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Sweetie Belle has failed to get her cutie mark. Again! Deciding to go for a walk in order to try and forget about it, Sweetie finds that she has somehow stumbled into the Everfree Forest! While looking for a way out, Sweetie comes across a creature you never want to cross. A Timber wolf!

However, this one seems a bit...small. And scared. and trapped in a hole in the ground!

Having a change in heart, the young pony decides to help the poor pup. However, this pup doesn't seem to want to leave her alone now...things only go downhill from there.

I suck at description. I am so sorry.

Morgan: that's not the only thing you suck at...


Chapters (2)

Inspired by the anime movie 'Wolf Children' and the MLP Fic 'Raising a Human in Equestria'

It's was a normal morning for Fluttershy, doing her usual routine and caring for the animals of Ponyville. She thought it would be a normal day for her.

Fate thought otherwise.

Follow this cute journey as Fluttershy cares for a human that can transform into a wolf by its free will. Of course this story isn't going to be all sunshine and rainbows for the two, for Fluttershy has to keep this human a secret from all of Ponyville (Minus her Friends) and the two rulers of Equestria.

Featured on November 1st, 2014! Thanks everypony! I'll do my best in keeping this fic interesting!

Chapter 1 Audio Reading
Chapter 2 Audio Reading

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to He Who Wields The Lightning


This may be my only chance to save them, if they can be saved. I pray that Celestia is not yet consumed by the power or that Luna has not completely given into her hatred yet. But they have put Equestria at war with itself. And then there's Black Adam...I know that I cannot save them, but hopefully my champions can. And if they cannot save them and attain their Elements...then we will all face destruction.

If you have not read my other stories you will be confused as heck. But don't let that stop you from diving on in. Warning. MAJOR multiverse. If you don't like that thing, odds are you won't like this.

Banner, Adam and Ryan will be in the spotlight more so than the other characters as they are the one's whose character arcs need finishing. That's just how this turned out.

Pic by karate-chop.

Chapters (47)

My programming or my training did not prepare me for this. I understand completely what I must do to protect the people of my city, but when confronted with these...ponies, I am not sure how my directives work. But I do know that they live like people and feel like people, so I shall carry out my duties to them as if they were my people. And that is to serve their trust. Uphold the law.

Protect the innocent.

Robocop will be the older version and most of the story will be him from the first movie with some of the other two added in. Robocop will still be more machine than man when the story begins, so he won't talk that much or have too much inner monologue, but from there...we'll see.

Chapters (26)

Chaos runs rampant in the night. Screams of those innocent that are caught by the grime and filth of the criminal are never answered. The guard cannot keep up with all the crimes being commited. But thankfully for them and all of the ponies that live in Equestria, there is someone who watches from the shadows, one that stalks the stalkers. A silent guardian that brings vengance to those who deserve it. And they will be needed more than ever, as a group seeks to unleash a great evils back into the land. And it will be a day that no pony can forget. But just as there must be a day, there must also be a knight.

Sequel to the Dark Knight for Equestria and sister story to For Her Mistakes. Comment or critque.


Chapters (28)

As I opened my eyes, what I saw in front of me shocked me. There are 6.....creatures staring at me with curiosity, probably because they have never seen anything like me before. I know they are females. Need proof? All I have to say is, Boobs. 'Nuff said.

(Anthro Ponies)
Hi guys. Hope you enjoy reading this!

(On a different note, THANK GOD THERE'S AN ANTHRO TAG NOW!)

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to My New Life in Equestria: Helping Has Its Ups and Downs

It's the first day of a new school year at Canterlot High and many ponies are excited and coming form various towns to attend. A train arrives from Ponyville and out come eight new freshmen, each more different than the next.

They hope for their first day to be low key and normal. But unfortunately their looks, personalities, and parentage might ruin it for them. But hopefully if their first day doesn't go well, then maybe the rest of the year will?

Chapters (9)


Josh and Sam had been friends since school, they had stuck with each other through thick and thin and are now close room mates, always joking with each other yet being there when it really counts. However, when they enter the world of Equestria, they have to start off in a world they know nothing about, doing whatever they can to earn the money to repay the ones that help them while trying to live a peaceful life. One can only hope that their lives are peaceful.

(Hi guys, sorry about the description, I didn't really know how to describe the story. I really want to just say that they go through various crazy antics. If you like the genres then please give it a try before passing by it, I understand I haven't written the description well. Please don't leave bad comments because it's HiE or anthro, if you don't like that then don't read the story. Criticism are always welcomed. Minor sex stuff like jokes, references and leading up to clop but there won't actually be any, obviously seen in the fact there's no mature tag. Cover picture by juliefofisss)

Holy hell, this got featured :D

Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Wolf In Pony's Clothing

Six months ago, Ardi was just a lone wolf from the Great Northern Forests scouting Equestria, keeping well away from those magic-using Ponies and their terrible Burning Queen.

Six weeks ago he was hiding out from a dragon in a town full of panicked Ponies intent on turning him into a wolfskin rug and stuck inside of an enchanted ponysuit with only one shy flier-pony, three excited pony-pups, and one underhanded baby dragon to cover for him.

Now he's returning to that same crazy town, no longer a wanderer but an ambassador and eager to make amends for his deception.

He's willing to bury the hatchet. As are the Ponies, but in what part of his anatomy?

A sequel to Wolf in Pony's Clothing.

The cover art was done for me by the talented Baron Engel.

Chapters (1)

Phil Phillips isn't your everyday slacker. His life practically redefined relaxing and his antics practically redefined ridiculous pranks. One day however, life decides to give Phil a taste of his own medicine when the effects of an ancient comet send him to the magical pastel world of Equestria, but not without consequences. The after effects of the comet give him an odd, unwanted power. Whenever Phil gets wet, he becomes an irresistible mare magnet! Can Phil survive the onslaught of horny mares?
Not a self insert.
Takes place immediately after the events of "Keep Calm And Flutter On."
Side note: All chapter titles will be Led Zeppelin song titles. Because fuck you, that's why. All rights reserved.

Chapters (19)