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This story is a sequel to False Front

Sunlit Luck makes a choice she regrets. Could things turn around for her? Or will she be scarred with regret?

Yet another fic I've put on hiatus due to creating a massive work load. This may have been the worst time to go on an artistic hiatus because I left at possibly the best cliffhanger I will ever make. I might even host a small competition to let the one person who enjoys this fic to create their own ending, whether the person she hugged be her father and she feels utterly depressed, Dusk and she feels an urge of relief, another changeling that tries to kidnap her, or even just their OC who sweeps her off her hooves and teaches her to love again. If I actually make that contest, I gotta think of a prize, so until I upload what I've already planned out but have trouble putting into words or decide to let the fan(s) write the end of the story, the ending is all up to speculation on your end.

Chapters (1)

Bulk Biceps and a changeling try to make a life together but can they really do it? Bulk has been hiding from his past trying not to dwell but can he help the Changeling? Or is the better question can she help him?

Chapters (3)

A modiste is like any artist, needing both skill and inspiration in order to work their craft. Rarity, unfortunately, finds herself in possession of only one, and when the normal avenues to awaken her muse fail to produce results, she decides a change of scenery is in order.

Her trip to the coast and the sleepy village of Portside begins as expected, but she rapidly finds herself stumbling into something far more embroiling than she had ever anticipated of her simple holiday.

Chapters (11)

(Prequel to Pegasus Feathers)
Apple Bloom has been avoiding her friends all throughout the new school year. Is there more to her story than what meets the eye, or has something drastic really happened to her?
WARNING: Spoiler Alerts To Those Reading Pegasus Feathers.

Chapters (1)

Luna's life did not just pick back up again right were it left off when she returned from the moon. Ponies got left behind, forgotten. And of those few who supported Luna and the night, some saw Celestia's actions to be treason. When a painful piece of Luna's past returns to do more than just haunt her, all of Equestria might just fall to the pained wrath of one pony's legacy.

Chapters (5)

Lyra and Bon-Bon want to have children, but being mares, they cannot conceive one. However, a young filly without a home may well become the daughter of two loving mothers.

Lyra finds said filly one evening and offers her a stay at their place for the night, but caring for the filly brings maternal instincts to life

rated teen, just in case

Featured 20/4 - 12/5/2014. Boxed 20-23/4/2014

new cover art thanks to watermane2000 who's other great pieces of wonderful art, pony and otherwise, you can find HERE

Chapters (9)

Rarity receives an invitation to Equestria’s most exclusive and secretive social club. The only catch is, she can only attend if she brings her lawfully wedded spouse. Fortunately, there’s a certain purple dragon who’s willing to help her overcome this little difficulty. It’s a simple, foolproof plan: get married, attend the club, and then get an annulment. Nothing is ever that simple, however… not their weekend, not their friendship, and certainly not their marriage.

Edited by Level Dasher

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Audio reading by Brook the Book Horse

Chapters (10)

"I asked a changeling once why they would think peace with Equestria was possible. Their response was the title to this book. I had asked a question on politics and gotten a calculus equation in response. Changelings are odd like that sometimes. They see things differently than the rest of us. I ended up pondering his response for a long time and even dusted off my old calculus books to look for an answer. One day it just clicked in my head what he was trying to say.

Changelings are capable of change.

It was a somewhat redundant answer, and it was a really bizarre way to give it, but I understood what he meant. Changelings, just like ponies, are capable of both good and bad, We could make peace with them, and help them learn to better themselves. That was what the changelings wanted, and ponies everywhere were fighting it. It is for that reason I began creating this book. Within this tome you will find a collection of essays, more like candid stories really, directly from Princess Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, and Prince Morpheus, leader of the Changeling Hive. These reports detail their lives from the day negotiations began. That is the day the Prince himself began living in Ponyville, and it comes with the story of how he and the little town came to adapt to each other as negotiations were occurring. It is my hope seeing their story will show anypony reading this there is no reason to distrust the changelings so, and, perhaps, it will give you insight into the strange little changelings as well. They truly want peace, and, despite the treaties being signed, we can only truly give it to them when we let go of our distrust."

-Changing Times, Author of dC/dt ≠ 0

Cover Image by Void Heart who's work is awesome.
Currently Editted by: Dreams of Ponies, zimmerwald1915, reprovedhawk, Malefactory
Previously Edited by: Twilight_Scratch, Zeta040, StainlessKey, Flink

Chapters (69)

While performing for the parade, the three fillies mess up really bad. They end up forgiving eachother, and try their luck again. Read to find out how they get their cutie mark!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie turns another page of notes, alone in the basement of Twilight's library. She hears a crash upstairs and then a sound like a flame being ignited. She hears him hesitate at the bottom of the stairs, then speak. "Chrysalis is going to be angry you're influencing the process."

Where do Pinkie's loyalties lie? With changelings or with ponies? How big of a difference is there?

Made for PI day Speed Run

Chapters (1)