Favourites 606 stories
  • Favourites 606 stories - 6117 unread chapters
    Created by shinhi
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 33,171,060
Estimated Reading: 13 weeks



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Walking with the paws of an ancient predator, a young man finds himself in a strange world. A world where horses are the dominant species, and he’s a very rare and dangerous animal. How will a speechless man turned wolf deal with society? How will he approach ponies? Would he even want to bother speaking to them?

(Love interest is not revealed in any of the current chapters. So don't freak out when you don't see it. I'm also focusing on a very realistic sense of love. This will be a later part of the story when romance becomes truly relevant. Point out ALL errors to me when you see them, even the ones that have been pointed out already, and I'll see what I can do.)

(Special thanks to my EPIC Proof-reader and Editor ultra1437)

Chapters (11)

(Warning Tis a Displaced story!) Well... It sucks being in Equestria... I mean, yeah I'm a Brony... A closet Brony, but a Brony nonetheless, but getting sent there from a con by a dude who looked like the Resident Evil 4 merchant kinda sucks... And not because I don't get to see my family and friends ever again, but because I become a Sparten 4 under a minute... And then it hurts... And I mean it HURTS! I felt like I went through a grinder, then a wood chipper. It sucks... And all I have is Pathefinder armor, a DMR, and magnum. I also have Master Chiefs cloak from the Halo 5 trailer... What? I had to, I needed to look badass... And a have a knife like Emile's from Halo Reach... Once plastic now metal... Don't judge! You would've done the same fucking thing!... So... Hope you enjoy my misadventures in Equestria... That is, if you are reading this...

I own Nothing! All rights go to Hasbro for making My Little Pony.
And Microsoft for making Halo.
Enjoy the adventure!

Chapters (19)

This is such a drag, but if I don't make these things the purple princess will scold me some more.

As if being sent to a world filled with talking, magic ponies and being turned into a sword wasn't enough, but now I wake up after... who knows how long with holes in my memory. A shame one of those holes wasn't through succubus' chest. I guess I'm kind of lucky one of the ponies has magic that can help me, as long as she doesn't bring her friends around that knocked me off a balcony.

When I find Sunny, we're taking a nice long nap. I'm gonna need it after dealing with all of these nut cases.

A Soul Eater crossover.
Part of the Displaced Multiverse.

Chapters (8)

The usual stuff,

Got sent to Equestria by an item from my cosplay.
Got turned into the character I cosplayed as.
Now I'm stuck, though that's not necessarily a bad thing; my buddy Undertaker is here with me!

Though basically kidnapping a pony isn't a good way to get in the Princesses good books.

A Displaced Fic
I Do Not Own Black Butler Or MLP
If I did, Grell would totally have more screen time and Pinkie would get wings for a day.

Chapters (5)

So here I'm stuck in Equestria, in the form of Mewtwo from Pokemon, FUN!
What's not so 'fun' is that my appearance is frightening to most ponies. It doesn't help that I can only communicate by projecting my thoughts into the minds of others. Now I need to find some way to convince the Princesses that I don't want to harm anypony, and that there's something bigger is happening.

Chapters (19)

I am... or rather was your average twenty year old male brony. But let me introduce myself first, my name is Mi-... gah! dangit! was Mitchell and my favorite My Little Pony background character is Vinyl Scratch (or DJ-P0N3 for some). One day comic-con showed up in my hometown and instead of going as some silly anime or game character like all the other plebs, I went as the Equestria Girls version of Vinyl Scratch. I know, I know she is a girl but... it IS funny seeing the faces I get.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I bought the last missing piece of my cosplay, which was really just a pair of headphones that looked just like the ones the EQG Vinyl wore during the "Music to my Ears" short. That got me sent to Equestria many years in the past and, after a series of events (It was an accident!), I got myself stuck in stone.

I got out thanks to Dissy. And now that I'm free, I'll be here to spread the wubs! If only those uncool Daft Punk looking ponies would just leave me alone...

Chapters (17)

After meeting a strange merchant in a convention, I thought my life couldn't get any weirder.

Now I have my favorite video game character's powers and abilities. I have a full powered Varia Suit with all the upgrades from Metroid games without the other appearances. I have combat knowledge I never had before. I even have a talking hunter-class gunship to live in.

Well, I guess I should protect others, not like Equestria needs bounty hunters right?

Chapters (26)

Nightblade Bloodmoon:

Half-alicorn, half-zebra, half-changeling. One-hundred percent awesome and irresistible.

Nigel M Chalmers:

Does not want anything to do with her.

Follow Nigel on his quest as he attempts to shake off Nightblade, while also navigating around a foreign world.

Join Nightblade as she attempts to woo him, aided by her mysterious powers of infallibility.

Wonder just how Twilight Sparkle will deal with not one, but two unknown creatures as they cause unintentional havoc upon a peaceful Equestria.

Laugh on as I sink to a brand new low as an author.

What more could you want?

(Twilight appears in the second chapter, as I saw the word count and just had to keep it.)

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Putting on a Silver Robe and Wizard Hat

The former human known as Silver has attempted to throw his life away, but neither Luna nor his wife, Night Watch will tolerate this. He claims it was an impulse, but they will cure him of the deep breaks even if it means reassembling him from parts.

His life in Equestria has been full of ups and downs. He has two foals on the way, but has lost as many wives, and many more friends have moved on or away. He has been beaten, burned, and generally abused, sometimes at no fault of his own, and sometimes entirely at his discretion.

Savior of Canterlot, yet feared by many of its people, will Silver Lining find true happiness in this magic world of equines? Stripped of his diplomat status and declared a ward of Luna until such time as she proclaims him cured, he has little choice but the trust in her love, and hope it can fix the breaks within him, without destroying who he is.

Part of the Silver Verse.

Chapters (122)

This story is a sequel to Every Cloud has a Silver Lining

Silver Lining, now wielding a cutie mark and an insatiable desire to learn and codify magic, has graduated from grade school and now faces the challenges of a magic academy as a young adult. This former-human is learning his place in Equestria.

With his cutie mark earned, once David, now Silver Lining is eager to learn true magic and unlock its mysteries. Entering a new school, with most of his old friends departed for more practical jobs, Silver will have to rely on Celine(a miniature copy of Luna), and Night Watch(A bat pony/lunar pegasus) to steer him right as he enters the next phase of pony life as a young adult.

Will he survive his college years? Let's find out!

Chapters (312)