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One day, as Lyra and Bon Bon played together in the wintery snow, a tragic accident takes place, forcing Lyra into the unknown. Now, neck-deep in this unsettling situation, the mare must make a choice. One that will permanently change her life.

[Cover image by jcharlesmachiavelli]

Chapters (2)

Her eyes are always the subject of many jokes, even in her nickname: Derpy Hooves. Ditzy Doo was always a pony who messed things up. Everypony always taunted her and teased her, and they still do today. She always takes the jokes with a small smile, but what is really behind the smile? What is it really like to be insulted every day, as if nopony thought you knew what they were talking about?

Link to a reading by Slashwar: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=banTpB_4g2Y&feature=youtu.be

Chapters (2)

Rarity's boutique is failing, but when Rainbow bursts through her door with a half dead unicorn stallion bleeding out in her arms, Rarity discovers a new type of magic she had never known existed. After being offered a somewhat sketchy job by the unicorn, she decides to take it, someones gotta pay the bills.

Chapters (5)

How far would you go for love? Would you travel across the world? Face peril whatever the danger? Even sacrifice your own being? Rainbow Dash will have to answer these questions as she tries to find a forbidden mirror to bring back the one she both loved and lost. But at what price will it be?

Originally publish in 01-15-12. This story has been rewritten.

Chapters (11)

Sidenote: I appreciate the criticism I received prior to writing this from the people who said that it "couldn't be done", and that "Rarity and Spike being together just won't work out". If it weren't for you guys, I would never had been inspired to prove you wrong by creating this. Thanks! :D

Anyway, this is a cute romance fiction about my favorite - and really, the only normal - couple in Ponyville. Enjoy!

Chapters (4)

All Pinkie Pie wanted to do was tell Twilight she loved her. Things might have gone differently if Twilight listened...
(An experiment in dark/ psycho-shipping) (Can be enjoyed in track to track format, or in a massive LP *Long Play* style record.)

Chapters (7)

Fluttershy is your typical pony. Kind, caring...and lonely. When a new colt comes into town and takes a local Bandmaster job, Fluttershy finds him strangely attractive...

Chapters (22)