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When Twilight is accused of nepotism, her friends rush to her defense! Sortof.

Written in four hours during a speed-writing exercise. Totally unedited. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has been acting super-extra Pinkie-like the last few days and it's really starting to bug Rainbow Dash. After Pinkie shows up in Rainbow's house while she's brushing her teeth Rainbow decides that enough is enough. Rainbow presses Pinkie for a straight answer until she gets one.

And boy does she get one.

Chapters (7)

In the final future seen in S5, Starlight refuses to believe that it isn't an illusion just created by Twilight and tears apart the time travel scroll, trapping them. The world turns out to be a seared wasteland where everything they come across is burned to a crisp in unrelenting sunlight.

They find solace in Everfree Forest, where Luna has embraced her Nightmare side and allied (and more) with Queen Chrysalis in an attempt to at least save the lives of some her beloved ponies. The horror of the present they're stuck in sets Twilight on a course to try and figure out what happened and how to stop it. It turns out that she is no where near ready to face the enemy that took over that future. After all, how do you fight someone you love?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Fall of Twilight

After Twilight was banished due to false accusations, she fled to a remote town by the name of Grazil. A few weeks have passed since she was banished, and it looked like she would never return home.

But thanks to Pinkie and Chrysalis, they have helped her get back to Ponyville in one piece. But, there's something wrong with the place she once called home.

Her friends are missing, and she fears that there is something beyond her power to beat.

Chapters (2)

Twilight grew up a loving mare. To wake up on the moon as a new pony was something unexpected... But how she got there is going to be even more unexpected... As she begins to regain her memory, her questions only get harder to answer... She longs for the good days with Celestia and her friends... But somethings the past is a dangerous place to go...

And it definitely isn't going to be fun...

(Rated gore for safety in future chapters)

Chapters (2)

Having committed one of the greatest crimes in Equestrian history Twilight finds herself exiled from her home. None of her close friends side with her during her hearing and she is curious as to why. At the same time she is presented with options she never had in Equestria and a chance at a life more on her own terms than playing nice with nobles or simply being a librarian first and a princess second. Which priority will prevail or can she achieve both?

Chapters (3)

Sunset Shimmer, twice savior of Canterlot High who earned her wings by using the combined magic of the Earth elements of harmony to save the world from Twilight Sparkle (you know... the one with the glasses). She's offered to help Twilight's (you know.. the alicorn Princess of Friendship) new student learn about friendship while the whole crew embarks on a trip to the Crystal Empire. This should be a fairly relaxing and stress free trip. Right? RIGHT?!

It should go without saying, but MAJOR spoilers to the season 6 premier.

Sunset vector by mighty355. Other cover art stuff by Novel Idea!

Chapters (22)

Once a Princess, now a Lord, Ember sends a letter to Princess Twilight to a situation that involves Spike. The letter seems serious and the dragons are already on their way. What could it entail about Ember's journey to Equestria? What does it mean for Spike?

Update: A NSFW version... has appeared! Those whom wish to explore the... freaky side, follow the link! Dragon Tails
Featured 4/17/2016!

The Follow up sequel called The Dragon Lord's Legacy can be found here! here

Chapters (16)

It was supposed to be amazing, her brother and foalsitter would marry, parties would be had, her and her friends would laugh and joke, and everyone would have a good time.

That was before Twilight was cast out of the wedding.

Now as changelings fill the skies and everyone runs in panic with no help in sight, she remembers a room, deep in the heart of the castle, with just the thing to stop the changelings. The only problem:

Does she want to? Is the price too much, or does she even care?

After all, didn't her teacher say she had a lot to think about?

Seeing as Celestia isn't important after the first chapter her tag is being cut. That is all
Note* the meme which once was here is being replaced because the link decided to break

I may change the name and the descriptions to fit with an idea I got a while ago. So be prepared!!!

Chapters (11)

There are many stories where Twilight tells off her friends after the Wedding. But that's not really Twilight's bag, she gets worried she's failed, or depressed, not angry. So here is a different bridal path, one where Twilight acts decisively to try and redeem herself in the eyes of her friends and sovereign, and ends up travelling to places she never imagined, facing dangers and foes she never dreamed of and making even stranger friends. Of course, there is still a 'reason you suck' speech delivered, but delivered by the last person anyone would expect...

Chapters (18)