• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is a sequel to Negotiations


It's a tale as old as time itself.

A wonderful individual of many faces, a handful of adventurous companions, and a seemingly inconspicuous blue police box.

This time, the Doctor finds himself in a dimension not his own, in familiar lands more alien than the planet he appeared on. Dropped smack dab in the middle of the Conversion War, it's up to him and his new friends to put a end to Celestia's mad ambitions before they can be realized. But the Doctor is no stranger to conflict, and Equestria will learn exactly why he is known as the Oncoming Storm...


*An Alternate Universe story and crossover with Doctor Who for the Negotations-Verse series. Originally posted in Choice, it was decided to make it its own story after suggestions from readers as well as discussions between me and zelkova48.

Please help out at the Negotations-Verse TV Tropes Page: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/TheNegotiationsVerse

Chapters (17)

For years, Hitch Trailblazer believed many things about Unicorns and Pegasi that he now realizes were complete lies. After escaping Zephyr Heights, he sits by a campfire and talks with his former enemies. Can this be real? Yes, it is. And now it was time for him to do better.

But sleep? Ah, sleep is a more difficult thing to achieve when one has emotional turmoil. Wouldn't you agree? And what is more, looking back to the past can be most painful. Does Hitch have to face this guilt alone? No. There is one who may be able to comfort him.
A certain white pegasus princess.

(Hitch X Zipp Oneshot)

Chapters (1)

Misty is curious about the history of those who battles Twilight Sparkle long ago. And who better to know all about that than the pony who was alive at that time? Opaline agrees to give Misty a lesson in the history of the villains. But she also finds herself considering her own adventures and battles in the past, and how she feels about some of these figures.

Contains description on battle and combat, but nothing beyond what is in Friendship is Magic.

Just a one-shot I wrote up in an evening. Enjoy!

Chapters (1)

With the holidays wrapping up, things are getting back to normal in Maretime Bay... which means Misty is back to spying on the ponies living in the Crystal Brighthouse. But the holidays aren't quite over yet, and a certain purple unicorn still has one last gift to give.

A fic exchange gift for SigmasonicX as a part of the Enchanted Library server's secret Santa!!

Chapters (1)

After once more being denied the chance to celebrate Wishday, Misty is given an assignment on the holiday's eve to take an artifact containing a well of immense power, one that might grant Opaline all the power she needs to regain her former power. However, while interacting with the relic, she's visited by the spirit of a pony who gave her very soul to protect it, leading Misty to rethink her harrowing life.


Written for Emotion-Nexus for Jinglemas 2022!

Chapters (1)

In their ongoing efforts to bring all of Equestria into closer Harmony, the three pony kinds are participating in a pen-pal gift exchange! Each group will be assigned names from another, and give gifts that celebrate the culture, identity, and uniqueness of their home; Bridlewood will gift to Maretime Bay, the ponies in the Bay will gift to Zephyr Heights, and the pegasi will gift to the unicorns of Bridlewood.

Of course, as princess, Pipp has the honor of playing Santa Hooves, delivering Zephyr Heights' Wishday gifts to the forests of Bridlewood. Along with her faithful guard, Thunder, she'll be delivering gifts, and she couldn't be more excited.

And, since Pipp is nearly always online somehow, somepony will know right away if something goes wrong.

...won't they?

Written for Iono for Jinglemas 2022

The prompt was, "Anything really, Fluttershy or Pinkie! Or Pipp!"

Pre-reading by badtigra, Sleepless Beholder, and Dreams of Ponies. Thanks!

Chapters (2)

A little fanmade sequel to Tell Your Tale Episode 41, A Day in the Life.

First story in the Love Mark Verse

Pipp wakes up to find she has reached 100,000,000 followers, and many of them think that she and Hitch are a couple after seeing the video that Sparky made.

Made popular stories!

Chapters (1)

Winter Wishday. Wishentine. Wishiehoof. To hear Sunny Starscout tell it, the old name was "Hearth's Warming," back when the races lived together.

Maybe that time was coming again. It sure seemed like it, every passing day. The ponies of Equestria were growing together once more.

Which means Queen Haven has no more excuses to put off what she should have done a long time ago.

Written for kleia for Jinglemas 2022.

Chapters (1)

One morning in Pipp’s salon, Mane Melody, a body was discovered. Thank goodness for Zipp and her detective skills. She has decided it’s up to her to find out the culprit.

This will be the darkest mystery she ever dealt with but...

She’s not gonna give up!

The story from start to end, has been prewritten and split into chapters before being published.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Cardboard Castles

Zipp was used to odd things happening to her. She had grown up with her sister in Zephyr Heights and Pipp was a drama queen who made the simplest task an impossible hurdle. She helped out at the Brighthouse nearly every day with her friends and they were odd. Magic coming back to Equestria shouldn't phase her since she finally got to fly around and finally use her wings like she always dreamed of doing.

Magic coming back should be a net positive. But waking up as a batpony when you didn't expect to would ruin anypony's day. And that was before she realized that the yearly Zephyr Heights Spooktacular was today. This was not her day and, for once, she was understanding why Pipp worried about the smallest of setbacks.

Chapters (3)