• Member Since 23rd May, 2023


Hi! My name is Astra Galaxia. but most just call me Astra! I wish to start writing my first story someday

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Canterlot... For centuries, Canterlot was the shining gem of Equestria, the pinnacle of pony society. Now, it’s a reminder, a bleak and monolithic warning to the world. 

Changed by the chemical and technological poisons that plague the mountain, an abomination of nature, I wander the greatest disaster Equestria has ever seen. 

... I will escape eventually, and when I do, I hope my friends still see me as Twilight Sparkle, and not the monster that hides among the ruins. 

Chapters (10)

==Originally written spring 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
GLaDOS is free of Chell, free to continue testing, when she discovers a portal gun Wheatley tried to repair with duct tape. When the portal gun catastrophically fails, the enrichment center, GLaDOS, and Chell are literally dropped in the middle of Equestria. The mute test subject soon finds the world of ponies far more welcoming than the human world. But GLaDOS sees possibilities. Let the testing begin... for science.

Chapters (10)

I do not own MLP/Battletech
Partial crossover with Warhammer 40k.
Hasbro, Games Workshop, Catalyst Labs owns the series that I wished I owned.

Reboot COMING SOON!!!!!!!!!!

A Changeling is rescued by space faring humans and is taught to walk an entirely different path that is separate from all other Hives. She's going to have to fight her way to create an bright future for her kind and somehow make the ponies look like idiots.

It would be so simple if the other Changeling Queens just... agreed on something other than 'look a pony! FOOD!' mindset.

Art is by KaNICHAN~ Check out her deviantart page~

Is this what's called being featured?
Featured on 10/23/2014~~~
Thank you all for reading my fic!

Chapters (23)

For as long as anypony can remember, an area of land has been cut off from the rest of the world due to an eternal storm that has never shown any mercy. But now the storm has weakened and an envoy from that land has come to Equestria seeking a Queen for their land. A Queen for their kingdom of thestrals.

Join Twilight and Spike as they journey into a new land that no Equestrian has ever laid eyes upon. There Twilight will be tested like never before. Will she succeed and make new friends or will this land be her undoing...

Set just after the end of season 3 and before season 4.
Cover art done by roninfang please check out his profile if you want a commission

Edits done by both sadron and Alchemik

First featured 5/19/18!

Chapters (28)

Co-authored with Gideon020 Big thanks for his help with this story!

Buried in the stone beneath Canterlot, an ancient secret is about to be uncovered. One that will forever change Equestrias view on the places beyond the stars

Going far from the Galaxy we call home.
A faint gleam of hope and a promise of knowledge.
Farewell, Equestria, farewell, beloved ones
Bearing the fate of the Elements.
These ponies fight and the romance burns high
Somepony has got to do this
If we are the ponies they count on...
Going far from the Galaxy to space unknown.
A faint gleam of hope
The Space Battleship Yamato

Cover art made with love by Daniel DiCenso
Brutally edited by Metallusionsiamagic

Chapters (19)

This story is a sequel to That Time I Became a Friendship Bomb

(This story is actually a rewrite of that one, but i dont seem to be able to change that)

Peter Westmoore, formerly nineteen year old college student.

Once upon a time, his friends described him a responsible, hardworking student, not overly outgoing, but pleasant enough to talk to. He never was one for the party scene, nor did he drink, but he really put his all into his work. When he wasn't doing that, he was refining his skills in animation.

For his dedication and diligence, he is rewarded with a trip to a land of colourful ponies! He's even provided with a form to blend in! Mostly... a real shame he has no idea what's going on.

The epic rewrite of That Time I Became A Friendship Bomb. Don't know if the changes will be significant enough to warrant this being a new story, at least for the first few chapters, but since this one is going to continue updating, I think it might.

There is also the fact that I had no real idea where the old version was going, something I've fixed here.

Huge thank you to Gerandkis for editing this story, and the original as well! This wouldn't be as good of a story without their help, so you enjoy it, be sure to give them a thank you!

Chapters (10)

When I agreed to be sent to Equestria I didn't read the fine print. I'm the wrong age, the wrong sex, and lost in the wilderness.

New Cover art commissioned from Lunar Froxy.

Chapters (57)

Meet Lisa, the slender woman. After being sent to Equestria by a weird course of events, well, lets just say there's a new monster in the Everfree. What adventures could possibly unfold as Lisa embraces what she has become? A savior, that looks like a demon.

Hey everyone! I'M WRITING A NEW STORY!!! Reason? Well, you'll find out. I will say that this story will be heavily connected with A Displaced Machine and A Displaced Dragon.

Wow we got featured pretty quickly! 8/3/15!

Chapters (9)

I'm Griffin, not much else to it. I've been bullied most of my life, which left me bitter and sarcastic. I'm a closet brony. What? You think I'm just gonna go out and tell a world that hates me that I watch a cartoon intended for little girls? I don't feel like giving the punks at school any more ammo. That's when cosmic powers decide I need to take a trip to my favorite fantasy land. But all is not sunshine and rainbows and it certainly won't be after I'm done with it. Equestria from the point of view of an extremely pissed off teenager, with a twist. Rust, the author of 'The Ballad of Echo the Diamond dog' is awesomesauce enough to have a cross over between our stories. Carnelian is a boss when it comes to art. Part of the 'Chess Game of the Gods'.

Violence, gratuitous swearing, and sexual themes. Reader discretion is advised.

Chapters (101)

Coverart from HERE

Set shortly after the season 5 premiere, but before episode three

Romance tag readded due to a lack of a certain mare having a ship in the finale.

Normally, Ken wouldn't have minded finding an excuse to get out of school. However, being hit by a car and suddenly waking up as a strange four legged creature with purple fur, wings and a horn is not something he'd have chosen just to play hooky.

Now in a world he continually doesn't understand and makes him... now a her, want to pull her hair out, Ken must learn how to coincide with the creatures of Equestria, while finding her place in this bizare world that defies all senses of logic she was raised with. On top of that, she's now apparently a princess and has to deal with nobles fawning over her, including one male who she knows is definitely just trying to get into her new female parts to breed, and she'll have none of that.

Of all the things she could've chosen to get out of school, this was definitely not one of them and she just wants to go back to normal. Sadly, that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Though not pertaining to the main character, Romance tag does still apply to other characters in this story. It's just the Tag Limiter wouldn't let me keep Romance Tag after I edited the description a little, so had to remove the tag, even if it still holds some small weight on the story.

Featured Box 16-18/8/2015. Okay. Seriously did not see that coming.

Popular Stories 16-20/8/2015

Featured Box again 6/11/2016 if only for a few moments.:rainbowderp: I... I honestly don't know what to say:raritystarry:

Featured again? Really? Thank you guys, so much:twilightsmile::yay:

Chapters (26)