• Member Since 17th Feb, 2012


I should probably put something here, shouldn't I?

Favourites 285 stories
  • Favourites 285 stories - 27 unread chapters
    Created by xTSGx
    - October, 2014
Found 251 stories in 81ms

Total Words: 7,380,353
Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



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Twenty years before the Summer Sun Celebration that would set Nightmare moon free, Princess Celestia and thousands of other ponies simply slumped over dead with no explanation. A new lavender Alicorn with a magenta colored starburst cutie mark appears suddenly and takes the throne on virtue of her being the only one who can now raise and set the sun. Twilight, now calling herself Penumbra, is the only one who remembers the normal history of Equestria and her friends from Ponyville. Accompanying her are a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane, known as Spectra, and an orange earthpony with a blonde mane called Malus - her daughters who appear to be some mix of their mother Alicorn and two unidentified regular ponies.
Now, on the longest night of the thousandth year, Luna has returned to Equestria, free of the Nightmare and her own powers mysteriously drained.
Soon Pinkie Pie, the Element of Laughter, and Vinyl Scratch, a down on her luck DJ, find themselves on a quest to assemble the Elements of Harmony while being forced to evade Penumbra and her children.

Special thanks to:
-Timefather64 for helping me make this idea not a bad one.
-Jonshine for writing the line in his own story that in the end inspired this idea.
-OrphiusOlyandra for pre-reading and helping me be a less awful writer.
-AlicornPriest for pre-reading and giving me pointers on grammar.
-Slayerdarkcross on deviantart for letting me use his image. You should check out his other stuff.

Chapters (5)

A rogue tornado wreaks havoc over Ponyville during a scheduled downpour storm. While no severe casualties occurred, the exception is with Fluttershy, who is badly injured. Rainbow Dash is distraught, having nearly lost her best friend and the only pony she ever loved. Now along with their friends, they must cope as best as they can after such a disaster.

Co-written with StormySummer

Chapters (3)

I was the Element of Magic. I was the saviour of Equestria. Now i am something more.

For millennia, magic in Equestria has been a force for good. Unicorns and Alicorns have used their spells for the prosperity of ponykind, and the Element of Magic has saved the land countless times, or so i thought.
I saw secrets of magic that far exceed the experience of any Alicorn. I have trifled with powers that transcend the Elements of Harmony themselves.
I have seen it all, and i have learned to control it from a master i though lost for the ages.

I walked the Road less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.

Chapters (7)

Rainbow Dash has experienced many crashes, and somehow manages to pick herself up and carry on after a couple of weeks. However when she suffers a crash that would be fatal to any other normal pegasus and somehow manages to survive,and a suspicious Twilight begins to question how Rainbow is still living, Dash starts to have repetitive nightmares and discovers a terrifying secret that she's been keeping from herself. What and who is the thing inside Rainbow Dash?
A sister?
A protector?
An impostor?
A possessor?
And more importantly; What does it want?

Chapters (5)

Twilight has always had feelings for Celestia. But whether these feelings are for her surrogate mother or for her imagined lover, nopony knows. It will take something strange to make her understand just what she thinks of the Princess; something like her conscience becoming sentient.

Chapters (1)

It's been two months since Twilight and Big Macintosh started dating, and what a wonderful two months it's been. As their relationship blooms, Twilight finds out through Applejack that not all of the Apple family may be keen on a relationship that includes one of their own kin, and a unicorn. Worried about their future together, Twilight asks Big Macintosh for the biggest favor she can think of...to visit his entire family, and see if they can't break old traditions.

This is the sequel to Sparkling Cider, my first fan-fiction. It isn't necessary to have read Sparkling Cider to understand Old Traditions, but it certainly wouldn't hurt!

Credit for the cover image goes to ode2sokka on deviantart. It's an amazing image!

Thanks to all my followers who have been waiting for the sequel, you guys rock!

Chapters (10)

Twilight feels it's her duty to help her mentor on any tasks, especially ones that involve books. What she doesn't know is the Princess Celestia has called her to Canterlot for a much more romantic reason. How will Twilight react to the sudden revelation of her mentor's love, and how she manipulated and tricked her. But most importantly, how will she deal with not having a new book? More comedic in the beginning, more serious at the end.

A sequel to Everypony Has Secrets. You could probably not read it and still make sense of the story. Though I would suggest reading the story before reading this one if you want to understand the premise of this story.

Special thanks to prereaders: That_One_Brony and TeXXy

Also thank to: My friend Nolan who has helped me with some small details in various stories and for listening to me complain about everything.

Chapters (3)

Soarin' is just your average pegasus. He lives in Cloudsdale with his grandpa and his best friend Spitfire, aspires to be a member of the esteemed flight group the Wonderbolts, and he loves pie. But all that is about to change, as a mysterious voice calls out to him to warn him of his "destiny." Whatever could that mean? Like it or not, he and his friends are going to find out.

Chapters (4)

Twilight's twenty-first birthday is coming up and the girls celebrate in Canterlot's vibrant bars and clubs, Luna is invited too, although she is not entirely familiar with such activities. Alcohol fuelled adventures abound!

Chapters (7)

Twilight awakes from a minor magical accident to find herself dead. She believes she is doomed to wander Equestria for all eternity, that is until she discovered certain ponies could see lost souls like her, ponies like Princess Luna.

First fic, blah blah blah, constructive criticism, blah blah blah, if you favorite it like it blah blah blah, etc...

Cover art isn't mine

Chapters (2)