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Dragons. Beasts of Fire and Fury. Of course, two things obviously come to mind when you think of these creatures. First, They're completely fantasy. Second, if they were real, then you would have to end up running away from them if you don't want to become their next meal. However, that's not quite the case for me, and I have a big friend who could say the same thing.

My name is Ken. You may see me as just an ordinary guy, but I'm not quite exactly what you may consider as "normal". I'm a Scalebound and I now made a pact with Revaan, the last dragon of his kind. From he knows of course. Now, we stick together and try to survive against huge monsters, manage my new life with a few friends from other dimensions and get along with the local population in a new world that I just happened to wake up in.

Oh, and another thing. That "population" I was talking about happens to be a massive group of ponies and various other species. Some who aren't as warm or receptive to seeing us as others are. Let's just hope we don't get on there bad side.

No promises.

Oh come on, Revaan! Seriously!?

What? It isn't my fault that I'm the size of a small building. I'm just glad that I didn't squish anything... or anyone for that matter

You and me both, my friend.

Displaced story based on the concept behind the Xbox One Exclusive; Scalebound by Platinum Games. With some added elements to it. The first few chapters might be... well, hard to understand everything going on, but once you get past that, things begin to clear up. Trust me...

Credits to everything shown
MLP belongs to Hasbro
Scalebound belongs to Platinum Games and Hideki Kamiya
Takes place midway through Season 5 around the time episode 14 takes place. The narrative is first person and mostly takes place from Ken's Point of View. I want to thank Gale and a couple of other authors in the Displaced community who helped me come up with this. You guys are awesome.

This story will update when I have the motivation and time to get to work on it. I want to clear my to-do list of things to work on before we get there.

Chapters (48)

He was an average man in nearly every sense of the term, but his entire life is flipped upside-down when a push for a paycheck turns into something unexpected...something much more. Marooned on an alien world with no known way home, how will he survive a potentially-hostile environment? Afraid, ignorant, and alone, he will be forced to adapt and survive, or seek out help.

Rated T for strong language, use of alcohol, violence, and suggestive situations.

A/N: Yes, there is romance in this story. No, I'm not referring to one-sided romances. Instead, most of the story is going to show the developing relationships between Jamie and those close to him, and you'll join him as he slowly and painstakingly overcomes a lifetime of human culture and morals.

Featured 09/18/2014! Holy horseapples, batmare!

Featured 06/13/2016! Thanks guys and gals!

Chapters (25)

(This is a Displaced Story. If you hate them, please leave)
People don't know how agonizing it is being alone for a few thousand years, stuck in a chair the whole time. Let me tell you, it's not fun. Then, this teeny weeny 'Princess' shows up and acts like she's the boss. Oh, and Sparklebutt is there too.

So, how did this happen? It's was probably that angsty Merchant asshole. Should never have bought from him. News flash kids: when a creepy Merchant guy walks up to you with very desirable wares, walk the fuck away. It's a damn trap.

But the worst part of my endless torment? I'm a fucking corpse sitting on a golden throne, writhing in agony as I slowly decay into nothingness.

....fuck you, Merchant Asshole.

And Sparklebutt, JUST. FUCKING. STOP.

(If The Emperor Had a Text-to-Speech Device)

Chapters (23)

When she was birthed with horn and wings she was thought to be a pegacorn, a rare and blessed blending of the tribes, whose long life and power brought wealth and stature.

Then the guards came, seeking the first alicorn born in over a thousand years.

An entry for The Most Dangerous Game contest
Now archived in Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

After being purged of Nightmare moon, Luna returns to the moon to purge herself of the lingering memories of being trapped there. However, what she does not expect to find is a strange building that wasn't there before, along with a strange being, who wants to be her friend.

Kamen Rider Fourze Displaced
Rated Teen for mild language

You asked for this, now you got it.

Chapters (13)

Math is simple. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and so on.

Ponies are not simple. They don't add up like regular numbers do, and just because one answer is four and the other is one does not mean the bigger number is necessarily greater.

Twilight experiences this inequality first hoof when one friend is pitted against four, and she is forced to choose a side, whether she wants to or not.

This story is officially cancelled. You can read my thoughts about it and why this happened here.

Chapters (3)

Twilight grew up and found her destiny, but there is one pony who feels embittered that it should have been her destiny, her glory. Breaking Dawn, Celestia's former student, is convinced that she is the true Element of Magic and has been robbed of her honours, her fame and most importantly of the love of Princess Celestia without which Dawn is nothing.

Rallying her old friends, Breaking Dawn sets out to bring Equestria's newest princess down and pass the final test her mentor set her all those years ago. As Dawn begins to wreak her vengeance, and Twilight struggles to protect her precious ponies from her elusive adversary, both these students of Celestia embark upon a dark path, paying no heed to the truth that a quest for revenge can only end one way.

Chapters (18)

Long ago, after the sealing of Discord and Sombra, after the founding of Equestria, there was great peace. That is until a great crimson beast arrived and consumed houses, crops and livestock. The Princesses of the Sun and the Moon fought against the beast, but though their efforts were rather fruitless, they were able to drive the beast to the badlands. The Princess of the Moon thought this wasn’t enough and so painstakingly convinced Ursa Major to vanquish the beast. Since then, no one has heard of the beast, and knowledge of the experience was gradually reduced to legend. Equestria was safe again.

Until now.

When Princess Luna finds out that the beast still exists, she does everything in her power to rid the potential threat. Cosgrove must prove Schnookum's innocence.

First chapter in the Old Timeline, taking place in the middle of Season 4.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle is asked by a child where Cutie Marks come from, and begins investigating. However, what starts out as simple research uncovers shadowy forces at work, and with each new clue, she learns more than she ever wanted to know.

(Special Thanks to Doukzor100 for the awesome cover art! )

(I don't know how, but Marked has been featured! Thank you all so much!)

Chapters (39)

Hi, my name is Kaiyo, but you can call me Delta. In fact, I would even go so far as to say don't call me Kaiyo. I don't know why I stopped using my name, but now... Delta just feels like me. Anyway, this all started one day when my sister and I went to a convention, and I went as Subject Delta while my sister went as Merry Nightmare.
I had a feeling about that guy, sold me a jar of Adam with the infinity sign on it and told me all of the stuff that'll come with it, but I ignored it. Now, now I'm an adoptive father for a strange creature in a world that feels familiar, and I'm also turned into Subject Delta.

Chapters (6)