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Acceptance is something she feels is forever beyond her reach. She belongs nowhere, and is friend to no one. Living by her cunning and skill alone, a changeling finds her calling in ending the lives of (often innocent) people. Her world is turned upside down when she finds herself summoned by her race's sworn enemy, and is not given the choice to decline. How will her life change? Is this the end, or just the beginning?

Rated T for intense violence, language, murder, and minor gore.

Chapters (3)

Being able to change forms at will just comes naturally for a changling. But when Rogue loses this ability, he is also released from Queen Chrysalis' telepathic Control-Link control over him.
After the Battle of Canterlot is over, and he's the only changling left in all of Canterlot, he sets out to track down the lavender unicorn responsible, to thank her for saving him.
Little does he know that he would have the chance to return the favor very soon.
But how will Twilight and her friends react to this?
What will the Princesses have to say?
How will his former Queen take his rebellion?
Is Rogue really alone in his resistance?

Chapters (5)

The pony Azule Dusk is sent on a mission to deliver a message to Twilight Sparkle, but is surprised when he finds out he is to assist Twilight in the her task. Now they must complete Chrysalis' task.

Chapters (1)

Twilight is called to Canterlot by Celestia to help remove the remaining changelings from the city. Once she arrives a turn of events causes her to leave the city again, upon arriving home she begins her lessons again under both Luna and Celestia. Twilight must find a way to deal with her friends, her lessons the changelings and many other problems that arise for her and those around her.

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to The Best Night Ever

Final Arc - The Black Wedding
CH63 - If I Had a Heart
- The ponies of the Fourth Tribe are ascendant. Shining Armor hunts down his changeling "daughters," and even Lady Antimony won't get in his way. Meanwhile, high above the burning city of Canterlot, a long awaited reunion occurs, and Twilight confronts Alpha Brass and makes a final decision.

--- --- ---


It began with a mare from Ponyville and a time-looping Prince from Canterlot. This most unlikely union now stands at a crossroads: a ruthless changeling invasion; a conspiracy within the highest circles of the Equestrian aristocracy; a half dozen power hungry noblemares looking to become a Princess in all but name. With the prize of Canterlot and its Platinum Crown at stake, it falls to six Elements of Harmony to once again save not just Ponyville, but all of Equestria.

TVtropes page is here: link

The prequel to TPC, "The Best Night Ever" is here. link
The side-story crossover with "Sweetie Belle Chronicles" is here. link

Someone out there made a playlist for Platinum Crown: Rarity, Blueblood and Chrysalis. Pretty sweet!
Wish I knew who, or even when they did it, though. I especially like the Chrysy playlist.

I've gotten some cool TPC related art done, too.
So Sweet and Tasty's TPC Cover Art
Thanks to Madmax for these two:
Rarity, Blueblood and Antimony
Dash and Ritterkreuz
The Terre Rare Founder - Lady Arsenic
Twilight and Alpha Brass Battle Duet

Chapters (64)

Dash the Stampede was the legendary outlaw known for destroying any city she visited. Supposedly she is 12 feet tall, master of the elements, a demon straight from hell, a gunmare who has never missed a shot, and wearing an outfit that is one of a kind. And with a reward of 60 billion double bits on her head, and an ego just as big, everyone wants to find her and turn her in. It has been 12 years since she was last seen, and the reward was never claimed, and she has been long forgotten. But in the tiny oasis town of Ponyville, there lives a pegasus who remembers the tale. And when a group of 100 outlaws arrive in the tiny town, wanting the land for its high value, they want to take everything. So when everyone save a rainbow haired pegasus is willing to surrender to these outlaws, will the long lost outlaw come out of retirement for the good of her town and her friends? Or will her past come back to haunt her?

Crossover with Trigun
(The image does not belong to me. All credit goes to the creator, Evion on Deviantart.)
First attempt at a crossover fic

Chapters (2)

The Doctor had left Derpy to take care of something that he worried that Derpy will get hurt on. While they are both broken hearted in leaving. Derpy gives a Pinkie Promise (the ones you HAVE to keep) to wait for the Doctor on a hill where they first met. While the Doctor promises to come back. But they don't expect to be gone for 5 years....


Ditsy Doo or known as Captain D of the royal guard has been stuck in war for 2 and a half years. War that happened when Princess Celestia was killed and Princess Luna got sick and defenses were weakened. It was always up to the Captain now. But when a clot the enters in a blue box comes back the war is suddenly on a new turn. Will the Doctor save Equestria once again? What has happened to Captain D/Derpy? And what will the Doctor do to get her back?

This is my first My Little Pony FanFiction. This is really the only shipping I really support in this show. This IS the Doctor based on the 11th doctor but I am more of a Matt Smith fan then David Tenate. You really don't need to watch Doctor Who to understand this but some jokes will be based off it. I also kinda like to go with things that happened in Doctor Whooves and Assistance from YouTube. So yeah. I hope you enjoy this!

-DO NOT OWN COVER PIC ITS BY http://www.deviantart.com/art/General-Derpy-261702196-


Chapters (4)

Rainbow Dash has never been to the eye-doctor. One afternoon Twilight takes her to the clinic to check her eyes after a minor flight accident. They end up finding out something that makes no sense whatsoever to any pony in Ponyville.

Woke up this morning to see that my random story that was published for no reason got featured 2/28/14. I'm not complaining, but it isn't a work of art :P. I guess anything a teenager writes about multicolored ponies amuses you.

Chapters (3)

"Twilight Sparkle, you are hereby sentenced to exile!" From those words her entire world changed. Is her happy life gone forever? Or can it only get worse? What will befall the dethroned princess and will she have to bare her fate alone?

My entry for This contest

And I officially have an editor! Much thanks to pinkiepie17 and Twilight Scratch

Chapters (7)

There are guns, and ammo. No wings above the treeline. No teleportation. Other than that, it's no rules, no limits. Last pony standing gets to enter the throne room. Last pony standing gets the prize.

These are the rules that every subject in Equestria learns as Princess Celestia decides to host an all-out, all-Equestrian paintball brawl in the Everfree Forest. Everypony makes their own plans and soon enough, factions create in the race for the promise of “whatever their heart desires”.

For some, it’s just a game of friendly competition. For others, the stakes are much higher, and in the Everfree Forest where everything and anything goes, it isn’t long before a series of strange events makes our six heroes wonder if they’re playing paintball... or if there’s something much bigger at play here.

Friendship. Power. Trust. Glory. All these elements and much more clash together in Ponyville Paintball, starring Jodie Foster as Applejack.


In this fic you will find that a few things don't exactly make sense when compared to the canon universe of mlp. This is because this story was stared way back in 2012, and a few things that might have made sense when written at the time are now canon-contradictory because of advancements in the FiM series' story arcs. For example, Twilight does not use her wings in this fic, because she became an alicorn long after this story actually began curse you MA Larson. If you're sensitive to this sort of thing, please bear with it. I should also stress that such details are few in this story.

To the next person who says this story is like the hunger games, I will come to your house and stab you in the eye with a spork. seeing as how I've run out of sporks due to the insolence of your comrades, I will funnel elephant shit in your ear through a vuvuzela, wearing a Pinkie Pie mask while Winter Wrap-Up plays in the back at full volume.

Edited by DeathRiseRobo for chapters 1 to 6, Brony_Fife for chapter 7, and Dr Bob for chapters 8 to 10. Big thanks to them!

Artwork belongs to vombavr on DeviantArt. I used it without his permission, and this I recognize. On his/her own request only will I remove it.


Chapters (12)