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Twilight Sparkle's coronation as the sole ruler of Equestria is right around the corner. To not disappoint her, Sunset Shimmer decides to come back to Equestria for the first time since her theft of the Princess's crown to attend.

Said Princess's student, Starlight, is there to greet her, but the two of them are surprised to find that Sunset is a princess herself - or at least an alicorn, and her arrival may have unintended consequences for a trio of recently imprisoned villains.

Chapters (8)

The wheel of time turns, as destiny and history clash together.

Fifty years into the future, Sunset Shimmer is Princess Twilight Sparkle's most faithful student. She is smart and eager, but doesn't always think things through. Her life had been perfect, right up to the End of the World.

With a ruined future, Sunset travels into the past to alter the course of history. With only her mentor's cryptic word to go on, Sunset and the Elements of Harmony must solve the riddle of the Dark Regalia and stop the mysterious Vesper Radiance from rising to power. But the further Sunset goes, the more she feels like she's been through it all before.

Is destiny set in stone, or can Sunset shape her own future? Only time will tell.

Featured on Equestria Daily 6/16/13
Gratefully edited by JustAnotherTimeLord, Icarus_Gizmo, Cerulean Voice and Bad_Seed_72

The Sunset of Tropes page!

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Summer Sunset

Summer is in full swing and after the battle against Chrysalis things seem to be winding down for Sunset Shimmer. She has finally found peace with herself and is with the love of her life Twilight. However Sunset will soon learn the dangers and headache of dating her boss. Especially when that boss is a princess of Equestria and she's her advisor.

Side Note: This is just meant to be stupid and funny. Please do not take it seriously. This is a fanfic thats a sequal to another fanfic based off a show about colorful talking ponies. Need I say more?
Extra Side Note: Flirtation and suggestion at the most but no explicit scenes.
Extra Extra Side Note: Cover art done by me :derpytongue2:

Chapters (9)

Traveling back to Equestria for summer vacation seemed like the best idea ever. However Sunset Shimmer's home brings back memories and thoughts that haven't surfaced since her reformation. Forgiveness is never easy especially when it comes to forgiving oneself. That coupled with a deadly changeling plot against Princess Twilight has Sunset running in circles to protect her friends and figure herself out.

Extra Tags: Chrysalis, Changelings, Flash Sentry (I'm so sorry).
This may be subjected to change as the story progresses.

Extra side note: the cover art for this story was done by me :twilightsmile:
Extra Extra side note: To everyone who has faved and liked thank you so much!
Final Side Note: I've edited the spacing and scene transitions so it's less of an eye sore.

MUST READ: So an awesome friend of mine has started working on an animation for this story. He has a rough cut of the first scene in the first chapter. Check it out here and leave some feedback!
Summer Sunset Chapter 1 Animation Test

Proof Read/edited by: 1DATMLP

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Give them a push

Twilight had bumped into Flash Sentry again. At this point, it seemed like a ritual. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had even started taking bets on how many times the bump was going to happen each time they went to the Crystal Empire. Looks like Flurry Heart will have to take matters into her own hooves this time. This time even her mommy was going to help! Just one problem. Her dad can never know.

Chapters (8)

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Equestria's two greatest rulers, goddesses of the sun and the moon, who ruled over the country for millennia upon millennia.

Everypony knows that Twilight handled the rising and falling of both the sun and moon upon the princesses' retirement. But exactly who took over the role after she became nothing more than a faint memory? And can they keep up the role?

Cover art is from Julunis14.

Chapters (11)

Misty has more or less settled into life in Maretime Bay with her new friends, she's even changed her mane style to reflect her new outlook on life. Things are looking up for her.

That is, until Misty begins to wonder about her past, about who she was before she was taken in by Opaline. It's a mystery that won't leave her alone no matter what.

Thus, the unicorn decides to do some research in Bridlewood, hoping to find out where she came from and who she used to be. Zipp and Izzy go with her to help, and together the friends will uncover something that will change Misty's life forever!

(Tagged AU due to the probability of this specific sequence of events being uncanoned by Chapter 5 of MYM.)

Chapters (1)

What would happen if the ponies of G4 and G5 interacted? Without obvious flaws within the space-time continuum of course. Probably chaos, nonsense, and comedy.

This is just a collection of very short stories or events that happen with the large cast and crews of both generations. Do not expect long entries or for the physics of G5 being with G4 to be addressed, this is entirely for fun. Just enjoy some random events featuring our favorite little ponies.

Credit to Doodle-Mark for the cover.

1/4/2023, 4/9/2023, 9/18/2023, 11/23/2023, 4/21/2024: Featured box! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale: Season 1

This story takes place between after 'Sunny-Day Dinners' in MLP G5 Sunset: Tell Your Tale.

Months later, Sunset, Sunny and their friends embrace the new age of Equestria as the magic and the friendship has returned and the three tribes are together again. But there are someponies that doesn't like the change and wants things the way there were while there something out there that might cause the disaharmony and might cause trouble for the magic. Join Sunset and her new generations friends as their adventures continues to keep the magic stable and keep the magic of friendship sparkling.

Cover art from: BronySonicFan (I know Sunset isn't in a 3D thing like the cover but it's hard to find a 3D render Sunset so understand okay)

This story is an inspiration to Phantom-Dragon since it was his idea that inspired me to make this, so give credit to him.

Chapters (27)

The Sisters' Moon.

For generations the ponies of Equestria called eclipses by the same name, even while divided by fear and hate. All celebrate it the same way, displaying their affection and love for their close friends and family. To this day, nopony remembers why.

Sunny Starscout discovers this mystery when she and her friends prepare to celebrate their first Sisters' Moon together in the Crystal Brighthouse, and she wants to know the story behind the holiday that bound them even before their reunification. Her only lead is an elderly pony who might just have the answers she seeks.

Bonus prize winner in the Beans Writing Group's "New Blood" contest, for the bonus prompt: "From the beginning, you know the end."

Cover art by the amazingly-skilled Little Tigress

Now with a reading from RainbowInfinityReadings!

Many thanks for the prereading help from:
Pilot Light

Featured 7/31/23 - 8/4/23

Chapters (1)