Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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Twilight is very excited to have perfected a new transformation spell. While trying it out on Cadance, however, an ill-timed sneeze turns everypony in the room into cats, including Princess Celestia.

Stuck in the form of a tiny (and adorable) kitten, without access to magic, Twilight has to find a way to fix everything, all while dealing with her growing feline instincts, the hazards of a pony-sized world, and a Princess Celestia who seems to have forgotten she ever was a pony.

This story was commissioned by DbzOrDie. It features cover and interior art by the talented Elbdot.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is the best student at Crystal Prep Academy, and while she’s pretty happy with her situation, her unofficial big sister, Cadance, keeps telling her to try and make friends. It never seems to go well for her, until Cadance convinces her to tutor the new student at Crystal Prep, Sunset Shimmer.

Pre-read by gerandakis

Featured on 9th Aug 2018! :twilightsmile:

Sex tag for:
Volume 1: references to masturbation, and talking about masturbation.
Volume 2: references to sex, and talking about sex.

Cover vectors:
Sci-Twi by aqua-pony
Sunset Shimmer by punzil504

Chapters (19)

It's been three weeks, three weeks since they came back from the camp, and Twilight's still shaken up. Not from the events, that's kind of become the new normal around here. No, she's shaken up for a different reason. True, she's no longer afraid of Midnight taking over again. But, now that she isn't constantly afraid, new questions have risen in place of the old ones, who is Midnight Sparkle? What does she want? Why is she still here? The mystery is confusing her more and more everyday, so much so, it's starting to visibly affect her. But the answer came from the person she never expected, herself.

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout and her friends brought magic back to all of Equestria. As it turns out, ponies aren't the only ones who benefit from that.

A short G5 story I wrote because I felt like it.
Thanks to Roxylalolcat for pre-reading, and for the cover art.

Chapters (1)

Calamity and Ponyville go together like peanut butter and jam, this everyone knows. Though it is a little strange that demons are getting involved, then again whenver the Cutie Mark Crusaders are involved things tend to go south. Just not usually this south.

Done as a request for a patron! Head on over there if you want your chance to get a story like this written for just five bucks.

Chapters (1)

Starlight Glimmer managed to successfully save the Mane 6, Spike, and the Princesses from Queen Chrysalis while inspiring the changelings to reform.

Except for Chrysalis. She instead chose to flee in disgrace after warning Starlight to sleep with one eye open.

However, as the group watched Chrysalis run away, Spike asked a big question.

EDIT: Featured through 04/19/22-04/21/22!!

Chapters (1)

Anon-A-Miss has become a plague on the halls of Canterlot High. Students are on the brink of a fight every day and tensions are rising in order to stomp out Anon-A-Miss before the winter break.

With no-one in Canterlot High to turn to, Sunset Shimmer braves it alone and decides to pull out her old blackmailing tools in order to get the job done. It might be illegal, but it's the school's last hope for order to be restored.

Chapters (1)

Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow were expecting to face off against Twilight Sparkle and the Elements of Harmony one final time. Instead, they faced off against much worse.

Chapters (1)

Not long after Equestria managed to discover and contact the faraway continent of Foenum, Princess Celestia received a visit from six individuals said to be 'Champions of Foenum'. After telling their intentions, the princess allows them to explore Equestria.

Though, when these champions meet certain ponies, they realize that they share something in common, even though they never meet each other.

Edit (27/03/2021): Featured!? Holy smokes!

Edit (01/04/2021): Featured again!? That's not even a lie!

There are surprisingly not many pictures of the mane six and the TFH characters together.

Keep in mind that the story of TFH's main six may not be accurate to their original source, as with the state of the game at the current time, not all the information of the champions are revealed yet, so I kinda have to make my own version of their story.

Also, the mane six's story is also slightly altered to fit some of the settings of Fighting is Magic, where their main enemies are changelings.

Cover art source:

Chapters (8)

The Hive has suffered generation after generation of cruel rulers. After a fateful wedding, a fateful bite, they finally have a star to guide therm through the night.

An apology story for those who have been waiting for my first book. School has been killing me, but I pinkie promise i WILL finish this one. I'll probably rewrite my first book.

Chapters (11)