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This story is a sequel to Ditzy Don't

When Spike and his friends go on a trip to Daypony Beach, he's rescued from the sea by a strange filly. Despite having reservations about this mute pony, Spike and his friends welcome her into their group. However, the restless ocean--as well as the innkeepers warnings about the mysterious "ponies of the sea"--has everypony nervous, and when a nearby clan of dragons becomes involved, things go from bad to worse.

Stories in the Ponies of Olympus continuity (chronological):

Ditzy Don't
Rolling In Beaches
Head of a Dog; Tail of a Lion
Somebody To Love
Atlas Strongest Tournament

Chapters (6)

While preparing for a week away in Canterlot, Rarity rediscovers the Fire Ruby that Spike had given her the day before his birthday, which not only brings up some fond memories, but also brings her to a startling revelation - she's in love with him! But can a pony really love a dragon? That is the one question that strikes fear into Rarity and holds her back from confessing her feelings to him. Her own friends may approve, but surely the upper class of Equestria won't.

Throughout her trip, and the week leading up to it, the white unicorn mare finds herself struggling with her emotions, trying to decide whether to embrace her new-found love or just let Spike down gently. But along the way, all her friends are there to reassure her and offer their advice. While all this is going on, however, Spike notices Rarity's erratic behaviour, and takes it as a sign that she doesn't even want to be friends with him anymore; so he decides to try his luck with somepony closer to his age...

Special thanks to krieger11 for providing the cover art.

Chapters (7)

After helping Spike and Rarity while the little dragon was cursed as a werepony, Princess Luna sets out to do all she can to help the other ponies that embodied the Elements of Harmony. On her journey, she finds friends she didn't realize she had and something more.

The story continues with Hope and Shadows

Don't know what the heck is going on? Then start to story right by going all the way back to the beginning with And Tootsie Flute Makes Three

Chapters (12)

After asking Rarity to the upcoming Ponyville dance. Rarity rejects his offer stating that she had already set eyes on somepony else. This news devastates Spike as he had finally worked up enough courage to ask her to the dance, his heart is shattered and he locks himself away from the world, fast forward two weeks and Spike is isolated from his friend up in his bedroom. His friends can't seem to bring him out of his mood, so it falls upon a certain mare with a purple mane to fix what she had broken.

Chapters (1)

After the events of Secret of My Excess, Rarity finally realise what Spike has been trying to say, she makes her way to the library, to find a worried Twilight looking for a missing Spike. Spike, after recovering from sudden growth and greediness, decides to leave. Now, the mane six must find the missing baby dragon, and for Rarity to Return Her Feelings...

Chapters (7)

Rarity had been asked by a client a special type of dress, but she doesn't know it very well. So she decides to go to the Golden Oak Library to gather some information on those but fall asleep during the process.

And it's at that time that Spike choose to get back home from the market and discover the sleeping Unicorn.

What will happen next?

Spoil:Contain Sparity.

Chapters (1)

For Sweetie Belle her older sister Rarity has always one upped her. From her fifth birthday party to dress making, gem finding, the most important thing she has is Spike's love towards her, the filly unicorn has a hidden crush on Spike and while Spike has a not so hidden crush on Rarity.

It a battle between siblings for the heart of the kind and generous dragon.

Round One: Fight.

Edited by: Valen Machina

Chapters (1)

Rarity is stressed. Defeated! Orders and deadlines and overwork just the norm. Because of this, Spike goes without his apron, flexing his shredded body all in the hope to make her feel better. Because that's how things work, right?

(Audio reading by the quick and clean MultiDoomPie)

Cover by Stoic5|ID:726946

Chapters (1)

An adult Spike is up late at night pacing. His dreams are driving him nuts and Twilight knows why. Rarity gave Twilight an idea that will help Spike. So when Spike starts another night of pacing Twilight teleports Spike to Rarity.
What does a feather have to do with it?

AUTHORS NOTE: I might add onto this one. However, I'll need to up the rating on it

Chapters (1)

A picture I found inspired this romantic scene between Spike and Rarity. I got permission from the artist Mauroz to use the picture in my story. The second I saw it I knew I had to write a scene. Yes, I did crop it a bit (to be on the safe side). You can find the full image here.
I wrote this in about an hour. I hope I did the picture justice. Enjoy this heartfelt scene between Spike and Rarity. Leave a comment, and also check out the artist's other work.

Chapters (1)