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[What if story of the events of Unexpected Changeling: what it means to be loved.(reading not required) Quick warning to those who have been reading the Unexpected changeling fic. This fic contains some future concepts for that story. Just throwing a heads up, this does contain spoilers for it.]

So Celestia and Luna have a new nephew! That's great! Now all they have to do is let Shining Armor know he's been a dad for about five years, deal with the fact that his kid's a changeling, and restore power to the queen who attacked their city! There is no way this could end badly!

Art by Dopple

Chapters (3)

"The bloody Captain had me clean the Princess's private lavatory last night for smoking on duty. It doesn't seem bad I know, but given she had another one of her bloody cake binges last night... it took me hours to scrub that sh*t off the ceiling..."

Meet Copper Hand, a Private in the Royal Guard. (Not by choice.)

Take a journey into his life through his journal entries that detail the horror thrill there is to being one of Celestia's finest.

A simple series of short journal entries. Humanized ponies, rated teen for language and some sexual related comments.

Pre-read by RainbowBob and DVAN56 Edits done by Bad_Seed_72. Go give them some love!

Inspired by the art by the fantastic egophilliac, go check her art out and her awesome blog!

Chapters (9)

Since Anonymous has arrived in Equestria, he’s made little effort in forming friendships in the land most representative of it. Through his abrasiveness and social isolation, he has actively avoided public gatherings, parties, and even simple conversations. Thus, Celestia decides to take on the teaching role once more and show Anonymous how magical friendship can be. 

Edit: Caught another feature. Nice.

Chapters (10)

A human living in Canterlot castle is given to Queen Chrysalis as part of peace negotiations between Equestria and the Hive. Celestia knew she shouldn't have let Luna finish the negotiations herself.

Cover art by jalm on Derpibooru.

Featured on 4/22/20. Thanks guys!

Now with audio readings by StraightToThePointStudio! Go check them out.
The Audio Reading Playlist

Chapters (6)

Chrysalis might be one of the most evil, vile, and dastardly villains that Equestria has ever known. She might have been responsible for nearly destroying the world more than once, she might even be a soul-sicking, shapeshifting monster, but she is still a mare.

She had never been given a genuine, honest compliment from someone that wasn't under threat or stuffed into a feeding pod or mind controlled. Today that is going to change.

Cadence really hasn't happy about the whole thing.

Artist is llamacheesecake

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Dear Princess Sunbutt

When Anon takes the liberty to inject his particular brand of humor into Twilight's friendship lessons, Celestia feels the need to respond, more often than not.

A somewhat unofficial sisterfic to 2Merr's Dear Princess Sunbutt

There may not be a response to every letter, and letters 1-11 were taken from my comments in said sister-story.

Please support 2Merr's story too if you like this one. This is written with encouragement of the original author.

(Note: Picture used without permission from Derpibooru. Upon request it will be promptly removed.)

EDIT: Apparently someone's done a reading of this and its sisterfic over on Youtube! Why does nopony tell me these things.

Chapters (154)

Anon takes over Spike’s job of transcribing Twilight’s friendship reports. He does exactly what you’d expect.

Companion fic containing Celestia’s replies up to Letter 120 - To: Anon, From HRH Sunbutt written by Snow

Chapters (190)

Cadance thought it would be a normal quiet day, that is until Anon, the most evil villain Equestria has ever seen, stumbles in her throne room.


Now with a sequel: The After Days

Chapters (1)

An ancient law of Canterlot states that each species present within the city must have an adequate diplomatic representation. There are no exemptions from it, even as far as interdimensionals aliens are concerned. As such, Anonymous the Human must pick up the mantle of an ambassador for humanity, even if he is the sole specimen. Even if he doesn't want to.

But it's not all bad news for him. After all, with such a responsibility also come some privileges. Personal guard detail, generous private mansion, all expenses covered by the crown. And of course, diplomatic immunity. Only that, thanks to the pony magic, the word immunity is taken much more seriously in Equestria.

Proofread by Havana

Chapters (1)

A horse appears semi-regularly. A magical horse. Mainly she comes to relax and take up space. She's polite and friendly but it did take some getting used to.

Still. Worse things have happened.

A reading by Straight To The Point Studio.

And by me.

Chapters (1)