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This story is a sequel to Hello From The Other Side

Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship, has had a lot on her plate recently. Even when she's not busy and even though she has Sunset to keep her company now, she still feels the need to get away from Equestria for awhile.

Twilight Sparkle, current student of Canterlot High, has been wanting for a long time to see Equestria for herself, to understand the origins of her powers.
Surely there must be a way for them to both get what they want. What's the worst that could happen?

Better yet, what's gonna happen between Luna and Rainbow Dash?

Something feels familiar about all this...

7/17/2017: It took awhile but this story finally got the feature it deserves.

Chapters (17)

Dipper "Alcor" Pines has lived a very, very, very long and extraordinary life. Ever since he was turned into a dream demon during the events of The Transcendence, he's had to fight off crazed monster hunters who've kidnapped and tried to kill his family, other demons with ill-intent, and even an evil, twisted version of himself and his sister. On top of it all, he's had to watch his loved ones and their decendents grow old and die one by one, while he stayed forever young and weilding infinate power. And yet, nothing he's ever been through will prepare him for what's coming.

After a failed attempt at a feedback loop, Alcor finds himself in an alternate version of Equestria, boasting advanced technology fueled by magic and anthropomorphic ponies. Standing alongside the Elements of Harmony and the Princesses, Alcor will face lethal new enemies from Equestria, and old threats from his world... and perhaps, in the midst of all this chaos, Alcor will finally find his one true love in the form of Princess Luna.

A crossover with Gravity Falls' Transcendence AU.

Chapters (4)

Something is very wrong with Princess Cadance. Everypony close to her knows, except Twilight Sparkle. Something is very wrong with Twilight Sparkle. No pony knows, not even Twilight herself.

One problem lies hidden from the world and the other sits out in the open, invisible.

Something is very wrong.

This is not your traditional shipfic and touches on topics of addiction, recovery and relapse. Additionally, while this was originally written as prompt submissions to the Magic of Love: A Twidance Prompt Collab, they have been expanded upon to give more information.

Belated thanks go out to Misago and Pearple Prose for editing and being all around awesome dudes.
Change Log: Additional Edits have been made to Chapter 1 and 2 so that they feel less "prompty" and are less telly.

Chapters (8)

A thousand years ago, when the world fought for survival from the onslaught of the creatures of the night, a follower rose up and laid waste to the enemies of the night, proving herself to be an enemy of Equestria. The Queen of the Eternal Night chose this warrior to lead her armies, all at a cost. The warrior would be granted passage home.

Yet, when the sun mounted the victory of the light over the ethereal queen's head, the warrior was not found at the defense of her mistress, for the warrior spoke tell of how the queen had neither the means, nor the intentions, to pay her. The warrior raised her arms against the one she had once called leader and was struck down by the champion of the light, the sun, damning her to an imprisonment lasting a millennium of the world's time. So it has come to pass, the millennium gone, and the warrior's shackles loosen and fall to the ground, freeing the traitor warrior as her once-queen escaped her prison, and the night was intended to last.

A fic intended to pay homage to the Displaced of the old days.
[Final Fantasy XV Lore and Creatures]

Story Arcs
Chapter One: Hearth and Home (Chapters One - ???)

Chapters (11)

Limitless Technologies has been part of the leading scientific teams of America ever since their lead researcher Phillip Hadger discovered a limitless supply of energy for the world. They spent the next few years developing 'The Dream Machine', a device that can grant wishes. A contest was held, and a lucky winner was able to find himself at the building of Limitless Technologies.

Kevin Akiyama is your average asian-american, a simple mechanic if you will. All he wanted to do was his job and his hobbies. He entered himself in the contest to use the machine, hoping to become his new favorite manga character Saitama, from One Punch Man. The machine had a price when it was used on him, it turned him into pre-training Saitama and sent him to Equestria. After a minor freak out after meeting his first monster, he spent three years training his body and mind.

Now he has everything Saitama has, and will turn the hero world upside down... Or not bother with that at all and just do this hero stuff so he can actually buy groceries in this horse world, being a car mechanic doesn't really work when all the inhabitants still use carriages.

