• Member Since 18th Mar, 2019


(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ "Magic" ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

??! 60 stories
  • ??! 60 stories - 1 unread chapters tracking is ON
    Created by Just_Dandy
    - January, 2021
Found 36 stories in 44ms

Total Words: 6,645,475
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Daughter of the Night

Twilight must go on an adventure to reunite with her council. This proves difficult when they are stretched all over Equestria and Nightmare Moon has taken control and brought forth eternal night. They must wield the Elements to rid Twilight’s mother of Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (12)

Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

Companion fic containing Celestia’s replies up to Letter 120 - To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt written by Snow

Chapters (190)

Dusk Shine is tired. He's scarred, battle-hardened, and young, but more than any of those, just tired.

Nopony deserves to suffer through what he has endured, much less at such a young age, but what happens when he finds his place in the canon Equestria? Where sunshines and rainbows are everywhere.

Will this new world heal him or will the striking similarities to his once-happy world break the stallion under the weight of what he's lost?

Read on to find out.

RGRE, will be obvious as each chapter progresses

Edited by Sober. Cool dude, check him out.

Cover art made by Mix-up This guy, is great. Awesome drawings, go check him out.

Chapters (17)

It is said that "love conquers all", this statement is true, but how can love exist in a world filled with darkness and hate. This is the story of those who found love in this world, a story of friendships forming and breaking, and a story of those who were lost returning to the light.

Long ago, nearly all kingdoms of the known world waged a terrible, scarring, and heinous war, one that would take the lives of many and changed the world forever. That is until King Discord ended the war with his great magical power, however even the end of the war was not enough to fix the problems it caused. Naturally, the other kingdoms looked to the kingdom of Chaosville to support themselves and make King Discord give them aid. The way they would conduct such an alliance was through the bond of marriage between a representative of their kingdom and one of the six children of King Discord. In a world ruled by politics, money, power, and war, can true love be able to emerge and conquer all?

Current ships:
Rainbow Dash x Soarin
Pinkie Pie x Cheese Sandwich
Twilight x Flash
Fluttershy x Discord
Rarity x Fancy Pants
Applejack x OC
Ember x Spike

More ships will most definitely be added

Chapters (13)

Featured: 3/17/17

Ignorance is never bliss and it can cost you. Their ignorance almost cost us Equestria. But I saw the signs, I saw the enemy. But no one would listen. My so called "Friends" never stuck by my side as I tried to warn them of the threat to our very lives loomed over us. Instead they sided with her. Yet, whenever I can't be bothered to help them they always assume the worst or I'm just a bad friend. I'm done being a pawn, I'm done with these friendship lessons. I'm done with Equestria.

And that's how it started. A journey not for the faint of heart. A journey about duty and honor, love and friendship, Victory and defeat. In a world's darkest hour she will rise to help four friends reclaim their home. Let's get started.

Final Fantasy 15/MLP Crossover

(Just so people know I don't own either Final Fantasy 15 or My Little Pony. All rights go to there respective owners.)

Chapters (19)

Nick has lived with the royal sisters since he appeared in Equestria with no way home three years ago. In that time he made friends and gained the trust and respect of most, if not all of Canterlot Castle. He even has access to the treasury and minor command over some staff, but only for one reason: pranks.

Nick is one of the few souls capable of matching Celestia and Luna in pranks, and has been semi-willingly inducted into their endless prank war. These are some of their memorable moments.

If you have any ideas, suggestions, or reminders that my writing is bad and I should feel bad, please put them here.

Chapters (78)