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CharmingScar sits down in his chair, just another school day, just like any other, a new pony in class was pretty much everything that stood out, first. Instead of joining one of the `groups´ she starts talking to him, and becomes his friend.

This is my second story so far, if there is any HUGE mistakes please point them out, have a good day!

Chapters (5)

A MLP series of short tales, related to the main 6 and their friends! Magic, friendship, love, and tons of fun! Find out what the girls are up to when they are together and want to play!

That was just the promo guys. now, to the real point.

Here you have my first fanfiction for MLPFIM that MAYBE will include some EG stories as well, depending on my mood, these chapters will be uploaded as far as I get the time, so no date in particular. All the chapters are one shots, no relation between one another, unless they do remember something from the previous chapters of course, what will happen for sure. Pretend you're watching a new season that will never be released ^^

The chapters will be listed with a short description in here, so this section here will be modified constantly. The stories go around the main six, most of them are just two or three of the main six, sometimes it will involve the Princesses, Spike, the CMC, or another random Characters, including my OCs from my Ask Blog :D
Cover art will be added another time, just let me finish it please OwO

I hope it all works as friendly as possible, so we can get a great time ^^

Now, let's begin, shall we?

1. Rainbow Crash...: ... And how she got a reading day with Twilight every week...: Twilight is ready to start her favorite activity: READING, when out of the blue, her pegasus friend decided to pay a visit to the library... through the roof...

2. Puffy, Cutie Cloud: Just a little interaction between Me, Dash, and the cloud she was lying on...

3. It's Over...: No matter how hard they try to deny it, it was over for Twilight Sparkle, and Rainbow Dash...

4. A Roll on the Hay: Just two cute fillies having fun together...

5. What's so interesting anyway?: Pinkie saw something, but what?

6. One More Try... : Probably the biggest challenge for Dash, AJ And Rares...

Chapters (7)

Rather than being terrified at the news of a failed changeling invasion, Trixie was intrigued by the idea of a race of illusionists. If there was one thing she could respect, it was a convincing illusion. As soon as she heard they made their home in the Badlands, her path was clear.

Days later, she hasn't learned any magic. Strangely, she's found that she doesn't mind.

(The OC tag refers to a changeling.)

Cover art is a mashup of vectors by Ackdari and Dr. Fluttershy

Chapters (3)

(I kinda setup my own rules on changelings logic. So if there are any other changeling stories that have different logic, I won't follow it.)
[2nd POV] A changeling is a mindless slave, and was only born to serve Queen Chrysalis. It does not have feelings, so it does not feel remorse. A changeling cannot think or choose for itself, as it is not sentient. It only moves without question, and only constantly feed off of the love of ponies. Since it is not sentient, it cannot be befriended, cannot learn to communicate, and cannot feel love. Its sole-purpose is to feed off love out of every pony alive.
But... that doesn't seem to apply to you.
The day you met that one unicorn, was the day you began asking, questioning your own existence.
Ever since the fall of Queen Chrysalis, she was nowhere to be found. Your siblings can't seem to do anything without her guidance, and slowly, each one of your siblings begin to die out. As an endangered changeling in hiding, you use your newly discovered free-will and wits to try to find out the answer to your question. Trying to solve it before you die. "Who am I now?"
(I guess now that i think about it, I just made changelings the equivalent to zombies. And you are a.... Sentient zombie?)
On hiatus for the moment. Until I get my shit together, this story is going to just linger there for some moments.

Chapters (9)

Although Chrysalis had no doubt that her plan was going to work she had to sure that, if her plan were to fail, that her race would survive. But her plan failed, utterly and completely failed. She had thought that her plan was fool proof but one mere child had managed to derail her plans in one fell swoop. Oh how the queen wanted her revenge and oh she was going to get it. She reveled in the irony of the situation for the pony that had sentenced her and all her children to a slow, painful death in the bad lands would also be the savior of her race. So as the Queen released her final breath she was content in her final revenge.

Thank Pink Pearl for the cover art

Big thanks to Arctic for doing chapters 1-14 on this story!

Chapters (17)

Side Story : 'The Collector'

I see you are thinking about reading my story. Good for you, it's a good one.
You need more than that to convince you?
I am a changeling. I go by no name, I can't quite find one that suits my sheer greatness.
What? Who said I was humble?
I just figured I'd tell you my life's story before I die. Well, not my whole life, bits and pieces. It's a long one, but its worth the time. No, you don't have something else to do, you have the time, you don't have a life. I suppose that I won't either in a few days. Stupid corrupt legal system.
Actually, they're probably pretty justified in killing me.

Chapters (9)

A year after Princess Twilight's coronation, a guard interrupts a conversation between her, Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna. "Changelings! Queen Chrysalis and her Changelings are right outside Canterlot!"
"Really? What are they doing?"
"Um...they're...they're just waiting...politely..."
"Well, then. Please tell them that I will be with them shortly."

Of Changelings and Alicorns: in which Twilight learns something new.

Chapters that look like ***chapter name*** have been edited since they were first published. I would advise, if you haven't read the new versions, you should do so.

Character list may change as the story goes on.

Currently marked as "On Hiatus" because of school and writer's block.

Cover art credit goes to Bico!

Chapters (3)

It all started out as just another day for me as I strolled through the streets, nodding to the myriad of delicious equines passing by. However, none of these ponies piqued my interest as I craved the most delectable of Ponyville's delights. For this changeling's pallet hungers solely for the unique Perky Pink Parfait, but she's been acting weird lately. She's catching on, I'm sure of it! I know I should move on, this can only end badly, but I'm hopelessly addicted to the pony of my doom!

Continued due to popular demand! Now you can read the whole story as Shattered Dreams, the clueless changeling romeo, sits under judgement by Twilight and friends as they pick through his memories to see if he really is in love with Pinkie or just using her.

Warning: There are some dark themes, such as where do changelings come from. However, it is not meant to be a dark fic.

It is only tagged as Romance, because it has a bit of everything on both sides of the spectrum from sad to comedy.

I had tagged it gore since gore is present, but more hinted at, and kept to a minimum. Since I won't be making anyone hurl, or even squeamish, I went ahead and removed it.

I would have tagged it sex for really awkward comedic moments with sexual references. The best kind! But there's nothing serious enough to warrant a tag. Sorry guys the clop is over that way:

Pre-readers: FlashKenshin77, Shimmering Honor

Chapters (11)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Mainly awesome. But romantic, certainly not. Of all the ponies who would attempt a forbidden romance, nopony would have thought she would.

Now she finds herself head over hooves in love with a mortal enemy of the country. On top of that, she has to face the one group of ponies she's terrified of rejecting her new found romance: her best friends.

[Tales of the Carnageverse]

Note: This story was created as a prompt from the RD Random Shipping Game. The game required you to roll a dice and depending on the number, you would then write a 100-500 word ship with a corresponding character. I got number 13 which was a male changeling. The rest of the story is a continuation from the prompt.

Cover Art: The Maiah

Editors: DemonRykuKyuubi, mikemeiers, Cerulean Starlight.

Chapters (18)

Cancelled until further notice!

The events of the Canterlot Wedding led the changelings one step closer to extinction. Unwilling to just give up her life Queen Chrysalis throws away her pride and asks for help. She won't stand alone in her struggle however... five brave changeling generals will stand by her side regardless of what comes forth.

Togother they shall begin a long journey to reclaim the past from the un-named evil. The wind of change however does not blow at anyones will. On the one hand the past governs their impression upon the world and on the other their future is sculpted by their own actions. The consequences of their actions shall ripple upon Equestria and change the land forever.

Chapters (4)