Chapters (5)

I remember that fateful hunting trip. It was just me, my rifle, and the prey. That was supposed to be it. Score a big buck and come home with the kill. That was not the case here as nothing could have prepared me for the outcomes of that day. As I was following a trail, I stumbled upon a cave of sorts. Curiosity got the better of me and I found the most beautiful crystal I had ever seen. And like a moth to candle flame, I touched it. And man, as soon as I laid finger on that stone, everything changed. As cliche as that sounds, it’s the truth. Stranded in the middle of no where, I am now the chosen light among the chaos in this new world. Armed with nothing but my rifle and my wits, a world of wonder and magic is up for the taking. Thus my new life and adventure begins. And before I go, know that I’m in this game till the end.

- Jack Cobalt

Note of 11/29/18. Made it briefly onto the Feature page. I am very happy for how long I earned said spot. Even though it was shortly lived. 😁

Chapters (7)

We’ve read it all before; human ends up in Equestria, meets ponies, etcetera... but what if it wasn’t the ponies they met and befriended first? What if it was another creature, say... the timber wolves?

After losing his way in the Forest of Dean, Jack Masterson finds himself in the magical world of Equestria with no clue how he can get back. After fleeing from the truly surreal sight of our favourite ponies, he finds himself back in a forest... and this time, he's not alone...

Meanwhile, trouble is brewing in Canterlot as Prince Blueblood works on his latest scheme to ruin the inhabitants of Ponyville. Will he achieve his revenge on the Mane Six, or will he fail yet again?

Not really inspired by anything in particular, so if you see similarities between this and another story, you're probably paranoid, unless I mention any references. Rated teen because the main character, while not based on myself, shares my fondness for swearing occasionally.
EDIT: this story now has a Dark tag, as one of my plot-points took an unexpectedly dark turn. I'm also considering switching it to a Mature content as a later plot-point might get darker still.

Chapters (5)

'To whoever gets this message, we're in desperate need of help.'

'Equestria...Equestria is on the brink of being destroyed. Sombra, Tirek and many other villains are taking over our world. The Ambassadors of Harmony are nowhere to be found and Celestia and Luna...Faust, Celestia and Luna. I don't know who you are and I don't care, just as long as you can save us. And if you can't do that, then at the very least...'

'Avenge us.'

Chapters (34)

A Displaced story.

How would you feel, I wonder, if your reality was torn out from under you, to have your life stripped away in the strangest of circumstances, and thrust into a world you have no understanding of, with no way to get home. Now living the life of a star spirit, who without starlight, you simply cease to exist until the next night brings you back.

How would you cope, if you were only ten years old at the time?

For our young heroine, the answer was simple. She didn't.

Her name is now Mare, and she wants to be left alone.

The character Mare is from the Visual Novel Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star, But is unlikely to contain any elements from there apart from the appearance, abilities and some mannerisms of the character Mare, so prior knowledge is unnecessary, and even mildly discouraged, as I will not be entirely faithful to the source material, and most things will be explained in the story.

To save time, rather than putting this on individual chapters, I'll just say that This story has been edited by m2pt5, and probably will be for the foreseeable future, and is much better off for it.

Chapters (17)

Sigh.... Great. Just great! I get sent into ponyland as a loli. Not just any normal kind of loli. Noooo! I'm a loli with tentacles growing out of my back. I can't even control these things! At least they somewhat listen to me, and I kept my house though...

Follow Dakota as he/she/it goes through the MLP FIM episodes, changing things as he tries to live his life. He appears around a few days before the events of Ticket Master and the CMC has already formed, if you want an exact date.

I'll be honest, these past few years have been very busy, I've lost a lot of my notes, and sorta moved on from this fic. I'll see about making something else, but if anyone wants to make some kinda reboot or continuation for this, go on your merry way. maybe I'll come back to this, but I doubt it.

The cover art was made by InvaderIka. Here's the link.

Chapters (29)