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Discord has been defeated, and Twilight and her friends are eager to get back into the swing of everyday life. Shortly after the end of the victory ceremony in Canterlot, Celestia asks a favour of Twilight, to put Discord back where he belongs, and the ever-faithful student accepts.

By noon of the next day, however, Twilight has both a startling revelation, and a terrible new secret to keep. Otherwise, the last thing she sees may in fact be the statue garden.

Edited and test-read by DreamVirusOmega (aka PoisonClaw) and Nonagon
Heavily inspired by and adapted from Garden Party: Petrified by PumpkinHipHop
Cover art used with permission by DocWario

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's most prized and faithful student, is being sent to Ponyville to learn about the magic of friendship.

This is going to be fun!

A spinoff of Letters From A Disgruntled Friendship Student by milesprower06.

Chapters (154)

When Equestria seemed lost, Lord Tirek puts Princess Twilight, her friends and all of Equestria in a position of life or death with the use of a certain filly's life. With the help of two visitors from beyond their world, Twilight's daughter returns to safety, Tirek faces his greatest challenge, and new powers are born for our heroes. In the end, justice is served, bonds are strengthened, and peace returns to the land, but at what cost?

This is a crossover/alternate universe retelling of the climax of Twilight's Kingdom, and the first full story written following previously reading Past Sins by the great Pen Stroke. This story serves as the semi-introduction for combining the Past Sins story line with the canon story line

Nyx belongs to Pen Stroke and Past Sins

Tails and Cosmo belong to Sonic X and SEGA

Chapters (6)

The Equestria Games are underway and ponies from across Equestria have come together to celebrate the spirit of competition. On the other side of the arena walls, Princess Twilight Sparkle must face the challenges of being a host to her own group of honored guests and performers, and face against the less than accepting approval of her fellow princesses' guests of them and a member of her family. Will her guests be provided a memorable experience for the better, or the worse as a fox, a flower, and a filly are shunned away from her?

This is a retelling of the Season 4 episode Equestria Games. This story takes place between Taismo: Discovering Equestria and Twilight's Kingdom: Unite & Ascend, and introduces the elements of Past Sins.

Tails and Cosmo belong to Sonic X and SEGA

Nyx belongs to Past Sins and Pen Stroke

All characters outside of My Little Pony are owned by their respective franchises and properties

Chapters (18)

After an altercation with an old enemy, two heroes from a very different place are sent from the battlefield to a new world known as Equestria. The Mane 6 discover them and take it upon themselves to treat the two-tailed fox and his flower girlfriend as anypony else, befriend and help them in any way possible. As trouble brews back home and another pony is discovered away from home, the two visitors learn from Twilight and her friends about this new world, and see how the magic of friendship is a thriving force and spiritual bond among pony kind, opening Tails's mind to the possibilities of accomplishment, and Cosmo's heart to a stronger hope of universal peace.

NOTE: This story is inspired by both MLP: FIM, and Tails and Cosmo of Sonic X, a property I do not claim as my own.

Chapters (29)

This story is a sequel to Rise of the Maximals

While not quite yet the third anniversary of Equestria Girls, a third year is still a third year.

With the Pony Sunset Shimmer still living in Equestria in the New Timeline, you wouldn't think that magic would wind up into the Human World in the New Timeline right?

Not according to Discord and Screwball. Forming a new antagonist for their sake, Roma Candle as they call her accidentally wound up in the Crystal Empire. Knowing the potential of magic in this world, she steals the crown, sending it to an unknown world.

Twilight has three days to recover her missing headpiece. But even when she finds friends there, can our fabled princess accomplish her mission this Timeline as she has done in the Old Timeline? Or will she be doomed to wait another thirty moons?

Rated Teen for language and events of peril.

Takes place in the New Timeline after the chapter One Shall Rise.
Promoted 1/18/2016

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Nightmare Moon's Tiny Adversary

Twilight Sparkle is a one-kilogram pony, shrunken by Princess Celestia following her entrance exam to the Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns to ensure that her power surges would not pose a danger to the ponies around her.

She’s spent thirteen years full of hard training at her new size, facing the life-threatening experiences that came with living in a world of giants. To survive those thirteen years of hardship and joy, of learning and adventure, and of pride and humility, Twilight has challenged herself to become stronger, to overcome any obstacle.

After defeating Nightmare Moon with the help of her friends and the princesses, Twilight is ready to start a new chapter of her life in Ponyville. What kind of secrets and surprises await the little but powerful unicorn? Will this eventful town survive such an unpredictable citizen?

List of editors:
Top editors:

Zecora lines editor:

Luna lines editor: (helped a lot with old Equestiran)

Pre-reader (pointing out issues and giving suggestions how to improve the story):

Seconary editors:
Pump+It+Up - some of Pinkie Pie's setences

If I forgot to add someone due to a long time that has passed, please PM me.

Chapters (45)

A Displaced Story.

For 3,000 years, I terrorized ponykind. From before Hearth's Warming Eve, to the present day of the show itself, to a thousand years into Equestria's future. After my third and final defeat, I found myself back on Earth, none the worse for wear.

But why did I do it all? I... I honestly don't know what to say. Yes I caused so much death and suffering, but they were only cartoons, right? They weren't real, so it didn't matter, right? I shouldn't have to justify my actions! It was all fake! I shouldn't feel guilty! I am guilty of nothing!

God please forgive my soul.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Direction

The Element of Magic has been stolen. Twilight has to venture through a magic mirror in order to get it back. On the other side, she finds a world filled with creatures she thought were legend, and yet they all wear familiar faces. Now, with the help of a local principal and a few helpful teens, she needs to track down Celestia's former student and get her Element back before it's too late.

The Nuptialverse's take on Equestria Girls. Happens simultaneously with Direction

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Families

Third in the Nuptialverse...

Twilight Sparkle has done much for Equestria. If it weren't for her, Equestria would be destroyed three times over by now.

So what happens when she has to leave? What happens when she and Spike are forced to depart from Equestria in order to fulfill their duties? And what happens when there's still important things at home to do?

Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash now have to get along without the one who leads them. All of Equestria is counting on them. Can they do it?

AU only post-season 2, since the basic idea for this fic was created long before it aired. Events similar to season 3 have happened, all of which will be revealed. Strongly recommended you read Post Nuptials and Families first.

Cover art by Concier

Chapters (28)