• Member Since 9th Jul, 2021


Catch me inbetween hyperfixations

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Petty Power fully understands the responsibility of being a luggage inspector: he's there to make sure nopony brings anything onto the zeppelin which could interfere with Profit. And those nasty rumors about a potential sabotage attempt? Those have to be ignored, because nervous passengers don't board. Less ponies, less profit. Easy. And here's a group of young mares waiting to pass his checkpoint. Inflicting them with Rules and Regulations should be simple.

Petty is mere hours away from losing his job and leaving Equestria forever. But realistically, he probably deserves it.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

It's the week before Hearth's Warming, and Rarity and Gilda are being sent to Ponyville. But their mission involves less holiday cheer and more "buy the entire place, then bulldoze it to secure a promotion". Applejack of course has a few (impolite) things to say about this plan, even if she can't quite will herself to hate the unicorn in the expensive dress. And Rarity and Gilda are not the only ones with an agenda...

Modern AU, anthro, Rarity/Applejack, Gilda/Rainbow Dash, Twilight/Trixie. T-rated "Sex" tag for later.

Welcome to the Secret Big Project I occasionally teased on Tumblr, everybody!

I have been working on this fic since late January... *checks notes* ...2020. I accidentally set off my plotbunny army during one of Earthsong's streams, and it has quickly become my "Lockdown is happening, time has no meaning anymore, let's be silly to not lose my mind!" fic. So... yeah, enjoy some romcom shenanigans where Rarity exploits tax loopholes, Twilight owns a tank an armored reconnaissance vehicle, and Trixie has watched far too many Fast & Furious movies.

Now with the proper cover by Earthsong9405! Shower her with love because she did an AMAZING job!

Chapters (7)

Sunset sits alone in a coffee shop, nervously awaiting her friends' arrival. Despite everything they've been through in the last few months, she can't help but feel like she was making a huge mistake. For what she was about to tell them could make or break their friendship.

Cover Art

Chapters (1)

The saddle incident at Wonderbolt HQ was the last straw for Spitfire. After seeing Rainbow Dash getting too distracted, and lost in her mind, Spitfire ordered Rainbow Dash to get some help for her problems. Hearing a rumor that Fluttershy helps ponies through meditation, Spitfire suggested the Rainbow Dash thy that; and so, she did.

Chapters (1)

With all the responsibilities of being a Princess, Twilight barely has time to be a mother. Normally she makes due, thanks to her excellent Scheduling prowess. But with the weight of the world on her back(in paperwork) she has no choice but to trust Rainbow to watch the kids for one.entire.day.

Inspired by this wonderful pic by the ever so amazingly talented CaptainPudgeMuffin
please hop over HERE if anything here confuses you :D

Rated Teen for Slightly Mature topics

Chapters (1)

Something keeps stealing Izzy's art supplies, and she won't stand for it! Don your detective cap, because it's time to figure this out.

Chapters (10)

Young inventor Twilight Sparkle has always been a creative mare, and that creativity is about to pay off in a world where she’ll uncover the existence of pegasi and unicorns, tribes long forgotten in Equestrian history, and ends up having to deal with the return of the legends of Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker.

Note: I know that a few people have done this, so I wanted to make a story of my own for if we’d gotten the Mane 6 as we saw them in the Gen 5 concept art and what I would do. Know that I did mix and match some concept art designs based on what I felt would work, and that I had to come up with Nightmare Moon and Daybreaker’s designs on my own.

Also, a surprise character will be joining the Mane 6 (making it rather the Mane 7). You’ll know who it is soon enough.

{My first fanfiction so knowing where think I can improve would be greatly appreciated, also, I started making this on the 31st July 2022}

WARNING: I’m not very good at world building, so don’t expect much, or any. Keep that in mind as you’re reading this. Fortunately, that means the way everything looks is open to interpretation.

Chapters (2)

The School of Friendship's first annual Graduation Dance is taking place, and everyone is excited to be there! Everyone except for Gallus.

Also, Smolder spiked the punch.

Also, she may or may not have a liter of vodka tucked away somewhere in her dorm.

Also, Gallus might not be in the best possible mood to be drinking.

Proofread by semillon, Jack of a Few Trades, MissytheAngy, and Bandy.

Chapters (1)

Jasper was not in the Crystal Empire when it vanished. His wife Agate was. Separated from his family across time, he writes letters in the hopes that she may eventually read them someday, however far away that may be.

Written for Bicyclette's Twilight Files contest.

Chapters (1)