Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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Rarity had gone missing years ago and Detective Sweetie Belle believed that she would find her sister again one day, and this day finally looked promising as she finds a clue from a suspicious stranger that would lead her down the maintenance halls of one of Manehattan's subway stations.

With a clue finally in her hands after years of nothing to show for her work, there was no chance she was going to let it slide by. But things might not be as Sweetie Belle had anticipated and she was about to find out her sister's darkest secret, and darker secrets still.

Chapters (3)

[T for safe reasons]
Sombra is dead, everypony is happy. Everypony except Fluttershy that is. For she has rather mixed feelings about her father's demise. She knew he was a tyrant, Tartarus after her mother died he wasn't even nice to her anymore. But he was still her father. How is she supposed to feel? And can she tell her friends that she inherited her father's dark magic?

Inspiration taken from this story!

Chapters (3)

This is the moment that she has been waiting years for.

After all this time, Equestria's new ruler pays a visit to her most valuable prisoner to fully map out her failure. Years of deception, manipulation, and betrayals have led to this one moment, and she intends to savor every look that crosses the Princess of Friendship's face.

And after, when the alicorn truly understands how perfectly she was played, there will still be one final bit of business that needs to be settled...


My first new story since October 2017, and Day One of the Seventh Anniversary Story Bomb.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle comes across a small, battered diary detailing a new form of transportation. While the research is sloppy and the notes incomplete, Twilight takes it upon herself to see that the ancient project is completed.

Of course, nopony said it would be easy.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's power, along with that of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, has been claimed by Tirek. Drunk on power, the demon-centaur is unleashing destruction upon Equestria, his reign of terror just beginning.

But there is hope. A crystalline chest, a gift from the Tree of Harmony, able to be opened by six keys. Keys which Twilight has now claimed the last of. All they can do is hope, hope that whatever is contained inside the chest is enough to stop Tirek.

And then something goes wrong ...

Note: This story is in no way connected with my other fanfics. It's very much a one-off in good fun.

Chapters (1)

Cover Art by The Sleepless Beholder

In the same "future universe" as The Mane One but neither story needs knowledge of the other.

The Mane One

It just explains more how Apple Bloom becomes Goddess of the Moon.

Twilight Sparkle can't handle the sun and moon by herself. They search for a pony who can. The answer becomes clear in Apple Bloom.

Chapters (20)

A lonely Pegasus, scared by the world around her and content just being by herself. On a faithful day, she earns her cutie mark. What if on the same day, she also found a dragon egg. How would one simple shift change Fluttershy and Spike's life?

AKA, a story I'm surprised didn't get made sooner.
Inspired by The Dragon of sweet apple acres, My Dragon Brother, and Spike Pie.

Special thanks goes out to
NaomisHeadspaceART at devianart for making the cover. Seriously, thank you for this! :twilightsmile:

Chapters (3)

Twilight goes for a walk on her own, but is ambushed by the Dazzlings who place a fourth pendant around her neck. The pendants magic turns her into a siren, but there is a backfire for the Dazzlings that they didn't see coming.

Takes place before the battle of the bands.

Chapters (6)

After ensuring nobody stays at Canterlot High School for the night, Vice-Principal Luna is about to close the doors and head home. However, when she checks the labs, she finds a flask with an odd content. The curiosity makes her taste it.

She would regret doing that if she didn't like what happens next…

This is a one-shot short story requested by JimmyHook19. Hope you like it.:pinkiesmile:

Images made by goattrain on DeviantArt.

Oh, and TwiPON3 has made a short sequel for this. It's here.

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle has discovered that there is a powerful magic in her singing voice. This magic that allows her to touch the minds of other ponies and pass judgment on those who cross her. With great power comes great responsibility, and Sweetie Belle does not posses the necessary responsibility. And so, with every song she sings, misfortune befalls another pony. Sweetie Belle does her best to rationalize it as justice or karma, but in reality, this power that grows with every song she sings is slowly driving her insane.
Each chapter has a featured song. After all, this is a musical. You can even suggest songs for this story. But beware, for these songs you choose will determine the fate of Sweetie Belle and those around her.

Chapters (29)