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A new student came to Canterlot and is Name is, Lightning Bolt. At first he thought he would have nothing in that school, but now he have friends that care for him and lightning don't know he is the most popular guy in school and the most caring. now he will solve problems from students that need his help and maybe find love. but he doesn't know that every girl in school may have a crush on the poor guy.

Chapters (17)

One boy is brought to another world by a strange creature, and he doesn't enjoy his experience there

Chapters (1)

Cover art by Dawn Dreamer from Lunar Echoes

If you were to ask him, how he ended up in Equestria, he would answer that he didn’t know, nor care, not any more. You see, for Masao, all he cared about was serving his goddess, his princess. However, if you were to ask him how he came to be her ever loyal servant, her ever valiant and honorable Knight in shining armor, he would laugh and send you on your way. For our purposes however, we will explore the entirety of his life, from a little before the time he met his princess, to now. So pull up a chair, sit back and enjoy the story of the Lunar Knight, the only everlasting Knight of Equestria, the only good soul that practices black magicks with the approval of the crown, Ser Masao Darkheart…

Warnings: Character Death; Subtle references to human on pony action, some explicit mentions, but no scenes; Human in equestria;

Chapters (12)

One night, Fluttershy finds an injured man in her backyard. She soon discovers he's not like everypony else. She soon learns he's had a hard, lonely life. Can she help him, or will outside forces prevent them from both finding happiness.

A/N: I'm having a hard time figuring out what to do for my next chapter of The Brother, so I'll post the first few chapters of my other MLP story. This story's focus is overall romance, so don't expect much action. I may work in some comedy though. Oh, and the rating my go up in the future, but I haven't decided yet.

Chapters (3)
Chapters (20)

Jacob was a sad 19 year old boy who had a crummy life with his adoptive parents that don't care that much about him, but themselves. At times, he wanted to end his life, but he didn't have the guts to kill himself. One night however, he saw a shooting star and made a wish.

His wish came true... sorta.

He wakes up in the form of a werewolf and ends up saving the life of a pegasus who treats him as if he was a normal person. Could this world be better than the one he lived in when he was human?

Chapters (5)

See that pony in the back right hand corner of the classroom. That's me Howler, most ponies ignore me and those who do know I exist bully me. My life sucks especially when I began to change. My teeth became sharp and my eyes changed colors. Now will somepony listen to me.

Chapters (6)

What happens when an Timber wolf goes to Ponyville for an new start on life........how will the Ponies take it when one of the most feared monsters of the Everfree enters their town for the purpose of living among them? Even worse what will happen to the little town of Ponyville when somepony starts to fall for the Wolf in Wood!

Oh boy I need an hard drink

The cover art is what I believe to be what the Timber wolves should look like
Now enhanced with artwork by _vidz_

Chapters (6)

A young bubbly earth pony filly filled with happiness and a wolf with serious mind helps this young filly find a home. As they travel all over equestria they stop at ponyville to find out that ponies don't take to kindly of a wolf they believe holding this filly captive.

Anthro ponies

Chapters (7)

A young sentient creature known as a Jinouga, has been thrown out by his parents into the cold Everfree forest for not being 'aggressive enough'. The Jinouga has been a creature only known in myths and legends to all ponykind, but when this omnivore, with a very dangerous natural instinct, finds its way into Ponyville, will the inhabitants accept him as one of their own, will they throw him out, or will they utterly destroy him.

(This is an experimental story crossing over a creature from monster hunter and putting it into My Little Pony. This is going to be a sad/good feeling/cute story. Hope I do it well. I will also include pictures to help describe it a bit more)

P.S, this is a young Jinouga he is only about 3.5 ft tall and 7ft long from head to tail.

Chapters (3)