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This story is a sequel to Mending Hearts:Fluttercord

Discord and Fluttershy are enjoying marital bliss, however Discord quickly learns that love is more chaotic than chocolate filled cotton candy clouds. His patience is tried many times in their marriage, but in the end his love for her shines through. Who ever said love didn't come with a little bit of chaos?

Chapters (14)

Day 2 of Fluttercord Week 2020 (Theme: Opposite)

To: Fluttershy

With Love, Discord

Cover Art by Pegasister223
(Please go check out their art, it's amazing!^^)

Fluttercord Week: https://www.fimfiction.net/group/214010/fluttercord-week

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Discord have been through a lot, in their friendship and their romance. But finally, they're married, and things can settle down now...right?

Fluttershy should have known that things aren't that easy when Discord's involved.

A collection of random, fluffy drabbles. Not much of a plot here.

Amazing cover art made by Eveeka!

Chapters (100)

This story is a sequel to The Ponies who Played with Fire

Warning: Some comments may contain spoilers

After being injured during the events of The Ponies who Played with Fire, a now-captive Discord is awaiting trial for murder, while Fluttershy and her small band of allies are facing possible enemies on every side in their desperate struggle both to clear Discord's name and avoid their own capture.

AU Fluttercord set eleven years after the first three seasons minus the Discord episodes. Inspired by Discord and Fluttershy's relationship both in the show and several fanfics (*cough* Bride of Discord *cough*) Based loosely on the plot from "The Girl who Kicked the Hornets' Nest" by Stieg Larsson. Rated T for some plot-related Murder Mystery Elements.

Edited by Nightwalker

Constructive Criticism is welcome.

Cover art belongs to me so please do not take without permission. Thank you.

Chapters (14)



At Canterlot University, Fluttershy, a young and beautiful twenty-six-year-old girl, dreams of becoming a veterinarian. She and her friends are studying different careers, but they all must pass one important class: Advanced Chemistry.

Dean Celestia wished her oldest friend would have asked her, literally, anything else but teaching Science class at her college. Discord is not the most responsible or serious person she knows, at all. But he is willing to be a good and "funny" teacher as long as he can pay his rent and have a fresh new start.

For being a forty-one-year-old man, Discord's known for being childish, weird, eccentric, and chaotic. But when he meets a certain young student, he is fascinated with her kindness and curiosity for learning, making him considerate her as his "favorite student".

But what started as an innocent and un peculiar friendship, becomes a passionate and forbidden romance, leading to worries with the school rules, students gossiping, and even the authorities. All goes from bad to worse when a new Gym trainer is introduced, with a dark past and dangerous intentions with the students, especially the attractive animal lover girl.

*This is story is inspired by a friend from Discord Server called @ChaoticBoop. Her amazing imagination and drawings inspire me to write this story. The amazing Cover Art and the other drawings on one of the chapters are also made by her. Follow her on Tumblr: https://thechaoticboop.tumblr.com/

NOTE: Some ideas from this story are hers, and other ideas are originally mine. She deserves credit for this story as much as I do.

WARNING: This story is a Teenage rating but there will be drawings and some dark things in a character's past. There are gonna be some really explicit and specific scenes, for +18 years- old only! Written and drawn. BUT NOTHING UNCENSORED! There'll be a content warning at the chapter title. Read under your own responsibility.

QueenZozer, another friend in the Discord server, with ChaoticBoop, has done Audio Readings of "My Chemistry Teacher" fanfic! I can not tell you how honored and touched I am about this, so here are the links of the chapters made so far, in case you want to download them and listen to them. Their voices are very accurate! Hope you enjoy them!
Chapter 1: http://www.mediafire.com/file/1mw0lj2qs28otpa/Chapter_1_of_My_Chemisty_Teacher_Final.wav/file
Chapter 2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/jr2uqd6cud0q5sn/Chapter_2_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_Final.wav/file
Chapter 3: http://www.mediafire.com/file/k8y9q9gbu7vvjb8/Chapter_3_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_Final.wav/file
Chapter 4: http://www.mediafire.com/file/xh39vt87x8you2b/Chapter_4_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_FINAL.wav/file
Chapter 5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/y70kh724spft319/Chapter_5_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_FINAL.wav/file
Chapter 6: http://www.mediafire.com/file/hxqoa2m6d5ncsuh/Chapter_6_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_FINAL.wav/file

I'll post the rest of the chapters on the description once the new ones are released.
Hope you'll like them! And special thanks to Queen Zozer and ChaoticBoop!

Here are the BLOOPERS, in case you want to hear them:
C1 & 2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ywoxucrmtf7jq9e/Chapters1%25262Bloopers_of_My_Chemistry_TeacherFINAL.wav/file
C3: http://www.mediafire.com/file/bclbf3pk20ah8jz/Chapter_3_Bloopers_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher.wav/file
C4: http://www.mediafire.com/file/q6hgeirxjhc9fus/Chapter_4_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_Bloopers.wav/file
C5: http://www.mediafire.com/file/7agx7pvwv0lisec/Chapter_5_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_Bloopers.wav/file
C6: http://www.mediafire.com/file/evc13nqwpvpk7wi/Chapter_6_of_My_Chemistry_Teacher_Bloopers_FINAL.wav/file
:pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy: :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (9)

Lady Fluttershy meets Sir Big Macintosh, a knight known through many kingdoms for his strength and bravery. Many ponies think the two of them would be a wonderful match...but she has doubts.

But Discord, the Chaos Lord, suddenly offers her a surprising deal—he'll fake her kidnapping, and let her watch the resulting battle between him and the knight so she may see his true colors. She warily accepts...but this deal has consequences neither of them see coming.

Day One of #FluttercordWeek

Chapters (1)

What if Discord had not been turned to stone by the Mane 6? What if he had escaped?
It is three years later and the Mane 6 have moved on with their lives, all except Fluttershy, who cannot get the draconequus out of her mind. The others are happy in their new and comfortable lives, until their enemy returns and will only relieve Equestria of his havoc in exchange for a bride.

This has been adapted into an audio series.

Also, here's a dramatic reading by Pablo Didonna, and one by 666HellGirl1

Cover Art by Nstone53

French: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Une-Mariee-pour-Discord-La-fuite-440318295
Spanish: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10203187/1/La-Novia-de-Discord

*Bronyland Pony Awards Nominee 2013

Chapters (18)