Good 310 stories
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  • Good 310 stories


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After Starlight and Discord released the Legion of Doom from their stony imprisonment, one part to get rid of the “Cozy Glow did nothing wrong” protestors and the other out of genuine guilt, they realized rehabilitating them was going to be a lot harder than they thought.

Good thing Twilight found a copy of those reformation spells Discord destroyed all them years ago.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Rainbow Dash Always Dresses in Style

After Rainbow Dash's aunt visited Ponyville, the two ponies finally got to see each other eye to eye. Now, Rainbow Dash is going to take up her aunt's offer of visiting her in the Equestrian Outpost alongside her friends. With a mash of various different cultures and customs, this visit is going to be anything but just a family get-together.

NOTE: In need of an art cover and a proofreader. If anyone is interested, please PM me.

Chapters (4)

If I am to tell you my story, I think it is important for you to know that I was not always the Teacher, or Doctor that I am today. In fact, helping ponies with their everyday problems in this office has been a fairly recent change in my life. Before then, I had traveled the world with a Dragon. And before that, I had spent all of my time reading books without knowing what I was looking for. And before then...well, even I don’t know all of the details...


Over four months in the making, this story will be going along with a "Dramatic Reading" series on my YouTube channel, with a total of Four chapters: I've been getting requests from my watchers for many months to create an origin story for the character of DRWolf. So with some general concepts I thought up, and with the help of Godzillawolf: who did the majority of the writing, we are most pleased to present this tale for your enjoyment.

Chapters (4)

Defeated. Humiliated. Reduced to a mere shadow. But Sombra hadn't been as careless as the time before. He'd taken precautions, set up ways to recover. One such way being the little alicorn residing in the Crystal Empire.

Now he finally has his chance to return. He just needs to convince Flurry Heart to go along with his plan, and soon he will rule over the land once more.

If he can survive through the holidays, at least.

This was written for Frazzle2Dazzle as a part of Jinglemas 2019! For more information about Jinglemas, checkout our group!

Chapters (1)

MLP/Undertale crossover.
Not a PWNY-verse story.

Long ago, the Monsters and Humans fought a great war. The Monsters lost, and were sealed in the Underground. It would take the power of seven human souls to break the barrier that kept them imprisoned. They only had six. And so the Monsters waited and hoped, praying that another human would find their way to the Underground. Some thought the seventh soul would give their King the strength to break the barrier. Some dreamed of a human who would be their friend, and save them all...or had nightmares of one who would bring back the war.

...but nobody came.

...but somepony did.

Eons after the war, with no way to tell how much time had passed above, a tiny blue filly with wings and horn fell into the underground, calling for her Mama. None knew the poor creature's nature or origins...but her soul was powerful with magic, even more so than a human soul.

None can know what will come...of this little 'Woona'.

Cover art by Sanyo21

Chapters (69)

Far, far away from the Equiss system, the queen of blades is readying the launch of her newest weapon. A ship designed to infest an entire planet in secret, readying it for the eventual zerg invasion and softening up even the hardest target, Korhal. Unfortunately for the queen of blades, the untested zerg biotechnology is more difficult to master then she thought and the infestation ship vanishes after launch.

Untold eons later Twilight Sparkle is preparing for her entrance exam for Celestia's school for gifted unicorns only to stop when she sees a star fall into her new treehouse. The young pony sets out in the middle of a storm, intent on seeing this fallen star for herself.

What she finds inside will change not only her destiny but the destiny of all on Equiss prime.

Make sure to check out the sister story to this one.
Trigger warning, parasites. Starcraft Crossover!
Updates twice a month!
The story so far!

Chapters (98)

In a remote corner of the Solana Galaxy lies a backwater planet called Veldin. Nothing important ever happens there. Nothing exciting, either. Ratchet, a Lombax with no idea of his origins, is beginning to grow bored with his life, and dreams of excitement. He wishes on a falling star for some excitement to find its way into his life.

The falling star answers by crashing into his home in the form of a basket carrying a tiny creature with a horn, a pair of wings, and four hooves. The name on the basket reads "Twilight Sparkle".
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by the amazing G_Haze
Video Consultant/Technician: m2pt5 (he provides the infobot videos and similar.)

Edit: Game Timeline
Ratchet and Clank: Done
Going Commando: Done
Up Your Arsenal: Done
Deadlocked: Done.
Size Matters: Done.
Tools of Destruction: Done.
Quest for Booty: Done.
Crack in Time: Done.
All 4 One: Done.
Into the Nexus: Done.

Chapters (226)

Flurry Heart may seem cute, but she secretly has a super secret agenda. That mostly involves throwing ponies out a window. Yep, that’s how she overthrows her mother. Throwing her out a window. Why don’t more people do this?

Written for the Cadance Is A Terrible Mom 2021 Competition

Cover art by Melody Song

Also, fair warning. The story does jump from third to first person. Just so you’re less confused.

(Featured April 20th, 2021)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's latest flying routine was interrupted by a sudden mountain, and Twilight can hardly sleep at night. No pony should be this excited to play with necromancy.

Edited by Deceased and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of pony-berserker.

Dramatic reading by WritingStylus

Polish translation by atom2004
Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi
Russian translation by NovemberDragon

Chapters (1)

Naruto and his best friend and rival Sasuke have failed the elemental nations,everyone is dead except them and the tailed beasts, they started creating races, animals, new source of power, magic, which is essentially powered by emotions, they were made into history, which made into stories, which made into legends, which made into myths. They took any chakra consuming and scrolls mentioning and hid them in places very hard to find.

Chapters (7)