• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Generation 5 162 stories
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This story is a sequel to Wet Behind The Ears

It is a special day in Maretime Bay, but the Crystal Brighthouse is empty. Bluegill Brine has slept in, and now her friends are away. Brine is free to wander the town and enjoy the weather. The strange, beautiful weather.

A birthday gift for my friend Casketbase77. Cover art is by Ahobo.

Chapters (1)

It's been many months since the ending of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. Hasbro has declared there will be no more My Little Pony for a while.

One night I went to bed, like every other day, and the next morning I woke up to find myself in a forest full of pastel-colored, talking Unicorns.

This would have been a dream come true, but there was no magic and the three Pony Tribes are separated. Very different from the Equestria that I have grown to love...

Now, I must go on an adventure with my new friends to find a way to restore magic to this new Equestria and restore the long forgotten friendship that everypony has lost.

Story takes place in Generation 5.
Cover Art belongs to Imalou.
My Little Pony: A New Generation belongs to Robert Cullen, Jose Ucha and Tim Sullivan.
Enjoy. ^_^

Chapters (2)

Misty has finally left Opaline and her lair behind, but moving out is only the first step of shedding the thoughts and doubts that still haunt her.
Luckily, her new friends are willing to help her adjust and teach her about life in Maretime Bay.

Written after Chapter 4, containing spoilers thereof, and sure to be outdated by future episodes.

Credit to Cover Art belongs to Marenlicious

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to The Hermit

It has been a couple of months since Sunny and Zipp were stranded in the Everfree Forest. Their encounter with Anon still weighs heavily on Sunny's mind, so it comes as a pleasant surprise when he arrives in Maretime Bay one quiet morning.

However, although he is eager to speak to Sunny and Zipp again, Anon begins seeing more similarities between the past and the present than he is comfortable with. As a result, Sunny, Zipp, Pipp, Izzy, Hitch, and Misty find themselves under a great deal of pressure to do something that Anon doesn't seem too keen on explaining fully.

What is it that has Anon, immortal spouse of the long-deceased Celestia, so anxious? What is he trying to accomplish?

And what is he so desperate to hide from Sunny?

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Thomas and Friends: The Caretakers

Even heroes need a rest, and this is certainly true of the Falmouth team. After a truly hectic year, there is nothing people value more than a summer holiday. And in this collection, they and their engines travel to various different parts of the country, soaking up sun, sand, and challenging rail operations in the difficult conditions that the summer can often bring.

The stories in this anthology are a mixture of Tell your Tale and Thomas and Friends adaptions.

Chapters (16)

There was a human in Equestria named Lukas Hart, he had been resonating in the lovely small town of Ponyville for at least two years, and he enjoyed his new life in the magical land of Equestria. But when Twilight accidentally sent him to the future, Lukas soon found himself making friends with new ponies and helping them restore peace and harmony once and for all.

This is a remake of my story The Journey Of Lukas.

Chapters (11)

(Spoilers for Make Your Mark: Chapter 4. Featured on 7/5/2023.)

Having left Opaline for good, Misty is still trying to get used to the big changes in her life: Living in Maretime Bay, and having actual friends.

To make matters worse, Misty is still plagued with guilt over the role she played in helping Opaline become so powerful. And the guilt continues to linger despite the reassurances of her friends.

Then, one day, Misty runs into a friend of Sunny and Hitch that hasn't really hung out with them in a long time. But Sprout seems to know at least a little about what Misty is going through, in fact, he claims he can relate. Yet neither he or Misty suspects that something might be blooming between them.

Chapters (1)

After Zipp’s extremely rough landing of the Marestream in Maretime Bay, Sheriff Hitch is required per Mareitime Bay bylaws to temporarily suspend Zipp's license, pending remedial driving lessons.

Inspired by this Tell Your Tale episode. Please enjoy this fluffy little holiday romance!

Now with a reading from StraightToThePointStudio!

Chapters (2)

Hitch may have a paid-off mortgage…but he isn’t the only young landowner in Mareitime Bay.

Takes place at least a few years before the start of MLP A New Generation.

3/7/23--#1 on the Featured Box. Thank you everyone.

Chapters (1)