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This story is a sequel to The Dragon of the Ruins

Spike didn't have much to say about his life. Not after a thousand years.

Not after centuries of loneliness.

But maybe, just maybe, these new ponies who've stumbled into his life can change that.

Even if only for another century.

A continuation of The Dragon of the Ruins. Prior reading is NOT necessary, though. :twilightsmile:

Minor spoilers for the G5 movie!

Russian translation by Mordaneus!

Chinese translation by forgivenlove!

Chapters (12)

For a long time now, the citizens of Equestria have been struck down by an epidemic of illness and sickness. Nopony seems to know for sure what could be the cause, but Princess Twilight has found one common answer: The restaurants and hotels of Equestria. All of them seem to be struck with the same kind of problems.

So with her friends Pinkie Pie and Rarity, they will cross over to Earth and bring back over a man that she has heard from Pinkie is a legend among humans when it comes to food. A man that she hopes can help her get to the bottom of the epidemic sweeping across Equestria: Chef Gordon Ramsay. For her sake...let's hope he takes the request well. And pray for the sanity of the poor souls of Equestria.

(this will include elements from both of Gordon's shows Kitchen Nightmares and Hotel Hell)

(Feel free to give any creative suggestions with this fic, its kind of a shot in the dark on my part making this one)

cover art by the great harwicks-art

Chapters (35)

With the whole of Equestria plunged into darkness, the once peacfull world is now tearing itself appart with fear. Twilight, Fluttershy, Rarity and Spike are now the only hope the world has.
They choose to leave their home to save Rainbow Dash. Despite loosing their friends because of her they are determined to prove she can be saved from her madness, which is slowly consuming her. But will there be anything to save?

Chapters (16)

Eager for more answers about Equestria's ancient history, Sunny Starscout uses one of her dad's maps to venture into a long-untouched forest in search of the past.

Cover by HeavySplatter@deviantart.com

Newcomers, welcome! Confused on the order of this story series? Look no further!

Part 1 (You are here):

Part 2:
Forgotten: The Frozen North

From here the story divides into two separate versions, no spoilers aside from what can be gleamed from the titles.

Part 3a:
Forgotten: Sunrise
Forgotten: Mists of Bridlewood (Currently in progress)

Part 3b:
Forgotten: The Crystal Princess

Chapters (18)

It's cold up north, but Reinbow Deer gets by. Mostly by looking after the littler members of the herd. But what's a deer to do when one fawn barges in babbling about some dark blue dream alicorn and a message that needs delivered?

No AU tag because.... of certain spoilers for the Gen 5 movie.

:pinkiegasp:Now with a written review!:pinkiegasp:

This is an entry in the Snippet Series, an anthology of old oneshots that I (and my good buddy Str8aura) wrote based around interesting pics I found. New ones will be posted every other Thursday for the foreseeable future.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Recollections of a Nightmare

Rarity is trapped in a nightmare she cannot escape. The rooms of Carousel Boutique stretch on forever, and something dark and slithering dogs her footsteps. Where is Sweetie Belle?

A sequel to Seer's Recollections of a Nightmare written for the Quills and Sofa's 'Expanding Universes' contest.

Chapters (1)

Deep in Bridlewood, far beyond where Izzy is allowed to wander, there is a Door.

It's a very wise Door, and a very polite Door, and she decides to stay with it for a bit.

Chapters (1)

Due to a typo on her permit to build a new barn, and the meddling of a recalcitrant bureaucrat, Applejack is stuck running a bar, at least until Mayor Mare gets back to town. So sit down and have a drink in Ponyville's least likely watering hole!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Horrible Misunderstanding of Cupcakes

Pinkie Pie tries to tell her friends the true nature of the events they witnessed earlier. This might be a little harder than expected.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten

Sunny Starscout's ongoing search for Equestria's ancient past sends her up to the northern arctic, where it is written that a city protected by love once stood.

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (22)