Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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What if Rainbow Dash had been present when Discord gave the Mane Cast their first shot at him? How could things have gone different? How could this have changed things?How could this have changed Twilight?

Update Schedule Below the Break.
Now with the super editor FredMSloniker!
Now with a wonderful cover image by Conicer!
Also - Awesome Fanart -

Update Plans
December 11 - Edited versions of first four chapters
December 14 - Chapter 5
Future updates at least 1 time per week.
Total Planned Chapters - 12

Chapters (10)

Applejack expected a lot, when she got an invitation from Cherilee to talk about Applebloom.

But not this.

A little One-Shot, I had to get out of my head.

Edit February 12th, 2014: Major props to Frission, for proofreading the story and making it more readable. You rock!

I don't plan to add something as of now, but maybe I will in the future.

Chapters (1)

Sheogorath, Daedric Prince of Madness. Ruler of the Shivering Isles. Crafter of dangerously unstable magical artifacts. Cheese aficionado. A lonely old man.

Discord, Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony. Once Ruler of Equestria. Master of unraveling reality. Maker of cotton candy clouds filled with chocolate rain. For some reason an infant.

Now read of this pair as Father and Son.

...abandon Logic, all ye who enter here.

Part of the PWNY-verse.
New cover image by ProfessorCatPro

Chapters (35)

The poster and artwork for the chapters belongs to Shrekzilla

Fluttershy loves all animals great and small, this much is true. And that means she has no problem taking in a abandoned egg left on her front porch. But what will the kindly pegasus do when she finds out that the egg hatches into the last remaining member of Titanus Gojira, a enormous and powerful saurian superspecies that once dominated ancient Equestria?

Chapters (19)

Thank you for purchasing the latest group of units from our Friendship is Witchcraft series.
To avoid a painful death and the end of all life, we have provided a user guides and manuals for your safety. when using our products.
Yes I have Timpeni's permission.

Chapters (2)

Fluttershy and Discord were always connected...They just haven't remembered yet.

But they will. They always will. And they'll never say goodbye.

*Beautiful coverart by someyellowpony. Go to her tumblr to see more of her amazing work!

**inspired in part by Hubert the Butterdragon and the hit song "See You Again" by Wiz Khalifa. Because the fictional comic character and the celebrity singer that will never read this deserve credit where credit is due.

Chapters (1)

Trixie's gone, but Starlight can't let go. The memories of their life together haunt her, torture her and when she can't take anymore, she dons that old cloak; once worn by her beloved partner.

Chapters (1)

when dark magic is found in the crystal empire they realise that sombra has a heir who they thought was dead however what they don't realise is that the shadow heir is one of them but there is one question who is the shadow heir and is she evil these are the questions asked by the heirs friends but dash is asking the completely opposite what will happen when they find out it is her it all starts when she and her friends recieve the one letter that dash hoped she will never see the letter telling them that the shadow heir and king sombras daughter has returned but is it just the heir or is it also the king of shadows himself

Chapters (5)

Meet Pipsqueak.

Pipsqueak, or "Pip" as he prefers to be called, has quite the imagination. There are times when he is a fearsome pirate, scourge of the seas of Equestria. There have also been times when Pipsqueak has fantasized about being a gallant prince, traveling the land, saving fair maidens, slaying wicked beasts, and being hailed as a hero by his peers. Not once did he ever imagine he'd get exactly what he wished for in the form of Princess Luna adopting him, making him an actual prince! Soon enough, Pip learns that being a prince isn't as glamorous as he thought it to be, and that there are more than a few downsides to being a part of the royal family. One in particular downside coming in the form of a nuisance named Blueblood.

On the other side of the coin, Princess Luna must adjust to her newly-found position of motherhood, balancing the task of providing her adopted foal as normal a life as possible for a young prince, while also making sure the nobility and paparazzi keep their hooves out of their business. Fortunately, this mare not only has the entirety of the Royal Guard, including her own Night Guard at her disposal, but her sister and niece also happen to be fiercely protective of the newest member of their family.

Chapters (6)