• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Generation 5 162 stories
Found 162 stories in 71ms

Total Words: 2,974,599
Estimated Reading: 1 week



  • Featured 23556 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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For as long as Sunny can remember, there have been tales of a strange hermit living deep in the Everfree Forest, the most dangerous place in Equestria. Of course, nopony could ever prove if this was true. After all, who in their right mind would actually go there? Unfortunately for Sunny, she may not have a choice, as during a test flight on the Mare Stream, she and Zipp crash land in the middle of that very forest. With no way out and timberwolves just waiting to pounce, what else can she do but hope that the tales are true?

And just who, or what, is this hermit supposed to be, anyway?

Chapters (1)

Misty has a cutie mark, but she doesn't even know what it's for. Her name is unrelated to anything, it's just a thing. She doesn't even know her parents.

But maybe her friends can help her find who she really is—or help her consider who she should really be.

For the A Thousand Words Contest
With appreciated help from starcoder with editing and art.

Chapters (1)

(Contains spoilers for G5) Sonic is his name and speed is his game he decides to try and go faster than he's ever gone before but when he does, He accidentally travels to equestria where he meets sunny and Izzy, together they travel across equestria to try and bring back magic as well as reunite all of pony kind.

(side note I will do my best to keep everyone in the story as accurate as possible. This will be mostly based on the film MLP a new generation and Eggman will not be apart of the story along with sonic’s friends just keep that in mind)

Takes place after the Metal virus story.

I own nothing

Part 1 of 5

Chapters (16)

Misty has recently reformed and decided to help her friends defeat Opaline. She acts as a spy for them and tells them Opaline's secrets and moves. But they didn't expect to be able to take her down so soon. When Misty says Opaline wants a smoothie, they hatch a plan to stop her, but it ends up going a little farther then they anticipated.

Done for kicks as part of an idea that occurred after Misty's redemption.

Made Popular Stories and has a reading on youtube.

Chapters (1)

Your closest friend, Sunny Starscout, has had a rough week. She seems intent on keeping it that way, but you have a plan. A convoluted plan, perhaps, but a plan nonetheless. It involves smoothies, fireworks, and most importantly, a hug. Your goal?

Her smile and optimism: Restored.

Chapters (1)

Zipp has been acting strange lately. The looks she gives her friends, her movements, the fact she is barely sleeping. Something is wrong with her.

So when the pegasus princess suddenly vanishes, it is up to her friends to find her and try to figure out what is wrong with her.

Can they find her and stop whatever is troubling Zipp? Or will their friend fall to what she fears most: Herself

Disclaimer: Contains moments that could be seen as self harm. Rape is mentioned, but not performed. Proceed with caution if these upsets you.

Edit: This story’s barely been up for an hour and already it’s getting featured. Whoo-hoo!

Chapters (1)

Cover art title: MareCrime Bay
Artist: Marenlicious

Hitch thought his new by-the-minute radio show would go well without a Hitch. Unfortunately, his friends think his frequent announcements are a little too much for Maretime Bay to handle.

Reading here : Hitch Podcaster

Chapters (1)

After countless hours of research, Aaron has done it. He has made a way into Equestria. Now he can meet his favorite pony of all time Twilight Sparkle. Nothing can stop him! Wait a second, who are you, ponies?

This is what happens when you take too long to get things done. You end up in the wrong show.

A Gen 4 brony lost in the Gen 5 world. What could happen?

Chapters (20)

By sheer chance, Hitch discovers that Sparky's egg came with a note. Upon reading it, he discovers a familiar name as the author of the note: Spike.

Once informed of this discovery, Sunny realizes that Spike must know what happened to Equestria that caused the pony tribes to become divided. She subsequently recruits all of her friends to join her on a journey to see the old dragon.

When the five mares finally do meet with Spike, they'll be surprised to learn his reason behind sending Sparky to Maretime Bay. And Spike will shed light on how the utopia Princess Twilight created came undone.

(Featured on 1/31/2023.)

Chapters (1)

Sunny Starscout and Izzy Moonbow find an old comic book while cleaning the Crystal Brighthouse one day, a book documenting an account of the last time King Sombra was destroyed, this time for good. However, the book also details how a teenage Flurry Heart was somehow able to reform Sombra in the process and give him new life...

NOTE: This story follows the in-universe explanation of the IDW comics being written by Spike in the universe of MLP.

Cover art is by the super cool Skyey-Pony.


Chapters (1)