated as the story progresses.

Chapters (5)

Discord feels like he doesn't have any truly chaotic friends, so Fluttershy encourages him to go find some. Only problem: Equestria is annoyingly low on chaotic individuals who are in the mood for fun.

So he turns his gaze to other universes, to see who he can find. His efforts go horribly, terribly right.

Contains the following chaotic individuals from other franchises: The Mask, Beetlejuice, The Joker, Chara, Bill Cipher, and Tzeentch.

Commissioned by TheDriderPony

-GM, master of CHAOS.

Chapters (8)

You meet all kinds of ponies delivering the mail. Some are nice, some are angry that their package is two days late, soggy, yet inexplicably on fire. Then there are those that you meet, and you just know that they’re going to change your life forever. 

Dearest Heart, a.k.a. Muffin (to her friends), a.k.a. Derpy Hooves (to slightly less good but still good friends) just delivered a package to everyone’s favorite Draconequus, and nothing will ever be the same again.

Inspired by a conversation with Technitrose! Thanks to them and Steel Resolve ,Nova Quill/Firimil, and TheGreatEater for their edits and suggestions.

Wonderful cover art by TheDoggyGal.

Chapters (3)

After Twilight runs away from home and takes Spike with her, she finds a small town called Ponyville. Will she be able to stay there without anyone finding her?

Contains: blood and violence

Rewrite coming in 2024!

Chapters (7)

Given a unique perspective on negative emotion, less than a foal's knowledge of ordinary magic, a healthy schadenfreude, and danger bearing down on all sides, the self-proclaimed "Weiss Noir" makes no plans accounting for his death, and plans to keep it that way, even after being torn away from earth, turned into a unicorn, and dumped into one of the most inhospitable locations and times in all of Equestria.

Stranded in the Frozen North, a place where biting cold ends lives, and one thousand years in the past, in a time when peril is the norm, rather than the exception, Weiss decides to indulge in sorcery most foul, stolen ideas, and human ingenuity to survive.

Given the choice between a mad slaver and a mad sage, however, there is no avoiding an inevitable tide of ponies escaping the conquered Crystal Empire to bask in the warmth of his well-stoked hate. Something which draws attention, enemies, and most worryingly, the rivalry of his "peers".

Join the Discord for free Discussion!

Chapters (160)

Pinkie Pie has a secret that not even she knows about.
What will the truth affect? Well, probably not that much, to be honest.
But it sure makes for a neat party trick!

Filed as "Teen" just to be safe, but all mentionings are very circumspect.
An entry for the Monster Mares Story Contest

Chapters (1)

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Equestria has known its longest period of peace! Except for the reoccurring existential threats. And if you ignore that thousand years when the Elements of Harmony weren't needed.

Well, that time is over. A new villain has come to tame the mythical land of magical horses. Or, well, he's there at least. Equestria has a way of taming itself.

Chapters (3)

Dante, son of Sparda, saves a little girl from a group of cultists, only barely. They both get sent to Equestria in the process of many different things failing at the same time. Dante tries to get the both of them back to their home world. Of course, it's not as easy as finding a taxi.

My submission to this thing which this guy is running. I really didn't want to cut it this close to the deadline, but bleh, real life and all that. Anyway, have fun, for what it's worth.

Chapters (2)

When Shining Armor is alone for the weekend, he gets an unexpected visitor.

Contains: Implied Sex

Chapters (1)