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The scope of the multiverse is so tremendously beyond the comprehension of most beings that, if they were to truly know what it meant, they would break down and be unable to live their lives the way they wished. Most worlds are lucky to be blissfully unaware of the true picture of reality, never to encounter the higher forces and civilizations.

However, when one of those higher forces make contact with one of those unaware worlds - intentionally or not, peacefully or not - everything will change drastically. Sometimes the change is slow, sometimes rapid. Regardless of the pacing, like all change, it is both good and bad. Civilizations have risen from simple worlds overnight and have crumbled just as quickly. Many can't handle the revelation, and those that can are not always the best examples of honor and dignity.

It is often said that each world - each universe - has a Song, and that all these Songs are related, intertwining together in a mesh of powerful destiny among the Spheres of the multiverse.

This is the story of how a certain world inhabited by Technicolor ponies found their Song and how it interwove itself in the Songs of so many others.

This is a story of finding meaning in infinite possibility.

This is a mega-crossover project of immense proportions covering dozens of fandoms. However, it is written in such a way that no previous knowledge of any of them - not even the ponies - will be required. The only warning is that there will be spoilers for any franchise you haven't seen.

There are several side-stories being written for Songs of the Spheres by several authors, and links to them can be found in our Fimfiction group, including links to non-pony related stories. There's also a Discord chat. Lastly, we have a Spacebattles forum. Discussion about the multiverse, setting, and future events can also be found there if you don't mind spoilers.

Has a TV Tropes page now. Needs love.

Special thanks goes to my little editing army. Keywii_cookies55, VoidTemplar2000, Ponygood11, Omnipresent Microorganism, Blaster Master, Useless Common, Galliar,
Mal Masque, Nickle241, and Triv the Imaginary Duck.

Cover drawn by Little Duke. (DA: Spiralling Vibrance)

Has been updated to comply up to Season 8. Does not comply with Season 9 though elements from it are included.

-GM, master of the Dark Tower

Chapters (158)

Harry as been living in the US for the past five years after the war due to his Master of Death status along with something else he had learned from his friends. During those five years a rift to Equestria appeared in the town he lives in. Now it has become a small city with humans and ponies coming and going. He has picked up signs of wizards in the city and decided to go to Equestria to keep them off his tail. He never thought he would run into this amount of trouble.

(Rating may change to M later on.)

Chapters (8)

Scootaloo's life has always been shrouded in mystery. She lives in her house in Ponyville alone. She often disappears with no explanation. And no one's ever seen her parents.
She keeps it that way deliberately. She likes her normal life in Ponyville, and has held on to it as much as she can.
However, a personal tragedy brings family responsibility down on her shoulders, and her life is about to spiral out of control.
Thankfully, she has quite a bit of help keeping both her lives stable - and separate - as much as possible...
...a dragon chef who can't make a salad without making it flambe...
...a cripplingly far-sighted ex-assassin hippogryph maid...
...a slim built minotaur gardener who is as innocent as he is unexpectedly strong...
...a mechanical golem head servant whose brain runs - badly - on hot tea...
...and one devil of a butler.

Edit: New Cover Art by ProfessorCatPro
Edit 2: New fan art by slyfoxcub.

Chapters (43)

After the invasion of Canterlot, Tempest Shadow - also know as Fizzlepop Berrytwist - struggled to make a place for herself in Equestria among the ponies she once conquered. Unfortunately, it seemed not everyone could be as forgiving as the Princess of Friendship, and she found it somewhat difficult. She found herself wishing for a second chance at a first impression.

She really should have checked who was listening first.

Worlds and years away, can she manage to grow into a different pony and try to make it home? And what will this wish cost her?


Dedicated to mastermenthe for fixing my computer problems and getting me back online to write again.

Cover art by the amazing ProfessorCatPro

Chapters (27)

Harry Potter, age ten, made a wish...

He wished that he could go to a place where he could do all of his magic whatever he wants, whenever he wants, and the wish came true...

A few years later in Earth time, he has returned and found himself back in the hands of one Albus Dumbledore, who wanted to use him as a Weapon against Voldemort. But Harry is not happy, since his 2 thousand year life vacation was interrupted...

He is now Discord, The Spirit Of Chaos & Disharmony, and he is gonna have a FUN time with this...

WARNING: Dumbledore Bashing INBOUND! There will be Hermione who can be introduced to Harry during this Fic, and There Might Be Good Ol' Fluttercord later on.

Chapters (13)

After many centuries, on a dying planet the Master of Death is finally ready to start over, and it just so happens his freash start is filled with multi-colored ponies.

Morty!Harry MasterofDeath!Morty Pony!Morty Grumpy!Morty Jerk!Morty Unicorn!Morty, Pansexual!Morty, Pervy!Death.

This will span the series with AU moments but will start pre-first season.

The ratings is for Harry's potty mouth and Death's perv-like tendencies.

