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    - October, 2014
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Hey, my name is James and everything was going great for me. I had a nice job, great house, loving family and the bestest friends you could have, but it all changed when I went to comic-con dressed as the legendary purple dragon himself, Spyro.

There I was checking out the different booths when a man called 'The Merchant' came literally out of no where and tried to sell me a power crystal from the Spyro games. I hesitated at first, but the price was reasonable so I bought it, but right when I grabbed the crystal I started to feel dizzy and that's when everything went black.

Now here I am stuck on a strange world, not knowing if I am ever going to find a way back home. Did I mention that there are also technicolor ponies that may or may not try to kill me?

OMG!! Featured 6/21/15
Featurd 6/22/15
Featured 2/27/2018

The first installment of The Hybrid Multiverse

[Displaced Story]
(Under rewrite. Chapters will say remastered)
(Third-person and First-person Transitions)
All the characters and pictures belong to their respective owners please support the official release.

Chapters (37)

I just simply go to Comic con with my friends then buy a Katana from a creepy merchant guy who transported me to Equestria. Now I lead a mix species Dynasty kingdom in Equestria, have some sort of bug-like pony have crush on me. A draconequus as my best friend and public enemy no.1 of the entire populace of Equestria well except for PonyVille. Well TO ADVENTURE!!!!

Note: The gundam is human size.

Chapters (2)

Dragons. Beings with incredible power and fire, yet most of them are peaceful creatures. But some of them have not accepted the peace. Some of them are as savage as they come. And with a dark force that sits behind the shadows and pulls the strings of these ferocious beast, chaos and destruction will come for all ponies. Desperate and afraid, Twilight uses her magic to reach out across time and space to find the greatest dragon fighter known to history!

That is not who she gets.

I own nothing. Written after season four and HTTYD 2. And despite what the title says, there will be no ponified characters.

Chapters (30)

A letter sits upon a table where it had not just a moment before. A golden glow lifts it as it unfurls in front of the reader.

Let us see here, how to begin?

Well, I suppose the best way to do so is with introductions. I am Prometheus and while I was, as one might say, tied up for quite some time I noticed your world. I have to say it's quite interesting, but unfortunately stagnant as well. So Miss Celestia I, being the patron of progress that I am, have sent someone your way. He is not a creature native to your world, a species I personally have a great deal of interest in, they're ambitious little scamps. I am bestowing a gift upon him as I send him, one he will in time learn to master. It is my hopes he brings progress to your world, but as the past has proven on many an occasion the best intentions can at times have the worst effects. We'll just have to see how it goes won't we.


Ha, not as smart as the bastard thinks he is. I managed to snag the paper from him. So "Miss Celestia" my name is Coal and apparently I'm supposed to stir up some dirt. I'll admit I know just as much as to what is going on as you do, but if he's the Prometheus I'm thinking of, things might be a little more complicated than he'd let us believe. Crap, he's coming back. Ummm... Why did I just waste time writing Ummm?

Winter is coming... I'm disappointed with myself if that's the best I can come up with.

Chapters (16)

Ok, so get this. A dude and his best friend reunite after a long while. They move in together and become roomates again, and decide to have one... Unique piece... of a weekend.

One of the guys has an obsession for racing cars and superbikes. Anything fast really. Not too shabby at it either. Also an absolute encyclopedia about mechanics. Engine, transmission, torque converter, fuel injection, you name it. He can build it from top to bottom. Crafty as F too, this guy. His name is Chris.

The other guy has the magic touch with technology. Real smart. No, genius. Builds computers from scratch and all that genius what not, and in his spare time he makes his own little devices. Some huge, some trivial. Could probably build a personal satellite for himself if he wanted to, and launch it to space with a home made rocket for whatever reasons. Wait wait, I think he did that already? -Uhh, his name is Joel.

Crafty motherfudgers who love each other like bros. Did I mention they're crafty? Like, can do pretty crazy-in-an-awesome-way kind of things?

Get it yet? Eh? Eh? Eh?


Ok, so in their little weekend of awesomeness, they decide to do some pretty nutty stuff that would unsurprisingly worry the US government if the white house ever heard about it. The government never found out about it in the end though. Want to know why?

Because the two crazy mofos ended up pulling some Back to the Future type of thing, (literally) and disappeared from the face of Earth.

I'm Chris, by the way. Sooo...

Join us in our glorious adventure in our new home. Equestria.- Okay, listen, we've done some pretty crazy sh*t ever since we got here. I'm being straight up with you. Don't say I didn't tell you, because I did. Mkay? Mkay. I warned you.

