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Princess Celestia is gone, Twilight Has gone over the edge and rainbow dash now can do magic! Rainbow Dash has become an alicorn and is there a certain some-pony that has been flying around in her mind? find out in this exciting Adventurous/Romantic Fanfiction!

Chapters (19)

It's been about twelve years since they all met. Applejack and Fluttershy have gotten married. Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash have been together for four years [even longer in secret] and have had a child each, supposedly from the same father. Rarity has sworn of relationships after her romantic nature had been crushed by disaster after disaster of suiters. Twilight's been as usually, if not a bit more over-reactive to things in the last few months and Spike's starting to get annoyed with her.
It's AJ and Fluttershy's tenth anniversary and as usual Pinkie throws them a party and this is where everything begins.
This is basically a soap opera with ponies.
This is set in the future but does not contain Twilicorn. Not because of anything against Twilicorn but because this was started not long after S2 ended.

While this was originally meant to be mostly about Fluttershy and Applejack, it's kinda been taken over by Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash. This has gotten alot longer and alot more complicated than I planned and then got even more complicated still.
I'm sorry to say that there IS one story line [out of about twenty] that does just drop off abruptly, but it's addressed in passing as to what happened.

This is a some-what dark story in what emotionally happens to each character. Betrayal, twists and some sad back stoires.

Contains The following ships
And various crosses between these as hearts break and mistakes are made.

Chapters (45)

Rarity discovers that her supply of gems is awfully low, and it probably didn't help that she used a lot of them just the other day in designing a new dress. She needs more gems if she's ever going to finish the new clothing line she already designed. Yet, most caves in Ponyville she's already been to. Determined to find more gems than before, she will go to a cave far from Ponyville. She did mention it to her other friends, but it seemed they were too busy to pay attention. Hmph. She invites Spike along like last time so that the two of them can gather enough gems for her new clothing line. Even though she wanted to gather more gems than that...

Rarity and Spike travels to the cave, but will discover more than just gems. Within the cave, unknown to Rarity before she traveled there, many bat ponies migrated there. It was that time of year, yet one bat pony is left behind. She will need their help if she is going to return to her colony, or ever face them, again. Not only that, she will need their friendship if she is ever going to do either. Will Rarity and Spike be able to help her? Why was the bat pony left behind? And, why didn't Rarity's friends tag along for the ride? -- Stay tuned in to find out!

--- Note: If readers are hoping that the romance is between Spike and Rarity, it's not. The romance is between two other ponies, yet I will go into a little for Rarity and Spike. ---

Chapters (6)

Months after Chrysalis's attack on Canterlot, Twilight and her friends are turned into changelings. And not just any changelings. Royal changelings. Royal changelings who've now inherited what's left of Chrysalis's swarm.

The cover was suggested by a friend and was made by 0ravensrequiem0

Chapters (11)

This story is a sequel to The Royal Ponyville Orchestra

Note: No knowledge of Royal Ponyville Orchestra is required to enjoy this story.

Hey, I'm Sweetie Belle, and this year at school is pretty much going to be the best ever. I mean, it has to be, since if it isn't, my friends will all leave me as soon as they get their cutie marks. Also, I have to deal with Diamond Tiara being in one of my classes, and she's pretty much as terrible as always. Plus, the teacher for that class is a big mean jerk. Oh! And apparently I'm not good at acting, making the list of things I am good at exactly zero. But besides the fact that my friends are probably going to leave me, my acting class hates me, and I'm not really good at anything, everything's great. It has to be. After all, this is the best year ever.

Now rated Teen for saucy kissing scenes.

Featured on EQD January 4, 2015

Special thanks to editors:
Alien Bronco
Muzzle_luvr and

Fully approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (16)

Twilight wants to know. She wants knowledge. What scholar doesn't? So in order to gain some she starts looking into changeling magic. Which slowly leads her to the powers of dark magic.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle is leaving Ponyville. As Apple Bloom says goodbye to her, she thinks about everything they've been through together. Does she have what it takes to stop Sweetie going?

This story was inspired by the Foalcon group collab prompt Run, and also by the Snow Patrol song of the same name.

Do people think an "E" tag is appropriate for this story? I've tagged it "T" for now.

Chapters (1)

Spike has been feeling as if a part of himself is missing, he has also been having strange dreams of seven figures and a strange voice that haunts him during the day, has Spike lost his mind or is he part of something that will decide the faight of the world

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to The Dragon Sage

After the events that took place in The Dragon Sage, Twilight and Spike have quietly started living and loving in their castle. Other ponies are bound to find out, so how will they respond? What does this mean for their friends and neighbors?

If you haven't read the previous story, I suggest it, but it is not necessary. Most characters and references to The Dragon Sage take a back seat role in this slice-of-life story. It's more as an extended epilogue than anything else.

Chapters (13)

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a wraith.

A comment driven story following an alternate universe where Twilight is hundreds of years old, Sunset stayed Celestia's pupil, and everyone has the hots for Twaith. Okay, almost everyone. Lets see where this goes!

Teen Sex because of expectations of the internet... and myself.

Join the Twaithverse here!

Thank you to TheStarsOfPines for the current cover art.

Here is the original, confusing, cover art.
Here is the second cover art that had been used.
The third! Done by the same as the current.

Chapters (54)