• Member Since 23rd May, 2023


Hi! My name is Astra Galaxia. but most just call me Astra! I wish to start writing my first story someday

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A Displaced story.

How would you feel, I wonder, if your reality was torn out from under you, to have your life stripped away in the strangest of circumstances, and thrust into a world you have no understanding of, with no way to get home. Now living the life of a star spirit, who without starlight, you simply cease to exist until the next night brings you back.

How would you cope, if you were only ten years old at the time?

For our young heroine, the answer was simple. She didn't.

Her name is now Mare, and she wants to be left alone.

The character Mare is from the Visual Novel Hoshizora no Memoria -Wish upon a Shooting Star, But is unlikely to contain any elements from there apart from the appearance, abilities and some mannerisms of the character Mare, so prior knowledge is unnecessary, and even mildly discouraged, as I will not be entirely faithful to the source material, and most things will be explained in the story.

To save time, rather than putting this on individual chapters, I'll just say that This story has been edited by m2pt5, and probably will be for the foreseeable future, and is much better off for it.

Chapters (17)

To be inserted into Equestria, it's a dream come true for anybrony!

Meet the ponies!

Have super awesome magical adventures!

Use foreknowledge to avoid all those silly pratfall moments without screwing things up and causing irreparable harm to the Mane 6...uh...hopefully!

And all for the low cost of possessing Princess Luna, denying her any real freedom or the ability to move on with her life since she's in your head and you're walking around as Nightmare Moon!

Yeah...there had to be a catch in there somewhere, didn't there?

Chapters (17)

You know the drill. Comicon. Cosplay. Merchant. Boom, Equestria.

I woke up not in a land of technicolor ponies, but within the lands of their dreams. They had no protector, no one to stave off the nightmares and keep them safe. So I took on that role, and watched over them as if they were my own.

Until recently, when their previous protector finally came back.

A thousand years ago, the Protector of Dreams, Princess Luna was banished to the moon. And tonight she finally returned.

Thanks to Arxsys for the wonderful cover art work!

Chapters (8)

Have you ever heard of a mare named Faust? She's an Alicorn, just like the Princesses, but not a princess herself. Some say she's a queen, some say she's their mother. The truth, well... she's really overworked. And with her duty as The Equestrian Archivist she has a pretty demanding job. But what happens when this overworked alicorn decides that she wants to take a vacation in Ponyville? Furthermore, what'll happen when she skips out on her job to take that vacation?

(My first story! A different take on Fausticorn, I've seen her given a general persona that just doesn't seem like what I saw in the original art. So here's my idea of what she might be like. Tags will be added as the story continues.)

HOLY.... F-Featured on December 21 2014! Thanks guys! That is amazing!

Chapters (37)

This story is a sequel to A Mother's Wish

For centuries a certain alicorn has been trapped in another dimension, living quietly, and avoiding being seen by the human eye. When she finally found a way home, her spell went wrong, and it pulled a human consciousness in with her.

That said, consciousness is me, Alex. I woke up one day, only to discover that I had turned into a pony, but I didn't turn into just any pony. I became a pony known as Lauren Faust, the mother to Celestia and Luna. Now I’m living in the Canterlot castle; I have a bunch of royals acting like children, changelings running around, and an ancient alicorn prankster stuck inside my head. All I can say is things get a little hectic.

Prequel is an optional side story.

Rewrite/Return to FimFiction.
You can find the original story HERE

Big thanks to STTPStudio for creating a reading of this story.

Chapters (11)

Toriel, a friendly monster who helped out a human. She wanted Frisk to stay, but the human said that she wanted to go home. Toriel was saddened when the human left the ruins to head back to the surface. When she went back home, she found a strange artifact that wasn't hers. She finds a note saying "Do you want to go to the surface?" Toriel touched the artifact and is transported to a new world and in a new body. Will she be happy that she is on the surface and is seeing the sun, or will she want to go back?

Chapters (15)

Meet Cyr. He's one of the last of his breed: A Changeling Behemoth, living battering rams that are selected and mutated from the worker caste of the Hive. Aged from centuries of labor and service to his Queen, he grows disgusted and weary of the Changeling's plots and malevolent attempts to feed on love, especially after his capture during the Canterlot wedding. Thus begins a new (and possibly more enjoyable) chapter of his existence.

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to The God Empress of Ponykind

A message rings through the Warp: "The Game is broken, only Destruction remains". Celestia hears it, fearing for the lives of her former subjects and those of her beloved ponies. Unwilling to sit idle, she has chosen a dangerous path: return to the Imperium, take up the mantle of Emperor of Mankind, defeat the coming storm, and save Mankind once and for all.

With Twilight Sparkle to aid her, Celestia faces new challenges and new enemies. Her forces are scattered, her people assaulted, and the enemies of Man grow stronger with each passing day.

The Time of Heroes is gone. Now comes the Time of Ending.

Sequel to God Empress of Ponykind. Reading that first is strongly recommended.
Rated T for 40K related violence, but that might change at some point.
Comments contain spoilers. You have been warned.

Chapters (61)

Philadelphia, June 1979

Princess Celestia feels trapped underneath her own crown - her subjects see an immortal goddess, not a pony trapped in a gilded cage.

In a moment of boredom, she strikes out on her own in search of adventure - and New York pizza.

Come along with the pony Princess as she rides the rails of the Northeast Corridor - rolling ever closer to her final cheesy destination on board a Night Train to New York.

Warning - this work has been rated PG by the Literature Association of Equestria for the following:

  • Mild Profanity
  • Excessive Railway Knowledge

Featured December 16-20 2020!

Chapters (11)

Three days into her latest stay on Earth, Twilight Sparkle is enjoying learning about Europe in the company of her mentor while staying in the nation of Equios, a European microstate bordering Switzerland that functions as Equestria's outpost on Earth.

But when a solemn Celestia wakes her early one morning and asks Twilight to accompany her to a new place a thousand miles away, she will learn that not all is Friendship and Harmony when it comes to humans. That there are some very dark and dangerous events in humanity's past whose nature may rock her to her core. Can Twilight solve the mystery her mentor presents of what happened decades earlier near a town named Pripyat? And can anything be the same afterwards if she does...?

Inspired by the HBO series Chernobyl.

Thanks to user Eezee, there is now full text to speech version of the story available with pictures up on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__0FF-VeXKg

Set during FiM season 2, the story takes place in the Phoenixverse of Turnabout Storm and The Lawyer and The Unicorn, but familiarity with those two stories is not required to read this one.

Author: Firesight
Prereaders: AJ_Aficionado, James CyberLink, Silentwoodfire, Denim_Blue

Picture Credit: James CyberLink

Chapters (8)