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Twilight Sparkle: Respected student of Celestia, Princess of Friendship, and a Vampony to boot. Her mother trained her, just like her grandma trained her mother. Now, she is on the hunt for a pony and this pony is Starlight Glimmer. Let's hope Twilight isn't too thirsty.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Spike, Trixie, And A Couple More Holes

After her rather embarrassing accident with an improvised shrinking spell, Trixie decides to make herself scarce for a while. When she returns to Ponyville, everything has changed--the library is gone, and Twilight Sparkle has a brand new giant tree castle.

Determined to pursue the secrets of becoming an alicorn princess, Trixie moves into Twilight's castle, where she routinely engages in--and usually causes--wacky hijinks for herself, Princess Twilight, and especially Spike.

Can Spike survive Trixie's attempts to learn the magic of friendship?

A story which intersects (and occasionally will supercede) the events of season five.

(Note: This is NOT a crossover with any CLAMP property, or anything else for that matter.)

Commissioned by TheGreatEater.

Chapters (10)

One night, a strange object crashes in Equestria. After Celestia sends a patrol to investigate a strange creature breaks into the castle. It succumbs to its wounds, but before it does it passes on what may not only be Equestria's savior, but Celestia's future.

Join Draco as he grows up in a world of ponies, magic and fantasy. There are those who accept this new being, and others who do not. But in his future, he'll have to come to terms with a shocking, and daunting, revelation.

Alternate Story to To Call the Moon My Own (You don't have to read it to understand this one!)

Cover art by Panzertank. Big thanks to him!

Featured 7/12/15! Thank you all for my first feature!

Chapters (135)

The Shipping Bar.
For shipping, by shipping, and starring shipping.
With a tasty menu and special features for the sake of all, it's the greatest place for a pair. The Shipping Bar is without a doubt the best place to take your date to date to date.

WARNING: Shipping and OCs.
A lot of both.
Don't like? Don't read.

Cover art by myself and participant Marsha Farnsworth

Chapters (4)

For centuries, the legacy of the Alicorns has been a bittersweet memory of a time of harmony. A great cataclysm took them from the face of the planet, leaving their charges, the Avens, the Magi and the Earthlanders to tend to their shattered kingdom. They maintain a peace enforced by their continual need of support from one another, for providing something that one of the other tribes cannot provide.

However, centuries after the fall of the Alicorns, the cataclysm returns upon the eve of the Congregation, the annual meeting involving a chosen representative of each race to put on an appearance of harmony.

Lost, confused and in need of champions, the three races band together and send out their chosen champions to seek out the lost treasures of the Alicorns. The treasures that had been lost for so long that they were merely myth until a sliver of truth is found in their greatest time of need to point the way. These treasures could save them all, if the being behind the great cataclysm doesn't stop them first...

This story is a commission for CatStatAve
Edited by the eternally awesome MythrilMoth

Chapters (9)

When Rarity writes to Princess Celestia inquiring after how dragons age, she gets a plea for help in reply. A war is brewing, and Princess Celestia thinks Rarity's the one to stop it. Now, still completely uncertain what her feelings for Spike are or if they're even plausible, she's off to meet with his distant relatives to negotiate a truce between the dragons and the sea serpents before the world gets caught up in their destructive clash.

Unrelated to "How to Woo Your Lady" or my other fics.

Cover image generously loaned by fongsaunder at deviantart: fongsaunder.deviantart.com

Chapters (16)

Spike is just your average dragon going about his day, but it takes a mysterious course. Today, Spike will discover the most powerful artifact ever to grace Equestrian soil. An item so powerful, that even Celestia fears it, and Nightmare Moon quivers in her hooves at the mere mention. Something so powerful, that Equestria wouldn't stand a chance if it fell into the wrong hooves...

Peanut butter.

A collaboration with the amazing electreXcessive

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has always considered herself to be the toughest pony in Ponyville, but when she is invited to the Apple family farm on a very sacred day she learns that her best friend, Applejack is much stronger than anypony ever knew.

Chapters (5)

The four princesses are gone. No one knows who, why and where they went, but whatever happened it has had cataclysmic repercussions on the land and all that dwell on her. The planet has slowly stopped spinning with day and night last half a year each the world has been torn asunder.
Prince Spike has had enough. Wishing to save his ponies he has set off in search of something, anything that could lead him to find a cure for this calamity, but will he like who or what he will find?

Spike doesn't know how long it will take, but he does know when he returns he will bring tomorrow with him.

I hope you enjoy and any criticism is much appreciated.

Tags: Spike and Discord

Chapters (9)