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Watch the fic trailer here. Just copy and paste into the address bar:

Cover art by Invi absy

The Spears of Chaos are a terrorist group who had relished in Discord's chaotic reign over Equestria, and practically worshiped the God of Chaos. But when they learn that Discord is no longer evil, they are disgusted beyond belief. Seeing that Discord is no longer fit to hold the title of God of Chaos, they release their new idol from her stone prison in Canterlot to aid them in plunging Equestria into eternal anarchy. After all, who better fit the bill than Screwball, who happened to be Discord's spawn.

Now, as the Goddess of Chaos, Screwball intends to fill Equestria up to it's knees in randomness. But without the Elements of Harmony to stop her, how will the Mane Six stop the little abomination? More importantly, will Discord have to intervene?

I made a Fic Trailer. Watch here. :D

Chapters (8)

Discord has won. Ponyville has been twisted into a place where chaos reigns supreme. The Mane 6 were far too powerless to win the fight against him.
So all he has to do is transform Twilight into a being of pure chaos to maintain his rule over this place while he conquers Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Blitzo the Imp never intended to show up in a world of ponies. He still has to find a birthday present for his lover, Stolas the Prince of Hell. How will he do this? Who will help him? Can an Imp blend in with a city as diverse as Ponyville?
Hopefully Pinkie Pie can help her new demonic friend.
Blitzo and Stolas are from the Youtube cartoon series "Helluva Boss".

Rated Teen due to mentioning of alternate lifestyles and gay male shipping.
This got into the Featured box on 1/6/22! Thanks, guys and gals!

Chapters (1)

Almost everypony has a soul mate, one they are destined to live with and love for all their days. They give their body, heart, and soul to each other. Rarely do soul mates ever change, but occasionally there is the twist of fate that happens.

During their escape from the crystal caverns, a lose rock manages to almost impale Twilight before Cadence pushes her out of the way and takes the blow. Seeing her foal sitter dying, Twilight uses all her magic to save Princess Cadence with a very dangerous spell. It is not without a consequence as she, unknowingly, gives her own life energy to Cadence, tearing up the soul bond between her brother and her foal sitter. Instead, it makes a new one: one between the two of them.

With Shining Armor’s own bond broken, it attaches itself to the closest being it can: Queen Chrysalis.

A fic I was given permission to write from Rated Ponystar

Featured 28/7/2014. A Booya! Then again 31/3/2015. What?:pinkiegasp::yay:

cover art a combination of pics from here and here.

Chapters (9)

In this one-shot idea, Fluttershy asks her friend Discord if he would be interested in taking up the job as a teacher at the new School of Friendship. Discord agrees to teach them something if he were given a chance to test-drive it by having a few students to see if he would take up the job. What follows is a lesson on the meditations of Reniegh Haycartes.

A special thank you to DuskHeart13, The Hat Man and SashimiPony for taking the time of proofreading this.

Note: this and its sequels were written before "Matter of Principles."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Philosophical Substitute: Discord

Warning: The following you're about to read contains philosophy in plain English. If you do not like this, you know where the exit button is.

Also, please remember that this is an anthology, in which each chapter is their own independent story.

After the events of "The Philosophical Substitute," Discord is now taking on as a full-on teacher in Twilight's School of Friendship. Even though his past students (the Young Six) have technically graduated his class, they still come to him time to time to ask him some of life's toughest questions. Eventually, even their teachers come to him for guidance.

What follows is an anthology series of what each character learns from the Ex-Lord of Chaos.

A special thanks to Azaclop for proofreading.

Lesson Plan (in no particular order):

Sandbar - On Fate and Free Will (Dealing with cutie marks? Do ponies have a choice in what they can or can’t be?) ✅

Smolder - On Life and Death (possibly afterlife? Cost of longevity?) ✅

Silverstream - Should Power Belong to the Few or Many? ✅

Yona - What’s the point of Spirituality? ✅

Gallus - On Envy and Jealousy. ✅

Ocellus - On Identity and the Self. ✅

Twilight - On Balance of Governing. ✅

Applejack - Why do nice people lie? Why does dishonesty exist?✅

Rainbow - On Bad Faith (Sartre) ✅

Rarity - What Luxury Couldn’t Buy (Epicurus? Diogenes?) ✅

Fluttershy - Why Others are Mean? ✅

Pinkie Pie - On Cheerful Sadness. ✅

Starlight - If worse comes to worse. ✅

? - Know thy Self. A Philosophical Mediation.✅

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Discord Teaches Philosophy

Warning: The following is currently unedited and contains a significant amount of Philosophy.

After deciding on taking up the role of a Substitute and finding out that the main Philosophy teacher is boring his students, Discord decides to step in to take up the responsibility of teaching. And he will do it by teaching it in plain Equestrian, in a way that these young students would understand. As well as in his own unique way.

Lesson Plan (in no particular order):

Socrates: His Method and How We Ought to Live ✅

Plato: Allegory of the Cave ✅

Marcus Aurelius: How Stoicism Deals with Hardships ✅

Confucius: Who is Ruling Whom? ✅

Kintsugi: The Art of Imperfection ✅

Machiavelli: In Defense of the Prince ✅

Montaigne: Usefulness of Humility ✅

Rousseau: Of Savages and Civilization ✅

Kierkegaard: Subjectivity and Truth ✅

Nietzsche: Of Suffering and Happiness ✅

Chapters (13)

One day while going through some books with her friends, Rainbow dash shows Twilight a certain shape, and everyone suddenly starts hating on the hexagon. Of course, CGP Grey senses it all the way from earth in his universe, and ain't having none of it, as he teleports to Equestria just so he can explain how the hexagon, is the bestagon, using facts, logic, some stern words, and a little thing called SCIENCE!

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Days of the Dead

Luster Dawn, Twilight's most faithful student, is a studious young mare who knows far too much about the afterlife & keeping secrets. Recently, she's uncovered a new secret, a rather dark one that she can't talk about, as speaking of such a secret puts her own life at risk.

Sombra, former tyrannical king of the Crystal Empire, is the King of the Dead, dedicated to saving his subjects from the curse of the afterlife. Under his rule, they are not allowed to reveal themselves to the living, though he has made an exception for Luster. Unfortunately, this has put both her and others in danger.

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, is unaware of these secrets, the dead within her castle, or her student's meddling in their afterlives. Surely, these secrets can't last forever? Especially when it begins to threaten the ones she cares about?

I didn't leave room for text on the cover art, oops

Chapters (4)

After Opal goes too far eats Sweetie Belle's pet goldfish and with a crazy idea from Spike, the little unicorn filly may just get her revenge on the wicked feline.

Part 1 of the Spike kills your pets series.

It has a gore rating, but think of it as more PG rated, rather than a complete blood bath.

Cover Image inspired by the web comic: Goldfish Burial by Chaoticbrony:

Chapters (1)