• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2019


I'm an Autistic person with ADHD, OCD and Asperger's Syndrome who really enjoys the MLP FIM fandom.

Generation 5 163 stories
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Total Words: 2,975,955
Estimated Reading: 1 week



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While a thunderstorm brews outside the Zephyr Heights palace walls, a teenage Zipp Storm reads her sister a bedtime story.

Featured on-site 10/6/2022 - 10/8/2022
Featured on EQD 10/24/2022
Live reading by StraightToThePointStudios

* Proofread by LevelDasher
* Cover art by ScribblePotato
* Inspired by scenes from TYT & MYM
* Takes place several years before the start of G5

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Forgotten: Sunrise

A new student has come to Sunset Shimmer's fledgling magic school in Bridlewood, and she immediately begins to arouse the headmare's suspicions...

Cover art by: Little Tigress

Chapters (25)

It's been couple of months after the events of the movie: Sunny's collapsed lighthouse has been repaired and she's able to start her life anew. At the housewarming party she's throwing with her friends, Zipp Storm challenges Hitch into a drinking competition, which the sheriff accepts. You guessed it, hilarity ensues...

This story is Teen-rated for alcohol usage, drunk shenanigans and brief mentions of urination. The story itself contains feels (shame on me!) and terrible jokes. :twilightsheepish:

Cover by Jewellier.

Chapters (1)

Chrysalis wasn't always in the best state of mind, this was happening more and more times.

So it is to noling's surprise when she gets stoned to kingom come.

The issue is, what will happen when old spells fade away at last.

Part of the Falsetime Continuity, from beginning to ending, from ending to beginning:

Book 1|6: Lady Bugs and Mother Bugs (you are here)

Book 2|5: Of Bugs and War

Book 3|4: The Eastern Citadel

Book 4|3: The Glory of Roam

Book 5|2: Delta

Book 6|1: Before the Past

First story to ever write and publish. Hope it is good enough for y'all, also since I'm not a native english speaker, please correct me if needed.

Also the whole reason for this story was this:

Was bored, decided to write something when I saw Dis (SFW img, by Cold Blooded Twilight NSFW artist).

How could one not want to hug that cute bug horse and tell them everything is gonna be alright.

I honestly haven't seen the show and the only canon thing I know about these cuddlebugs is that they are:

A) Squishy
B) Need love
C) Look badass
D) Can transform

And that seems enough for me to qualify as a professional in the society and biology field of changelings. But seriously, if you see any big screw up, just tell me. I also need my fair share of criticism to know what the hell I'm doing and if it is good or bad.

Thank you for reading, Have a good one!

Chapters (1)

The pony tribes live divided from one another by generations of fear and mistrust. Long ago, however, they mingled, and married, freely with each other. What would happen when that genetic legacy expresses itself again, and a pegasus is born in Maretime Bay? Are there any ponies who might do their part to help such an ill-fated foal?

(This story is set an undetermined time before the main events of the My Little Pony: A New Generation movie, but after the intro sequence.)

Chapters (1)

Since magic has been returned to the three pony tribes, Queen Haven has been sneaking out for unexplained reasons. That is, until she's spotted with Alphabittle in secret.

It isn't long before the media in Zephyr Heights goes into overdrive, speculating that the two leaders are a couple and that they're officially going to get engaged. When word of this reaches Bridlewood, Izzy eagerly anticipates planning a wedding.

But Zipp and Pipp aren't as enthusiastic about the whole thing. Pipp especially is less than thrilled with the prospect of her mother marrying somepony else. And it all has to do with what happened to Zephyr Heights' last king.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day is Upon us, and four eager mares decide to plan out their days by preparing gifts the day before!

This fic was made as a joke, I don't think anyone thinks this would actually happen, 'prolly cause it wouldn't lol. So don't get too up in your arms about the content please!

Chapters (1)

A heatwave hits Maretime Bay right in the middle of Summer! Sunny, Zipp and Pipp are all off in Zephyr Heights for the day attending some other business, leaving Izzy and Hitch to themselves on the hottest day of the year. Hitch decides to make his way to the Brighthouse with Sparky in tow, hoping to distract himself from this hellishly hot day.

Izzy Moonbow x Hitch Trailblazer beyond this point! You have been warned~

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Sonic The Hedgehog x My Little Pony: A New Generation

Now that Sunny Starscout and her friends - Izzy Moonbow, Hitch Trailblazer, Zipp Storm, Pipp Petals and Sonic the Hedgehog - have restored the magic all across Equestria, they're all living together in Maretime Bay, having all kind of fun adventures. And with Team Sonic and Team Dark added to the mix, things can't be more funnier!

Chapters (82)

Almost a week has passed since all three pony tribes were reunited and the magic returned, and Sunny Starscout's mind is consumed by a question: what happened? The question in itself is simple, but the answer isn't so. And after discovering a hidden page in her dad's journal, Sunny finds a clue that begins a long train of investigating that takes her and her friends across Equestria and beyond, to find out what happened all those years ago, to finally find the answers Sunny's been wanting about the Fall of Equestria.

WARNING: Contains no relation to My Little Pony: Make Your Mark or My Little Pony: Tell Your Tale. This is strictly related to events that happened after My Little Pony: A New Generation.

Chapters (24)