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Sweet Biscuit may or may not have a slight cookie addiction. She also may or may not break into Anon’s house to steal his cookie jar. Again. Or maybe it’s just because she misses him.

Either way, they're happy enough to see each other again.

... Though that doesn't mean Anon won't lose a sweet or two in the process.

Art stolen. Send the artist some love!

Chapters (1)

A genuine oblivious simulator.

Watch as pony after pony, throw themselves at you!

And you simply act borderline retarded.

Contains Mild Cursing And Lots Of Sex Slang!

I Wrote This As A Gift To My New Mate MDCommissioner!

It's dumb and silly but I hope you still enjoy luv!

Art By PonutJoe, check source for link.

Bloody Featured On 1\19\20 & 1\20\20 & 1\21\20 & 1\22\20 & 1\23\20 & 1\24\20!

Chapters (9)

Anon has been forced into Canterlot's throne room. Even worse, Princess Celestia is inside of it. Crying silently.

Welp, there's only one real solution here.


Now's the time to hope this isn't a crime of any sort, and that he isn't sent to the sun anytime soon.

First publicized story- would definitely appreciate criticism.

And being completely honest- this was made in under an hour. A product of sudden inspiration.

Edit 5/17/19: Christ, featured less than an hour after it was posted and generally liked- i'm honoured. Glad you all enjoyed my silly little story!
As of 12/12/22, this still manages to appear on popular stories and featured occasionally when I post, which I cannot fathom-

Now featuring a Ko-fi for the generous, looking to help me out or the folks I want to support in my life.

Chapters (1)

Three alicorns are tired of their subjects and their constant whining and complains. So one fateful day, they make a silly wish. But the wish came true...
One human, a lonely guy with the name, Anon, who does not have a job, friends or a family, is riding his big RV in North-Norway. Every day is the same; driving, fueling, eating, driving.
Until one day everything changes.

Featured for over 4 days!!!

(-Just a heads up. i suck with grammars and stuff, so expect some changes and corrections in the future. Also please point out my mistakes if you would. Thanks. Now let the games begin!)

-(cover art goes to the guy who made it!)-

Chapters (7)

Thanks to Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Equestria has known its longest period of peace! Except for the reoccurring existential threats. And if you ignore that thousand years when the Elements of Harmony weren't needed.

Well, that time is over. A new villain has come to tame the mythical land of magical horses. Or, well, he's there at least. Equestria has a way of taming itself.

Chapters (3)

Trixie is the best stage performer you have ever seen in Equestria since your arrival. Her flamboyancy, sassy attitude, and grandiose shows overwhelmed you the first time, and you never get enough of it. It comes to a head one day when you decide to check up on her after a show.

Turns out, Trixie may need you more than she lets on.

Now with a reading by Agent Fluffy!

Chapters (1)

When a human and his home land in Equestria, his love of speed quickly draws a few ponies to him, most notably Princess Luna. But her own desires and secrets soon begin to create, starting with a failed spell that leaves her and Anonymous in each other's bodies for a time. Anonymous narrowly escapes the mental torture Nightmare Moon has in store, lying in wait in the back of Princess Luna's mind, her absence setting the fiend free. But things do not go back to normal when the spell is reversed....

Why suddenly can he and Luna speak to each other telepathically? How is it possible for him to walk alongside Luna in the dream realm? Perhaps worse, someone comes calling not long after....


Originally posted as an Anon in Equestria short based on my own love of cars (and Luna), I started this story as a little thing to pass the time of a hot summer and being stuck in the only air conditioned room of the house. Three years later, this story has gone way beyond an automotive tale, and I'm still going at it, for better or for worse.

For anyone that has followed me and my pastebin, this story is the same, but I have combined some chapters and (obviously) rewritten it and given it a little polish from its original greentext style.

Chapters (35)

Ex-army ranger Aaron is sent to Equestria after his untimely death. His body on earth was so mangled that he didn't have a choice, go to Equestria or be stuck in limbo for 50 years. He took option A. But when his arrival makes him seem like a threat, he will now be chased through hell and back by the ponies that he loved. How will the hero deal with the fact that Discord is rearing his ugly head. And how exactly did Celestia know what a human was?

This is a serious toned story, not one of my poor attempts at comedy.

Chapters (4)

Behind Celestia's graceful smile and kind eyes, secrets are hidden with a thousand years of practice. The whispered legends of her depravity hide a dark grain of truth, hidden in the mists of time: the clash with Nightmare Moon left her with scars that will never heal.

This was written before Season 4: it's in a Season 3 universe.
An eighth chapter, by Icebox Froggie, is on its way, and will be added to the story at some point.

Wonderful Cover Art By: PonySlayer, aka JonnySalami
Mailbox Bomber (From Bronyville Forums)
Ininsaki (From Bronyville Forums)
The 11th Wonder

Chapters (7)

I am Spur. I'm a fourteen year old teenage filly who lives on the bayou with my Ma and Pa. Most of you know me because of my little sister.

My little sister was Cozy Glow. One of the most reviled villains in Equestrian history.

(A/N: This story is particularly dark, so I've been told. Read at your own risk.)
Contains series finale spoilers. Cover image credit.

EDIT: My first featured story, 10/16-10/18/2019! Hooray! :yay::pinkiehappy:
EDIT: Featured again, 10/29, 11/17/2019, 4/6/2020, 5/26, 8/18, etc! :twilightblush:

Some praise for My Sister, Cozy Glow:

I had just finished watching the finale, which killed my incentive to write, but upon reading this, I'm glad to say that it brought it back. Thank you for writing this, MicahDebrink. --IReadYouWrite

Man, there's so much emotional depth packed into each and every word. --Thought Prism

This fic is far outside my usual fare but I am still enjoying it immensely. --SockPuppet

Chapters (15)