• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

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This story is a sequel to Cardboard Castles

Zipp was used to odd things happening to her. She had grown up with her sister in Zephyr Heights and Pipp was a drama queen who made the simplest task an impossible hurdle. She helped out at the Brighthouse nearly every day with her friends and they were odd. Magic coming back to Equestria shouldn't phase her since she finally got to fly around and finally use her wings like she always dreamed of doing.

Magic coming back should be a net positive. But waking up as a batpony when you didn't expect to would ruin anypony's day. And that was before she realized that the yearly Zephyr Heights Spooktacular was today. This was not her day and, for once, she was understanding why Pipp worried about the smallest of setbacks.

Chapters (3)

Sunny Starscout had expected a nice, relaxing camping trip with her friends when she’d left for the forest outside Maretime Bay, yet unbeknownst to her when she’d shut and locked the door to the Brighthouse behind her, she and the rest of the mane five trotted upon a collision course with destiny!

Of on-going action and adventure!

Of immense and intense super science and super excitement!

And of good ole’ fashion magic and mayhem!

After falling from the stars, the mysterious alien device that began to glare and stuck itself upon her wrist with secrets it did share would change equestria and its knowledge of the past, present, and future forever!

The world would never be the same again!

Not with its new superhero who will never stop till evil is made to pay, for she’s the raddest mare to ever save the day: Sunny 10!

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to How to Meet Your Daughter

After Misty's latest failure to obtain the Dragonfire, Opaline decides its time for a trip to the secret lab. Certainly there's no way this could possibly go wrong.

An accurate depiction of the relationship between Misty and Opaline.

Cover art belongs to NotSoSmartSmarty on Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/notsosmartsmarty/art/Pull-the-lever-Misty-931155227

Update: Featured on 10/28/2022! WOOOOOOOO!!! :pinkiegasp::twilightsmile::moustache::pinkiehappy:

My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Wt3HqMRrk4

Chapters (1)

Maretime Bay has been blessed with a thick blanket of snow, and five ponies friends are outside enjoying the view. However, one prank by a pegasus sister is about to turn this nice stroll into something else.

Inspired by the fanart Snowball Prank Gone Wrong
By artist InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

Amazing reading done by StraightToThePointStudio here

Chapters (1)

Hitch thought that the end of his shift was going to be normal; clock out, head home, shower, and go to bed. That was until his childhood best friend, and three new best friends decided that he was going to come to the Brighthouse to hang out with them, using Pipp as a weapon to get Hitch to agree, knowing he had some sort of crush on her.

The sleepover part however, didn't exactly go as planned.

Professional Audio Reading done here: Part 1 -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ewYyn5bTZ_4
Part 2 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7z0Oh00OgEM

There is now a sequel, called I Will Always Be with You, To the End of Time

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sunny’s Promise

After so many nights of trying, Misty finally succeeds in capturing Sparky! She is so excited as Opaline will finally be proud of her and give her a cutie mark as promised, something she has always wanted since fillyhood.

However, she is about to learn a very hard lesson….

Part 1 of the Misty Saga. Rated T for graphic depictions of abuse around the latter half of the first section and one mild use of profanity. Proceed at your own risk.

Sequel: https://www.fimfiction.net/story/527821/forgiven

Chapters (1)

Alphabittle's life gets flighty when a pegasus Queen steps in and disrupts every aspect of his life. But who is he kidding? He's not mad about it one bit. In fact, he's very interested in Haven, but has ... not a lot of romantic experience, even if he felt like a romantic at heart.

Never has he met someone quite like her, she sets his soul on fire, and makes him sing "Vita Bella". His age of romance was found in music, artists like Nat King Colt, Ella Fillygerald, Clip Damone, and so many others. The actors of Ponywood had romance down. Maybe that was something Haven liked? Swept off her hooves like the old Ponywood romance flicks, offered sweet, loving romance like in the songs.

No time like the present to find out, right?

Cover art by me! Please consider checking out the full size piece.

Other tags for this fic include:
Slow burn, angst

Chapters (2)

Sunny Starscout managed to bring all three pony races together bringing harmony and friendship once more. But the Law is the Law and Hitch insists that Sunny must spend at least one night in Jail for all the by-Laws she broke. Cuddling ensues.

Chapters (1)

After numerous failed attempts to follow even the simplest of tasks, Opaline sends Misty out for one last mission, if she is to return unsuccessful then chances of getting her cutie mark will be forfeit, and she will be banished from the castle. Her mission is to extract information from Sheriff Hitch, or steal Sparky Sparkeroni, and if she is to fail then she'll have hell to pay.

SPOILERS FOR MYM Chapter 2! Do not read assuming you haven't finished Chapter 2!

((Misty x Hitch)) content abroad! You've been warned!

Chapters (1)

An alternate take on events that begins in the middle of Chapter 2, Episode 6 ("The Traditional Unicorn Sleep-Over") of Make Your Mark. This story assumes reader knowledge of the show up to that point.

Zipp had a lot of suspicions about Misty, the strange unicorn that Izzy had met in town earlier that day and invited to an impromptu sleepover party at the Brighthouse. But while she'd been exercising her detective skills on their guest all night as the oddities surrounding her piled up, she hadn't meant to drive Misty away. So when, after Misty flees from the party in a panic, Zipp notices that she's still out in the Brighthouse's garden, pacing frantically, Zipp decides to see if she can talk to her, and figure out just what is going on with this curious new pony.

And what she learns may well give Zipp room for pause -- and a need to exercise some comfort skills.

Please note that while this fic is rated E, there is some mild discussion of parental/familial abuse.

A reading from StraightToThePoint Studio is now available! Also featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by emera33; used with permission. Pre-read by TCC56 and Goldenwing.

Featured 10/9/22-10/12/22!

Chapters (1)