• Member Since 17th Feb, 2014


Don't worry, things are always in the works with me.

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Estimated Reading: 8 weeks



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A Soldier's Memoirs Saga
The Griffon War | Skyfall | Treason | Everfree | Overture

When Private Fleethoof recognized his dream and joined the Royal Guard, he never thought he would ever experience the might of Equestria's military firsthand. But when Equestria's safety is threatened by an old enemy, he'll find out just what sacrifices war and survival demand, what it truly means to serve for Princess and country, and just how important some friendships can be. See the war through the eye-witness account of a soldier on the front lines, all taken from one enduring journal.

Featured on FOB Equestria [08.23.13]
Reviewed and featured by Seattle's Angels [04.13.14]
Singularity Dream's Review [04.24.14]
Featured by The Royal Guard [11.28.14]
Lord Sylus of Night's Review [11.30.14]
A Reading of the Prologue by TheFirstPersonGamers

Chapters (14)

For one who does not count their lives in years or decades, regret can become an almost unbearable burden.

Featured on EQD February 27, 2012

Chapters (1)

Since time immemorial, the Grand Council of Immortals has watched over all aspects of Equestrian life. They determine the destinies of all things on the mortal plane, both great and small. They convene once every one hundred years, and the Immortal who plays host to the gathering is permitted one request.

This century, it is Princess Celestia who will host the meeting... and who will ask for an unprecedented gift be granted to the newest alicorn princess.

Inspired by the Rankin/Bass adaptation of the Life and Adventures of Santa Claus.

Excellent live reading by Goombasa.

Chapters (1)

Luna has been redeemed by the elements of harmony, but is finding that salvation is harder to come by. Ponies avoid her, the memories of Nightmare Moon still fresh in their minds. Additionally, after a thousand years of solitude and silence, she’s having trouble adjusting to life in noisy, crowded, living Equestria.

Change never happens easily, and Luna struggles despite the help of her sister and new friends, failing as much as she succeeds.

Perhaps the Moon, her prison for so very long, is truly where Luna belongs after all.

Chapters (13)

For one thousand years, Nightmare Moon wandered the moon, seeking perfection.

She found only dust.

Now on Equestria Daily!

Now in Russian! ...Twice!

Entry for The Writeoff Association's first writeoff: Lonely Happiness.
Special thanks to Cassius Littner and SpaceCommie for their proofreading/editing assistance.

Chapters (1)

After her whole life as one of only two alicorns, Cadance is finally introduced to Luna. To call it awkward would be an understatement of the highest caliber.

A silly little something I wrote for a good friend of mine when she was having a bad day. Here's hoping it gets a laugh or a smile or two out of somebody else. Sex tag is for risqué jokes and discussions.

Featured on the front page from December 22nd to 25th, 2013!

Chapters (1)

It's been a while since Discord's reformation. Most mortals are still intimidated by him, scared of him, but that's only to be expected. But Discord isn't looking for their approval; they'll come around, in time. He wants someone else's.

Mortal life is too short to hold a grudge for long. Immortal life is a different story. And even the greatest of the great have sore spots.

Featured on Equestria Daily on October 4th, 2013. Thank you all so much, and please tell me what you liked and what I could do better!

Chapters (1)

Discord waits alone and forgotten in the Canterlot gardens, brooding over his hatred for the princess and wondering who truly was the monster between them. But an unlikely visit one night changes him and his feelings for Celestia...

Chapters (2)