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[Second Person fic starring you and Roseluck]
It's the beginning of summer and you have nothing to do. One day you're wandering the market and you notice a new girl working at one of the flower stands. You decide to talk to her, and a new friendship is born, but soon after, things start to pick up and you're just caught in the middle.
Author's Notes:
-My first time writing a human romance.
-Sorry if it's a little rough in places, this comes after a huge hiatus of writing, so I need to get back into the swing of things.

Chapters (2)

[Second-person romance fic starring "you" and Lyra] Months have passed since you, a human, have appeared in Equestria and were taken in by a pony by the name of Lyra Heartstrings. Now, you and her are the best of friends, being nearly inseparable.

But what happens when you begin to develop more romantic feelings for the musical mare? Will you face rejection and ridicule? Or does Lyra have some secret feelings of her own?

NEW! Internet Reading!

Chapters (18)

How far will you go for love? What would you pay for it? David has a deep seated love for Rainbow Dash and when an opportunity arises for him to make a deal and receive 24 hours with Rainbow, he jumps at it. However, this deal he made is not free, and it may cost a life. Self Insert/HiE

Chapters (1)


Alexander is many things:
a skilled survivalist, good looking, and a Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do, just to name a few. However, Alexander is not a brony by any stretch of the imagination. When he stumbles upon a door-like object and takes a trip to Equestria he's not in the best of moods....

Now my new head pre-reader in charge of reading anything I write days before you get it! Sethi

Special thanks to Smurzek for catching those little grammatical errors that always manage to slip through my fingers...

Author Note
Criticism and reviews are welcome!

Chapters (30)

Living here in Ponyville can be tough if you're not mentally prepared. For one thing, you are surrounded by talking ponies. And the other thing? Well, living in Ponyville as a human of course! These four-legged creatures freak out every time they see me. And they call me weird?

To survive here, you need bits (Cha-Chings $). To actually get bits, you'll need a job. I must've been crazy, setting up a bakery shop right next to the already popular one, Sugar Cube Corner. But hey, a dude's gotta live, ya know?

But...business has been horrible. I can barely make any sales. Probably cause I'm a human. And I'm right next to Sugar Cube Corner. Will anypony ever come to my bakery shop? Will my shop be able to last?

I guess I'll have to wait and see.

My very first HiE. Hope I don't do too badly at this. Also, cover image is adorable.

Cover art by the great BurnedPigeon

Chapters (4)

Nine humans. Nine Mares. Normal Lives. That's all about to change!

This has nothing to do with Ponyfall. Please, don't confuse our story with that. This is just something we're doing for fun.

This is a collaboration between nine authors:
Marcus: Sartarus
Isaac: Inoeitall
Doug: Gyrofest96
Kasper: Glassed
Coal: Coal Buck
Ryan: RaiderRy4n
Benjamin: The Producer
Camron: Frostbite
Kyle: k12314

Chapters (7)

This is the story of a Brony with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Given a chance to start over in Equestria as a Pegasus Pony, he relearns everything he ever knew thanks to Princess Celestia and 3 very special little fillies. He goes from Student, to Teacher, to Mentor, to Wonderbolt, to Friend. Follow Breeze Rider as he flies through life, facing danger and love in equal parts, where he finally gains everything he ever wanted and more.

NOTE : I marked it Teen because there is a bit of more Romantic Shipping near the End and I don't wanna get in any trouble. There also is an injury or two at one point, but as its not of the butchering variety and I dont go into anything but base detail, I didnt feel the need to put a content rating for Gore.

Enjoy. I appreciate any feedback, as long as its not made to be intentionally hurtful.

Chapters (33)

Life at the post office has always been the same since you got to Ponyville, and worse, you always end up sleeping on the job! It almost seems like you're destined for a life of getting chewed out by your boss as you just can't seem to stay interested with sorting through the mail.

It seemed that way before you met the most lovely pony on a delivery that was forgotten but one of the mailmares. Now you can't seem to get this beautiful mare out of your head, and you're both ecstatic and horrified of interacting with her on a daily basis, now that your boss has officially made you a mailman.

You're not sure if this is fate, or if this is just the worst luck you've ever had. It looks like you'll just have to wait and see!

[It's a 2nd Person Romance, Starring YOU and Roseluck!]

Chapters (3)

Being brought out of prison is one thing. But to be brought out after 1000 years and to find your body has aged 10 years but your mind hasn't is a completely different thing.

Such a thing happened to a boy shrouded in a dark forgotten past who at just eight years old was trapped inside the Crystal Heart for a reason he doesn't remember.

Armed with a shard of the Crystal Heart in place of his own and an underaged mind will he be able to find out why he was brought back into reality, why he was trapped in the first place and what's changed about his body and the world around him.

Featured: 19/06/2014 (We did it guys :D )

Chapters (8)

"Everything scared me. The thunder, the twisted trees, and the darkness. The darkness was the worst. Everywhere I ran, it followed. No matter how fast or in what direction it was there....I cried out for my mother, but there was no response. Every cry was ignored, until she came."

While on her way back to Canterlot, Princess Celestia must stop in Ponyville for the night while a storm blows over. She finds a young colt crying for his mother in the Everfree Forest. He only remembers some basic spells and his age. She takes him back to Ponyville, only to learn that no one has even seen him before. The Princess takes him back to Canterlot and tries to find him a home, but something happens that changes all of that.

This is my first story so please be honest with me and help me become a better writer.

Featured on 7/2/2014 and 10/17/2014 and 6/17/2015 WE DID IT! Thanks to everyone who's been reading since the beginning and to everyone who has even glanced at the story.

Chapters (39)