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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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How much can change in a hundred years? How much can change in a thousand? The day of the Nightmare’s defeat Princess Luna finds herself adrift, a thousand years away from the world she knew. With her home in ruins and Equestria changed beyond all recognition, is there anything left for her when even apples are strange?

Winner of August's Write-off! - Distant Shores

With thanks to JCatt and Lord of Dorkness for their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

Worried about her friends' mortality, Twilight hatches a daring plan. She probably should have told them about it first.

With thanks to, Lord of Dorkness, docontra, Luna-tic Scientist and JCatt for their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

After an aging Rainbow Dash’s Wonderbolts show ends in tragedy, Twilight has to close her affairs.

With thanks to Lord of Dorkness for pre-reading.

Finalist in the July Write-Off event, 'Best Laid Plans'.

Chapters (1)

Earth and Equestria collided and only the elements of harmony could save the day.

That was a month ago; now over a hundred former humans have to make the best of their new lives as ponies. Alexis Kingston was a twenty two year old telemarketer, and rather surprised to find herself a pegasus and the head of the Humans in Equestria Club. She never wanted to be a hero, just keeping the new ponies sane would be challenge enough, but with the barrier holding reality together leaking yet more humans on a daily basis, ancient evils and modern technology probing for weaknesses and the end of two worlds looming, she may have to be.

With thanks to Luna-tic Scientist, Lord of Dorkness and Thornwing for help with pre-reading.

Proudly part of Twilight's Library and Tag-a-long's Book Club :scootangel:

Chapters (19)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning, to find she's living with her family and is a filly again. She's not in Canterlot but in Ponyville though, and that's just the beginning of the changes. Like her new school, and the identity of the Headmare...

Chapters (6)

A brony arrives in Equestria, one week before season one, but he's not entirely normal anymore.

Sex tag is just for innuendos and all that jazz, putting it there just in case.

Chapters (3)

It was one failed revenge attempt after another and this one was sure to be her last. The ex-changeling ruler, Chrysalis, was cornered by her enemies. They offered her a chance for 'redemption' and extended their hooves in friendship, but the queen would not accept. She charged a powerful spell and the ponies tried to stop her. There was an explosion and after the sound returned and Chrysalis was gifted sight again, she was greeted by pale white walls, various medical instruments, and her new life aboard one of the United Empire research ships.

Cover art by: xn-d

Chapters (13)

Pinkie Pie is absolutely insane. Rainbow Dash is a public menace. This annoying yellow girl keeps showing up at the most inconvenient moments. It's too much!

Now Twilight and Spike are universe hopping, hoping to find someplace that isn't as messed up and stupid as the world they left.

And they seem to have found the perfect one...

The Twilight and Spike in this story are those from the Mentally Advanced Series by Dawn Somewhere.

This story was Featured on July 15th, 2019.

Chapters (1)

Unknown to most inhabitants of Equestria, members of an alien people have come to live among them. Also unknown is that they're there involuntarily, in the dark as to why and how they're there, transformed into members of the native species.

What many ponies do know, the ones who live in Canterlot at least, is that there's a new venue open in Equestria, very exclusive, but not for the rich elite, nor the cultural avante garde. In fact, there seem to be no rhyme or reason to determining who is allowed and not allowed in on the premises, and despite many petitions to have the discriminating bouncer fired, things go on as usual in this strange new club.

Shout out to billymorph for planting the idea for this story in my head with his own story, The Humans in Equestria Club.

Chapters (5)