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A regular human arrives in Equestria and to most it would be a dream come true. But this human knows pratically nothing about the ponies or their world. With no home to return to, he is forced to brave this new world. So he does what any human in his situation would do. He survives.

Rated teen for swearing, blood and how it gets kinda dark. Written after season two. Updated after season 4.

Chapters (34)

When a human appears in Equestria and is considered a threat, he is forced to flee from everything in the new land with nobody to help him while he is chased by colorfull ponies that want nothing but put him in a cage.

Chapters (34)

This story is a sequel to The Girl Who Makes Your Heart Flutter

A couple of months have passed since the Mane 7 found their boyfriends and have planned and set up a big pool party at one of their houses to celebrate the good times they all had together. And to honor one particular couple who are going to be proud parents in just a few more months.

Chapters (1)

Anon is a macho manly man. He’s tough and resilient, coarse and rough. He takes no crap from anything or anyone. He is a strong independent green bean. He slays poon like no tomorrow.

He also has a griffin girlfriend. He likes it when she gives him cuddles.

Chapters (1)

A new disease. Some sort of radiation poisoning, and at the same time, not. The doctors can't help me, not just yet. Into the tube I go. I'll see you in five years, my wonderful Sarah. I love you.

One last ship. A single set of coordinates. I have no idea where they will take me, but there isn't anything else left for me here. Although, the 'Magic of Friendship' is a strange name for a space ship. I'm changing that to the 'Millennium Falcon' the first chance I get!
(As before, rated teen and gore, due to the fact I swear. A lot. You know, in case you didn't notice! And gore, because I'm not even sure where I'm going with this one!)

New tag! Yeah, not sure if it counts, but chapter 14 gets a bit more descriptive than I usually do.

Also, there is an alternate chapter to a later one/ one shot as a separate story.

Now with a sequel!

Chapters (30)

Head hurts.
Oh god.
Please yes.
I’m in Equestria.
Everything is too bright to be earth normally. It looks like a cartoon.
Ow, need to shut my eyes again. It’s too bright.
Who knew pony’s eyes were so sensitive?
Wait. Pony’s eyes can’t be this sensitive…
I’m almost seeing…heat.
Oh god. I need a mirror.
There’s the lake. It’ll do.
I look in.
That’s not a pony.
That’s a dragon.

Chapters (1)

Equestria is in general a really kind, wholesome place. You've been around the block a few times, and seen your fair share of hardship. But honestly? Some of the slang that these ponies seem to be worrying about is just... out of line. Don't seven year old's say worse things on Xbox Live?

This Story Contains: Nothing to Worry About. Trust Me.

Don't you Trust Me?

Reading by Straight To The Point Studios

Chapters (1)

Life living inside the Changeling hive is honestly pretty baller. Everyone keeps to themselves. You get to 'hang out' with the Changeling Queen. But when you get scolded for cleaning your belly-button lint in public, you learn something quite special.

Reading by Straight to the Point Studios

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to She means well

Not even a lazy lie-in is safe from magical horses sneaking in and making a nuisance of themselves.

Still, there are worse things in life, and this time at least she seems to have thought her plans through, and they seem to be going smoothly. Probably because she brought even more help.

Oh well, a man can just go with the flow, can't he? And enjoy himself. Why not? It's not so bad, he's still a softy and she is, all said and done, just plain lovely.

Chapters (2)

After her defeat in Canterlot, Queen Chrysalis returns to her hive to find it in ruin. Amidst the rubble, she finds a lone survivor.

Chapters (1)