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After emerging from the hive for the first time, the young prince finds a world lit by the harsh light of the sun, and the gentle glow of the moon. He becomes entranced by this new world and is determined to learn whatever he can about the world beneath the light and dark in the sky. As he develops relationships with the inhabitants of this world, he is pushed to question himself on whether or not he should stay and lead the hive, or walk amongst the ponies and the small group who call him "friend".

Chapters (3)

John was a simple man living in a big city. When he meets a strange woman, his life is forever changed. Surrounded by changelings and under the influence of their queen, can he keep his sanity and resist the curse placed upon him? Or will he be forced to commit atrocities and bring Equestria to its knees before Queen Chrysalis?

I do not own rights to My Little Pony, or any associated trademarks or copyrights. This work of fiction is merely a fan submitted fiction with no intention for monetary gain.

Chapters (29)

Changelings feed on love, emotions...so why take it by force? A certain Changeling thought, so he branched off long ago along with others who agreed with him and formed a new hive....right below Ponyville.

Tags will be updated appropriately...
...Written for the Dawws...I think.
Also hugs....HUGS FOR EVERYONE...AND CHEESE....cool, right?

Cover art by Zutcha, Picture sourced....all ya gotta do is click it.

Chapters (6)

--Soon to be under HEAVY re-write....because it sucks--

I'm serious. It's terrible. Stay away from it, just go read the sequel.

Well things couldn't be any weirder for Ian. Get knocked out a human one morning, wake up with the body of a baby changeling the next. Well, at least he still has his sparkling personality. Right? Well whatever the case, he'll be having some new experiences in this new form.

This is my first story so leave critique for improvement.

Teen for innuendo.
Edit: I got an editor, finally. He helped me with the grammatical errors in the last chapter. So a special thanks to Lan.

Chapters (8)

Queen Chrysalis believes that she has tasted every kind of love, and that it cannot stir her heart.

One day, a visitor brings her a love that is new, unique, and powerful. And in that moment, she feels something awaken within her.

But even at its strongest, love is not so simple; and the love that now sustains her may yet have the power to break her.

This story was expanded from its original appearance as a finalist in the March 2016 Writeoff ("It's Your Funeral") with the assistance of Icenrose and the late, great Miranda Laufeyson!

Chapters (1)

Based on the idea of Esle Ynopemos of thirty stories, here are thirty stories about the Changeling Queen. Some are happy, some sad, some a mixture of different things. At first I wanted to write all thirty before publishing, but I thought it would take too long and be too hard on the moderators. I will try and write all thirty by the end of the year if real life lets me.

Chapters (9)

Sound Shock, a changeling who wanted nothing more than to live a normal life.

Soon after he cut his connection to the hive to free and clear his mind from the evil of the hives queen, and to be able to live with his mind alone, he makes a life changing discovery.

Now without the hive and a normal life ahead of him he takes on the challenge of being an earth pony.

*small amounts of comedy and very little romance so don't expect a lot of that.*

Chapters (12)

He saw how the world and mankind came to an end. He...They saw how they try to survive.
He saw how war never change but They saw how men did. The trail that those left for those who were willing to follow. They saw him as a God. Now...now he is alone but that about to change.
He might find redemption or damnation.
Depending on how He/They see(s) the world now.
Because for Him...They
Life. Life Never Changes

I might change the status while I am writing the other chapters
Really hard when you don't read and just go with it.

A very special thanks goes to KeatsLocksley that is helping me with the grammar and made the official cover for this FF
Another thanks goes to Rainbow Dash for givving me the guts to write my FF and not to puss... back away. Here the blog for more info

Chapters (2)

Note: This story has been cancelled. There are plans in place to post an improved and revised version in the future.

Shortly after Queen Chrysalis and her hive failed to overtake Canterlot, Princess Celestia received a request from another hive to meet for peace talks. Having always been one to prefer harmony and peace over war and strife, Princess Celestia accepted the request right away. She prepared everything to be ready to accept the king that was going to be visiting.

Celestia brought in Shining Armor and Princess Cadence to assist her in making her decisions. She had warned her sister, and both the Day and Night Guard. She had even made sure to put the changeling drone they'd found infiltrating her guards in the dungeon, just to make sure that Chrysalis' hive had been taken care of.

She had not planned for her guest to arrive and tell her that said changeling belonged to his hive.

Princess Celestia could only hope that the peace talks won't be cancelled as a result.

(Warning: CelestiaxOC in the future, hence the romance tag.)
(Rating for language. Character tags will be added as they are introduced.)
(Proofread and edited by DarkPhoenix.)

Chapters (6)

Ultimately, what Anon learned was to never trust Cadance. (Contains gratuitous Scottish accent)
{This story has two versions, the last chapter is the first person version.}

Chapters (2)