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The world of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic lives under the typical definition of harmony: everything living in agreement and happiness. But what of a world where harmony is not a philosophy, but a force? What of a world where the Elements of Harmony uphold a cosmic system of balance despite what others say? What of a world where a thousand years of Celestia MUST be followed by a thousand years of Nightmare Moon?

Twilight Sparkle and her newly-discovered friends find out the hard way when they reawaken the Elements' power and become pawns of this system. Six ponies have to come to grips with themselves, struggling with their desire to fight destiny and their inability to resist it.

A little project I found lying around on my computer. Just putting it up here to see how it goes.

Chapters (3)

The Nightmare. They thought they'd destroyed her with their little 'ray of harmony'.
They were delusional if they believed that.
She'd never be truly defeated - only delayed until she found her next victim. Luna had been weak, despite her title of princess. But now she'd found someone much better for the job.

Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (9)

It has been a year since the Element's failure, and Nightmare Moon has not been seen. The pressure is finally weighing down on Equestria's new Chancellor, Twilight Sparkle. She still struggles with the events of that fateful night - the night the moon made its permanent place in the sky. After one fateful encounter, though, the course of Equestrian history shifts yet again as she begins to truly see this Nightmare. And maybe, just maybe, she and Nightmare Moon aren't so different.

A MoonLight fic with a twist.
And a bit of Twixie.
Art by nikohl: http://nikohl.deviantart.com/

Chapters (3)

Night Mare Moon was defeated but the force of darkness which possessed her endures. Years later a voice calls to Twilight in the dark. And she listens...

A dark adventure story in which Twilight Sparkle is forced to confront the most terrible enemy; the darkness inside herself.

Foxtrot XXX

Chapters (9)

Opaline has never been a particularly maternal or nurturing pony, but when she finds an abandoned filly in the woods, she takes the newborn foal under her wing. This is the story of her first full day with her adopted daughter, Misty.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Applejack’s Family Reunited

Apple Bloom never got the chance to hang out with her parents ever since they came back. But Pear Butter decides to spend that day with her young daughter while she also has a secret she kelp ever since Apple Bloom was born.

Chapters (1)

Pear Butter and Bright Mac finally made it to Ponyville to found her young cowgirl. While Applejack does her school duties, she gets unexpected guests that changed her life forever.

Thanks to Clean Karma and Speculore for editing this fanfic.

Chapters (1)

After an unexpected game night with Rainbow Dash, Spike decides it's time to man up and ask Rarity out. But what happens to Spike when she rejects him? Spike ends up going into a depression.

I added the Gore and Dark tags for some reasons that are explained.
*see blog post* (sorry, I can't link it)

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to What It Means To Be A Dragon

In the final installment of The Undestined Hero Trilogy, Spike is thrust into another adventure only a year after the second one. This time, not only is the world threatened by an ancient evil, but his relationship with Fluttershy is on the line! She's behaving strangely, but what could be the cause? Will he be strong enough to handle what's coming? One thing's for sure, this time, it's personal. Spike is determined to right what once went wrong, and nothing is going to stand in his way. Not even the passage of time itself...

Chapters (31)

Spike asks Rarity to go with him to the Canterlot Dance, but she turns him down, because she already has a date. However, Fluttershy comes and sees this, so she tries to cheer him up by going to the dance with him...
In the first place, they were going as friends, but they soon discover more than that...

I do not know who made this cover art, but I give credit to them. If they want me to take it down, I can do that. I repeat, I did NOT make this cover art.

Chapters (7)