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The Gourd Fest is a three-day-spanning changeling ritual a drone holds for a special individual in times of tremendous happiness and great prosperity. With how everything has changed in such a wonderful direction for them after Queen Chrysalis' defeat, they've decided to promote the tradition to a full-on festival the entire kingdom can be a part of. Upon one midsummer day, Thorax, king of the changelings, gleefully invites Starlight Glimmer and a few of her friends to attend the first, fast-approaching Fest with him and the hive. Tagging along with them with only the biggest of smiles on her face is Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight, ever the avid and agog learner, is positively eager to study and write about the customs of changelings during this joyous celebration up close. Thorax, ever the obliging character, is more than happy to show them to her first-hoof. And as fate would have it, a simple and amiable lesson taught in changeling culture won't be all either of them come out with by the time the Gourd Fest comes to its conclusion...

Note: I have no earthly idea why I like the Twilax ship so much, but I like it just about as much as the Sporax one. Also, the rating and tags may change over time, depending on where I go with it (hint - it's probably going to go the 'M' route).

Chapters (3)

[I only know so much about the OC Twivine.This is the one who created her. Rating will either change to M or the next installment will be an M story. Tags added as I need them.]

Emerald Morrison didn't have the best life, but certainly not the worst. She didn't have the best grades, but also not the worst. But now? Now she finds herself as Twivine, an OC made by another brony. Problem is, she has no idea who Twivine is. She heard of Twivine, seen one or two fan made pictures but that's about it.

Somehow Twilight's magic surge brought Emerald or rather Twivine to Equestria and now she grows up (again), only this time in the Sparkle household.

08/29/2015 Featured? Thanks. Sure hope this isn't because of a short raise in the amount of views.

Chapters (9)

Coverart from HERE

Set shortly after the season 5 premiere, but before episode three

Romance tag readded due to a lack of a certain mare having a ship in the finale.

Normally, Ken wouldn't have minded finding an excuse to get out of school. However, being hit by a car and suddenly waking up as a strange four legged creature with purple fur, wings and a horn is not something he'd have chosen just to play hooky.

Now in a world he continually doesn't understand and makes him... now a her, want to pull her hair out, Ken must learn how to coincide with the creatures of Equestria, while finding her place in this bizare world that defies all senses of logic she was raised with. On top of that, she's now apparently a princess and has to deal with nobles fawning over her, including one male who she knows is definitely just trying to get into her new female parts to breed, and she'll have none of that.

Of all the things she could've chosen to get out of school, this was definitely not one of them and she just wants to go back to normal. Sadly, that doesn't seem likely to happen any time soon.

Though not pertaining to the main character, Romance tag does still apply to other characters in this story. It's just the Tag Limiter wouldn't let me keep Romance Tag after I edited the description a little, so had to remove the tag, even if it still holds some small weight on the story.

Featured Box 16-18/8/2015. Okay. Seriously did not see that coming.

Popular Stories 16-20/8/2015

Featured Box again 6/11/2016 if only for a few moments.:rainbowderp: I... I honestly don't know what to say:raritystarry:

Featured again? Really? Thank you guys, so much:twilightsmile::yay:

Chapters (26)

Dusk Shine is tasked with making sure that Princess Bluebelle's Birthday Ball goes well. Bluebelle just wants to be left alone. Fleur De Lis needs to have her chance to remain in the spotlight and within Canterlot's elite. Elusive just wants revenge for his treatment at the Grand Galloping Gala. Will Dusk Shine and Bluebelle learn about new kinds of friendship?

Complete with songs from your favorite Bridleway and Disneigh Musicals!

Chapters (23)

In their foalhood, Twilight and Blueblood were best friends. In their teenage years, they were in a relationship. After two years not seeing eye to eye, Blueblood came to Ponyville to visit his old friend and maybe also restart their relationship.

Chapters (1)

Prince Blueblood thinks he is the perfect gentlecolt, but his aunt doesn't agree. Princess Celestia has decided to send him to live with Princess Twilight Sparkle in Ponyville for a month. As he learns how to live with the 'commoners', the prince bonds with the princess, and learns what it means to be a true friend.

Note: Currently on hiatus because of another project I'm working on.

Chapters (2)

Twilight at the reception to the wedding she wasn't the only one suspicous of Cadence's behaviour!
She gets to spend some time with the colt who not only shared her suspicions but actually tried to go and looked for her!

What revelations will be made?

Picture belongs to Deviantart user TheSketchyEnigma!

Oneshot & Completed!

Chapters (1)

“Who could ever love a beast?”

When Spike is rejected by the love of his life because he is a dragon, he’s willing to do whatever it takes to change that. So when a pony of questionable motives offers to change him into a stallion, Spike is more than willing to shake on it. However, there was one small detail that Spike overlooked: He must first find love as a monster; a beast of a dragon, within a year or he will be stuck like this forever… A beautiful Sparity based on the greatest love story ever told, Rarity and Spike learn that what they thought was beauty was only skin deep, and that true beauty lies from within.

Be sure to check out the new My Little Disney Group on FimFiction!

Cover art by Azenge, an Equestria Daily featured artist and overall great guy, check out his deviant art page.

Fan Art! Blazewingthunder My little Disney, The beauty, the beast, and the applejack
Pia-Chan's Beauty and Her Spike
Ckat_Myla's Rainbow Cup
A Dance of Fire and Beauty, a fan song by Socratic Brony

Chapters (18)

Princess Celestia invites Twilight to go to the Hearts and Hooves Day Ball with Prince Blueblood. Twilight not wanting to make her teacher angry she accepts even though Rarity objects to the idea. Rarity now wants to spy on Twilight at the dance, but she needs a date, so she invites Spike. Rarity also needs the help of a Pegasus, so she reunites Rainbow Dash with her love from flight school - Thunder Flicker.

Chapters (1)

Written for the May Pairing Contest 2023 (Disqualified for being too long and not complete by the deadline) (Story takes place roughly in Season 3 and 4 and then hyper extends further by the end)

Twilight Sparkle and Prince Blueblood have a past. It's an innocent past, but still a past. Following Twilight's perceived failure in the Crystal Empire, she seeks a new task for redemption.

Little does she know, she herself may be a friendship problem and it's up to her to make things right.

As old feelings resurface, it'll require a strong will and some good acting to finish the task at hoof... If only she can manage to help Blueblood without falling in love with him.

* * *

Featured 7-5-24

Chapters (16)