The character section will be added to as the story goes along, so no worries, you'll see some of your favorites at some point.

Cover art done by Dark Canvas/AppleDashislife. (horn is under his mane).

Oh, and in case anyone asks, yes Harry will experiment with relationships and such, but he will be a pansexual, so he may end up with anybody.

I will reference from the show, comics, cards, videogames, fan content, reviewers, and most importantly, my own imagination taking a personal spin on many of the references and sometimes characters.

Characters so far (will continue to add as I go along):

Morty (once HP), Death, Nook and Caboose (Morty's Parents), Princess Celestia, Random Royal guard(s), Headmaster Inkwell (originally a Professor from Comics), Princess Cadence (Morty's roommate).

Chapters (9)

The failed invasion of that mad queen, Chrysalis, rocked the changeling community. From the hives nestled outside Equestria, to their kin living in peace within, they watch those colorful ponies eye one another with suspicion and let themselves be swallowed by fear and distrust.

A gamble by Princess Celestia has summoned forth the diplomat to the Seekers, the one changeling who may be able to ease tensions between their races and restore balance. The Bearer of Magic has been summoned after a century of peace.

And, like her mother before her, Princess Twilight Sparkle will answer the call.

Preread by Alto, Cynewulf, and Timaeus.
Cover art by FoughtDragon01, used with permission.

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Twilight gets a Puppy

Meet Rahs Sparkle, Moon Dog, Thespian, unexpected brother of Twilight and Spike Sparkle, even more unexpected grand pup of Princess Luna, and current target of the pink boat horse's nautical nonsense.

Join the Sparkle siblings as they deal with Chaos, live through Nightmare Night , survive the CMC, deal with charlatans, giants, dating, and the wedding of the century.

All somehow without strangling each other, or their friends.

Cover art by marking

[ Despite having to tag the story with Gore it is light on that. It is however somewhat heavy on innuendo and lewdness, but there's still no tag for that.]

[ It would also be good if you read the first book as it ties directly into this one.]


Chapters (83)

This story is a sequel to Princess of Shadows, Darkness, and Light

Dark times are falling on Equestria. Though the Moon Kingdom has returned, the Dark One is gathering his forces, preparing to strike out at the Princess of Friendship in order to lay claim to what belongs to Him.

It will take everything that Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Luna, and Nightingale has to win.

They will need it, for Twilight's sanity hangs in the balance.

The Guardian of Darkness comes, and his arrival will shake the foundations of Equus.

This story is a direct sequel to Princess of Shadows, Darkness, and Light. Reading of the prequel is not required, though is highly recommended.

All characters, save for original characters, belong to Hasbro. This story complies with Free Use laws.

*Gore rating for graphic content
*Sex tag for suggestive themes; there won't be any clop. I can't write clop; my mind is too twisted for it.

Chapters (4)

Many years ago, King Sombra attempted to overthrow the Diarchs of Equestria by subduing the Crystal Empire. The actions of three of Equus' greatest champions stopped him, but not without cost. Now, forces that had long been buried were working to bring him and his army of darkness back. Two ponies, whose past actions had elevated them to the forefront of the fight, would come to find their own connection to these past events.

Can Rainbow Dash, Element of Loyalty, perspective Wonderbolt Captain, and heroine of Equestria, rise up to the challenge of a new destiny? And, can she do this alone, or will she have to risk possible heartache with a certain adorkable librarian-turned-princess in order to do so?

All characters except for OC's belong to their respective parties. This fic complies with all free-speech and use laws.

This fic is a prequel/parallel fic to my fic Princess of Shadows, Darkness, and Light. As such, each chapter will help to explain some of the details not covered in the sequel.

Also, the Mane Six will be featured, but I can't tag them on account of the five-character limit.

This fic and its companion/sequel are my first major attempt at writing FiM fan fiction, though not fiction in general; I have done other work, nothing published. What I'm doing here is trying to explore an Equus that is both larger and smaller than the people know. That's the major reason why nothing of Season Five is making its way into the fic, and why it has the AU tag. For more details, look for my various blogs on the subject.

Please Note: I'm in the process of trying to find cover art, as I think that's one of the reasons why this fic has so few views. If you know of any way I can get some, or have some talent in drawing, please PM me. The only problem with commissions is that I have no way to pay; if I did, I'd hire someone to get some cool cover art.

Edit July 22nd, 2016: The rating and addition of the Gore tag is due to the fairly graphic scenes that will be in an upcoming chapter. The scenes are not going to be excessively bloody, just more graphic than usual. There will be a tagged warning on the chapter in question. At this point, that will be the only chapter with those scenes.

Edit August 6th, 2016: Sex tag now added due to the nature of some of the subject material in the last chapter. Spoiler tags will be removed from this edit note when the chapter in question is posted.Story is now complete.

Chapters (21)