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(Set in the Changeling-Pony Peace Universe, where changelings and ponies are FRIENDS...not really)

Reflect has always prided himself on finding the truth on anypony. Or at least, the theories that he considers are facts since anypony who disagrees is clearly in on it.

But after one incident too many, Queen Chrysalis enrolls her agent of espionage for an anger management course hosted by none other then the tough, unyielding Iron Will *cue fireworks and flames*

Little does this minotaur know that Reflect is just as stubborn and will prove the ultimate test of his career.

Changeling by Yanoda
Iron Will by kas92

Chapters (5)

" Can a Changeling ever really change it's shell?"

Ever since the Canterlot Invasion, changelings were feared and hated by all ponies. They were seen as vile, heartless monsters that should be avoided at all costs. But who would have guessed that a group of outcast changelings, separated from their hives fend for their lives by blending in with the ponies? The group struggles to not be exposed for the said "monstrosities" ponies think they are. Are they really the heartless creatures that ponies think they are or is there a heart under all that insectiod armor?

~Cancelled due to this being made back in middle school and I had no further plans for this :o ~
Credit for the artist of the cover:
The artwork belongs to
SeriousArthos (DA)
They gave me permission to use their art as a cover for this story so enjoy!

Chapters (2)

If you want this story, P.M. me; I'm done with this.

Meet, Fragment. A changeling with amnesia. With his memory loss adventure ending before it could begin he is brought before Princess Celestia who takes this lost changeling under her own wing in a hope to mend the two species' relations, but many trials will be had which will strain this changeling's trust between the hive he knows nothing about or the ponies that sheltered him. Fragment's past will pursue him as flashbacks slowly show him what his life used to be...

Cover art by sicher999! (dA page here!)

Thanks to Out of Place for helping with the description.

Chapters (31)

Much like a fine blade, love tempered in the fires of passion and hardened by adversity will stand against all trials it may face. However, love sought through anger and violence shall not persist. Can a simple changeling drone learn the true nature of love and will the love that he never knew he could have withstand the tests set before it?

Or will it crack and shatter like brittle steel?

< Coverart done by ShrineHeart >

Chapters (4)

Changeling Drone 9417 had a month-long assignment for a minor spy mission in Ponyville leading up to the Canterlot invasion. He deviated from normal operating procedure a bit then found out the hard way why changelings aren’t supposed to do that. After his body absorbed too much magic during the attack it triggered a permanent transformation that’s left him forever in the form of the pegasus disguise he was previously using. Now a pony called Cloud Breaker he'll try and put his life back on track with the help of his former roomates Sunny Rays and Serenity...

(Current chapters proofread by Dark_Night, earlier chapters proofread by BlackjackOrBust)

Chapters (16)

Melody Swiftsong is a unicorn filly living peacefully in Manehattan with her brother. She had everything she could have asked for in her life: a loving brother, a comfortable life, a house to live in and education. Despite having some strange hobbies and tastes, Melody believes she's the most fortunate of ponies.

Over the course of a single day, life teaches her that fate can be cruel. Her entire life is turned upside down, and she loses everything she loved and cherished before. Now she has to deal with feeling like a stranger in a world that does not seem to want her, yet she still persists to be a part of it.

(Disclaimer: Although I don't believe it warrants the sad tag, this story is undoubtedly riddled with sad moments at various points of the story.)

Special thanks to Benny for editing this story so far! Be sure to check him out! [This stopped as of Chapter 3 or 4 since my hiatus caused us to lose contact. Check him out nonetheless, he's pretty nice!]

Chapters (26)

An alicorn and her enemy fight. Her enemy, Black Lightning, wipes her memory, grabbed a few of her special feathers, and knocked her out cold. He then turned her into a filly, and teleported her a long way from her home, Los Pegasus. Will she ever gain back her memories, or live an empty existance, in an unfamiliar world???

Chapters (7)

The gift of thought is a powerful thing, and what one chooses to do with that thought makes all the difference.

Facing mistrust and a changing mind, a newly hatched Changeling drone without the influence of a queen must find out what kind of person it wants to become.

Chapters (5)

Twilight isn't sick. She's perfectly healthy in fact. And yet, something doesn't feel quite right, and it hasn't for weeks now and Pinkie's starting to get worried. Friends make sure friends are alright, don't they?

Chapters (6)

We were friends.
We were heroes.
Then, we were lovers.
We followed our hearts, and in doing so we became traitors. Now we'll run.
Why is it wrong? Can there really only be one way to love, and all others are wrong? Most importantly, why are we hated for love?

Be sure to check out my spin off story to this one (Eyes Unclouded)

Many thanks to my awesome editor pinkiepie17

(image by Jykinturah from deviant art)

Chapters (18)