Note: This is a dual self insert. Along with my broski, Joel. This is purely for comedy, and the way we act in this story is pretty much spot on in many ways. Although most of the things we will do is for comedic purposes. Don't take it seriously. No butthurt allowed in the comments, got it?

We cuss occasionally, no more than you do probably. So yeah, contains strong language, probably some violence. It's a comedy in our taste, and our taste is pretty crude sometimes. Or witty. A bunch of things really.

This monster of a story was inspired heavily by this handsome piece: I Blame You by Whitestrake

Also, I feel that I must repeat this. Don't take this seriously. Once again, this is done ENTIRELY FOR COMEDY. Okay? Good.


Enjoy my ugly piece of beauty of a story!

EDIT [5/22/2014]: [BIG SPOILER] Wondering when exactly I'm going to have to add the romance tag... PRETTY SOON, WOOP WOOP!!

Chapters (26)

I used to be a human, but then I pissed off a wizard. Now I'm stuck in "Ponyville", in a land called "Equestria", and with no apparent way back home. I'm also pretty sure that I've just replaced somepony. I'd rather not have to answer any tricky questions, so I'm better off trying to be this unicorn whose name has been forced onto me.

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I'm not a pony.

[Rated Teen for extensive use of vulgar language and sexual references.]

[Cover art made by richhap on deviant art. Unamused Twilight, go figure.]

[Brybrythesciguy is working on a cool audiobook of this story right HERE. The characters' voices are even simulated with an AI! I definitely recommend giving it a listen!]

Chapters (50)

Previously called 'Broken Knife'.

Marcus. A closet brony who just came out of his shell goes to Brony-con with an MLP hoodie he made based off Pinkamena. He arrived, and bought a knife with Pinkie's Cutie Mark on the hilt. Now, he has to help the mane six fight their most deadly threat. Sunny Town. And fight insanity caused by images of him doing... Cupcakes... You get me. And take care of Apple Bloom, while sorting out his feeling towards a certain cyan Pegasus.

He also has to deal with weird 'Displaced' as they call it... Swell...

"A broken mare in the right place, can make all the difference..."

Chapters (5)

I'm going to start off by saying: F*** Sweat Goblins. They're rude, they're loud, they break into you lab and touch things without asking, and they teleport you to alien worlds right as you're about to get your engineering career going. But, most of all, they sweat a lot, and that's just gross.

Thanks to one of these foul little things, I have now been hurled into some place called Equestria, that's inhabited by Pastel colored ponies and is completely devoid of any modern technology.

Oh, and I'm a robot now. Why? I don't know, ask the Sweat Goblin that sent me here.

Chapters (6)

"Dying hurts. I should know first hand. I've died and come back more times than you have probably blinked. I've ended up in many bodies, but this one isn't even human. To add to the bad list, it's a foal. It's about to get weird."

Majestica Silversoul is a Lich, a Lich who has been living for a very long time, he'd been turned to what he was at a young age, never knowing the joy of a childhood, when he attempts to escape a paladin in a final ditch effort, he gets thrown into a new world of sentient creatures, with a second chance, maybe he'll change his ways to be a good guy that he might have been meant to be?

Probably not.

(Edit*: Featured on 9/4/2014! Thank you guys! You all are awesome. )

A big thanks to my editor: Nihatclodra

Chapters (2)


A concept that many beings strive tirelessly for throughout their existence, yet also might never have the privilege to see.

A concept that the whole of Equestria might finally be able to enjoy for a good long while.
Nightmare Moon has been defeated and Princess Luna restored, the changeling invasion was repelled, King Sombra was banished eternally and the Crystal Empire returned to its former glory, and even Discord himself was eventually reformed towards a better state. Indeed, it could be said that the ponies of Equestria might finally be able to relax and recuperate from many an averted crisis.

But peace is a fragile thing...is it not?

Since her recovery, Princess Luna has been pushing herself ever harder towards finally gaining her subject's acceptance that she longs for so much. However, as the months drag on, the stress has slowly begun threatening to bring her towards the breaking point. Whilst seeking out what she believes might finally show the ponies that she only means well, the Princess of the Night happens to stumble upon something not ever once seen upon the face of the planet. A piece of ancient knowledge, all but completely lost to the passage of time.

However, even the greatest of knowledge...has the potential for unmatched destruction.

I won't ask that you take it easy on me, only that you try to keep any criticism on the constructive level (unless I do something blatantly stupid and abhorrent...). In turn, I will do my absolute best to take all of your suggestions to mind, and attempt improve the story in any fields necessary.
All in all...it won't be perfect, but it is my greatest hope that it will in some way pique your interests.

Proofreading credits go out to Chasing Resonance

Cover art was commissioned by Eosphorite over on Deviantart.

Chapters (12)