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When Sunset Shimmer brings the element of magic into another world, and introduces magic into the main six, she gathers the attention of a secret world of magic of which she hadn't known of, sending them all down a path that none of them could have foreseen.

Now the girls are being sent to school, to learn about their new magic, and their newly expanded world. No one knows for sure what the consequences of these newcomers to the magical world will be, but there is someone who may.

This is a Harry Potter / Equestria Girls crossover story.

The story's setting begins at the end of the first Equestria Girl's movie, taking a different direction from subsequent movies.

A basic understanding of My Little Pony and Harry Potter may make the story easier to follow or enjoy, but should be accessible regardless.

Chapters (11)

He became The Master Of Death when he collected the Resurrection Stone and the Elder Wand from the Final Battle, since he already owned the famous Invisibility Cloak. What if one day, A powerful entity has watched Harry over the years decided it was time for him to go to His Next Great Adventure in this new world full of talking Ponies.

What will the Ponies think of the new stallion who has a Death Wish, the love of a Nightmare Goddess, and the senses of saving people?

Let's Find Out!!!

Chapters (18)

WARNING: There are major spoilers in the comment section. You have been warned!

We all know a story of Equestria Girls: Holiday Special, aka the Anon-a-Miss comic. Sunset was framed, her friends accused and left her, the school was against her and after Princess Twilight gave Sunset advice about finding your family, she managed to convince her friends that she's innocent, the true culprits were revealed, lessons were learned and everyone is happy at the end.

But was that the whole story?

After weeks of chaos at Canterlot High, which was caused from an infamous online user, "Anon-a-Miss," Principal Celestia and Vice Principal Luna summoned the true culprits, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to Principal Celestia's office and demand an explanation on how "Anon-a-Miss" came to be and why they went through with it despite knowing that they will harm everyone in the process, including Sunset Shimmer. Knowing that their Principals deserved an explaination, the CMC began to tell their tale.

This is based off of Equestria Girls: Holiday Special comic, but this story will be told from the CMC's perspective.

This story now have a Tv Tropes page! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Empty Skies

With the Crusaders facing their punishments after the Anon-a-Miss incident, Sunset Shimmer finds herself with a new home, a new job, and a new group of friends: the Wondercolts soccer team. But as Sunset normally finds, things aren't always quiet and peaceful in the city of Canterlot.

A series of (mostly) one-shots set in the "Clipper!verse" before or between the events of Empty Skies and the Friendship Games later that spring.

And pssst, thanks to the incredible Gpizano for the cover!


Three Suns and a Dawning Heart [DRA, SAD, SoL] (Part 1): Sunset hesitantly returns to Equestria for the first time since she broke off with Celestia. Twilight assures her that Celestia will be more than happy to have her former student back, but Celestia isn't the one Sunset's so worried about...
Three Suns and a Dawning Heart (Part 2) [DRA, SAD, SoL]: Her weekend with Cadence going better than she could have ever dreamed, Sunset heads to the Crystal Empire with her big sister. When her secrets start spilling about her escapades in the human world, though, Cadence's emotions are hard to ignore and even harder to impede...
Three Suns and a Dawning Heart [DRA, COM, SoL] (Part 3): Sunset finds herself back in the human world with an extra by her side. If she can't convince the princess that her life on Earth is worth living, Sunset may lose her new friendships...
Fire Among the Woodwork - Sunset learns about two girls' plan to ruin Spitfire's reputation while at one of her soccer games, and tries to stop a damaging message from getting out.
Dark Skies Still Bright (part 1) - Finally apprenticing under Soarin's faithful watch, Sunset feels like her life is going well. However, a question poised by Nightshade leads to bigger challenges.
Dark Skies Still Bright (part 2) - COMING SOON
Sun and Son - COMING SOON
Empty Anger - COMING SOON
Girls' Night

Chapters (6)

After more than a few missteps, Sunset Shimmer's cousin Sunrunner has arrived in Ponyville to reunite with her old friend Quiver Quill. But events are transpiring that will lead to her having quite a few meetings and reunions before her visit is over, as well as the two facing their mutual past.

Featured on 5/1/2019!

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (9)

Long before Sunset Shimmer went to the human world, Star Swirl the Bearded and Princess Celestia traveled across the multiverse in search of knowledge. Now, a thousand years on, the consequences of those travels have come back to haunt Celestia and threaten Equestria. Twilight Sparkle and her friends must venture to another world and face an all-too-familiar evil, all while considering the road not traveled and past mistakes.

This story is adapted from IDW's "Reflections" story, written by Katie Cook and illustrated by Andy Price. Additional inspiration is taken from the first issue of the FIENDship is Magic mini-series, written by Jeremy Whitley and drawn by Brenda Hickey. Cover art by Johesy - used with permission.

Part of the Quiververse

Chapters (6)

Getting hit by a truck usually hurt's when you're awake during it. Not for me though; I got sent somewhere else by it. Now I'm in a land of colorful ponies, as a quite big, six-armed snake-lady with six sword's. And now I have some "sun worshipping" ponies after me... Because I'm different or something. All the while i'm just trying to survive. At least I got some friend's...

I am Naja, former human now in a body of a marilith. Known as the serpent of the south.

Displaced-esque story Inspired to start by Hollow Shades written by Dilos1. Go give it a read.
Tags and rating might change as story progresses. My first story here, chosen from several other idea's with a coin flip. Story was planned before the movie, so some thing may or may not be included...

Edit; WUT? Saw this on the featured-box on 26.12.2018 for a short moment? Did not see that coming... And again on 6.4.2019?... And once again 20.5.2019...3.8.2019...

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Failure of Friendship

Thanks to the events of Anon-A-Miss, Sunset is no longer a Canterlot High School Wondercolt. She still desires to finish her studies, and accepts the assistance of the Sirens in getting enrolled at the other school in Canterlot, Crystal Preparatory Academy. There, she has to deal with all sorts of new drama, from faces both new and familiar, as she struggles to not get wrapped up in the status quo of the Academy.

Chapters (12)

It started off simply enough, Applejack's embarrassing childhood nickname. Everyone had one, Sunset's was Little Firestarter. The group ignored it, even when students take it a step forward and start teasing the farmer about it.

However the next day, after a sleepover at Rarity's involved all of them dressing up in silly costumes the fashionista had made, things got worse. Those pictures were posted online, and the poster, Anon-A-Miss, also left derogatory comments.

Those pictures came from Sunset's phone, but she doesn't remember posting them. What's going on?

Chapters (7)

It should have been so simple, just make some friends, find the elements and beat the villain that tries to make the night last forever, then find out she's Celestia's actual sister and absolve her as they hug… Well, perhaps not simple per say, but expected.

So then why when they defeated Nightmare Moon did Luna ignore her sister Celestia? And why did she instead hugged Twilight as if she was happier to see her then her sister? Why was it Celestia who soon after groveled and begged Luna for forgiveness, rather then the other way around? And what's with this godmother thing?

For that matter, what else changed?

Chapters (11)