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Twilight Sparkle has been a princess for a month now, and she has been having some problems with her duties. Celestia noticed this and sent her nephew Blueblood to teach Twilight how to rule, but in return, Twilight has to teach Blueblood how to act nicely. As time goes by the two start to fall for each other, but they will meet some obstacles, mainly in the form of a captian, a fashion designer, and a night princess.

(Props to Dirty Bit for coming up with the name)
(Cover belongs to ZakSaturday2468)

Chapters (1)

One day Twilight Sparkle finds an old photo album of pictures from her past with her family and friends, but as she looks through she notices that there weren't any pictures of her as a foal. Surely, it's just that the book doesn't have any photos of her...or maybe, it's something a little more deep.

Chapters (4)

Princess Luna had many Children she took under her wing, those who were forsaken and abandoned. But one night Luna found a foal who was different from all of her other Children she cared for. This Child was day-night-walker, or more commonly known as a Two-World Walker, a Child who could walk between the night and the day without needing magic.

Luna was the only other pony closest to the young filly, and understood how she felt to be misunderstood. The Other pony was a young colt named Dracula, who envied the filly he named Twilight Amila Sparkle. Many other Children of the Night envied her as well, for she was half vampire half unicorn, but stronger than both, but Little Twilight wasn't stronger than a werewolf pony(were-pony).

What happened when Twilight left the Children of the Night for some unknown reason? What if Cadence knew of Twilight's secret, never told anypony?

Twilight was adopted by Twilight Velvet and Night Light after her 100th year of living, but she never told them what she really was for she didn't trust them enough with her secret... They wanted to help Twilight with her problems, but she always hid herself within the shadows of her room or the forest out side of Canterlot. She hated the fact that she was a half-breed and no pony she knew was around anymore. Twilight often ran away from home, hoping to find her brothers and sisters of the Night but she never did...

inspired by: Children of the Night

Chapters (10)

Several years had passed after Tirek's defeat and everypony is preparing for this year's Summer Sun Celebration. But Twilight is not feeling well. Several nightmares are haunting her, she has got bad headaches and a really mad mood. Although Spike and the others tell her to go and fetch help, she refuses. But when some dark incidents and curses happen, Twilight realices too late, they had walked into a trap and it has snapped behind them. For the foe is inside of her and preparing her last and final strike. To turn the celebration into a true nightmare.

Chapters (16)

What if everything you believed about Twilight Sparkle was actually a lie?

A new revelation to the Equestrian saga... and its ancient prophecies.

Second edition:
Edited by Alicorn Priest

Chapters (5)

It has been a few months since Twilight and her friends went to help save the Crystal Empire, and Twilight had to use dark magic to find the Heart. And ever since she got back, Twilight's been acting strange spending most of her time muttering to herself, hearing voices, and locking herself up in her now 'off limits' lab basement.

P.S. seeing how many corrupted twilight fics there are, I'm sorry if anything I write is from your stories.
P.P.S. Cover art credit goes to Sorelstrasz from deviantart

Chapters (12)

How can this be true? When the sun was later in rising than it should have been, Princess Luna became concerned for her older sister. No pony had seen her since Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's reception had ended late the night before. However when Luna went to urge the moon down hoping to nudge Celestia into completing the cycle, her magic brushed against an aura she had hoped and prayed to never glimpse again.

Had her inability to protect the ponies she cares so deeply for, driven Princess Celestia to do... The unthinkable?

Chapters (10)

Twilight did pass her exam, but her magic did not flare up. Hatching a dragon egg was more of an optional test the parents could agree too. Because her magic never flared, Celestia’s attention was not caught by her. Twilight was left to enter the best academy in the land, but not as the personal student of Princess Celestia.
Only a few months later Twilight sees how alone she is in it, surrounded by unfriendly mares and stallions who were at least three years older than her, she begins to struggle in her studies. Shining is no longer there to help, and neither are her parents. She is convinced she is in this alone.
When one night a mare visits Twilights in her dreams. Nightmare Moon offers to teach her, and help her study, for one thing in return. Travel to the the abandoned castle of the two pony sisters by the thousandth sun celebration.

Chapters (4)

Through a rift in her prison, the Night Mare calls to Twilight. It tells her things she could not believe, yet senses are true. Will she fall under her spell, or will Celestia free Twilight from the Night Mare's control before it's too late?

There's a secret to this story if you can catch it. Do you know what it is? It's imitating the plot of Hamlet.
Source for picture is gone; have drawfriend instead: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2011/07/drawfriend-stuff-126.html #27.

Chapters (11)

On an assignment from Celestia to inspect the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters Twilight hears her friends tell the tale of the legendary Vampire Queen. She insists they stop spreading around such old wives' tales but some things in the castle make her question that belief especially when she encounters evidence that the story might be true during the investigation.

(Set after the Season 3 episode Games Ponies Play)

Chapters (2)