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A year after Spike runs away from his home with Twilight in Ponyville, Spike mysteriously sends a letter to his friends to come rescue him. Twilight, Rarity, and Spike all must discover what they truly mean to each other, while Spike is conflicted with overpowering emotions and urges of greed and anger that come from being a dragon.

Chapters (7)

We are living our lives
Abound with so much information

We're all trapped in a maze of relationships
Life goes on with or without you

That's what I believe in until...

"Thou art I, and I am thou...
From the sea of thy soul, I come...
From the very moment of my emergence, I have been a guiding light shed to illuminate thy path...

When I heard those words... my whole life changed completely and one day I will find my truth...

Chapters (1)

Faithful knight of Celestia, Sir Spike de Draco leaves Canterlot with his young shieldmaiden Twilight Sparkle to embark upon a journey of stolen pony hearts, spontanious beard-sprouting, dozens of broken teeth and the smiting of evil left and right.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A Last Glimpse of my Dying Light

A plan, a knife, a horrible mistake. Spikes side of the story leading all the way up to the climax.. A quick follow up to the original title.
Note: If you have not read "A last Glimpse of my Dying Light" please do before continuing into this story as it probably will not make much sense. Unfortunately, I cannot disclose any more of the story, as it would spoil its prequel. Thank you and enjoy.

New reading of this story done by my friend Crafty Arts Here. Check out his YouTube channel and subscribe!

Chapters (1)

Sleeping can be hard. Sleeping forever, is harder. A sad story that delves more into the human soul rather than fictional and brings to light a very frightening question about death, possibly even your own.

New reading of this story done by my friend Crafty Arts Here. Check out his YouTube channel and subscribe!

Chapters (1)

Odd how some things stick in one's memory—certain places, personalities, sounds, even smells. Touching on one of these elements can cause a lifetime of experiences to come flooding back.

And just as quickly, they're gone.

First-place winner in The Write-Off Association's contest "Lonely Happiness."

Reading by The Living Library Player Society.
Another reading by DRWolf.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Cheerilee decided that she would allow each pony in her class to choose what the nature of their homework should be. That was her first mistake.

The second was to think that Scootaloo was serious.

Chapters (1)

After Nightmare Moon was Banished to the moon, The Bat ponies where without a ruler.
The Bat ponies started to rebel against the Sun Princess, and all hell broke lose in Everfree City.

The Sun Goddess didn't had any choice but to banish the Bat Ponies from Equestria so that peace would return.
But she was wrong after the banishment the Bat ponies started to unite and started to fight the Sun goddess and her subjects.

At night they attack, at day they hide.

Chapters (1)

A Changeling is being put to death from Canterlot imprisonment, and shares his thoughts and feelings mere hours before he is killed by a unicorn executioner.

My first real attempt at a short, sad story, so apologies if it isn't all that good.

Chapters (1)

After the explosion in Canterlot that sent all the changelings flying, Hrit realizes that he is not going to survive the landing. This is cause for some deep soul-searching. If he even has one, that is.

Originally written for the July 2013 Contest for the SFNW, but the contest never materialized, and I just got around to posting it now.

Chapters (1)