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I don’t know if I’ve truly died or lost my mind. What is reality, what is sanity? Are they not just a product of society, a unit to be measured? Something that can be judged, evaluated, and constricted by belief, but also something that is limited by our very biology? I’m not really sure, yet I believe myself to be sane, and have decided to embrace my own reality. One born purely from thought, bound by the limitations of my imagination. This… is a tale of ”my” reality, my triumphs, my mistakes, and the sins of a father.

Co-authored by his Highness Lord of Hentai.
Edited by The Magic Hobo, Regun and mikesnipe.

Chapters (4)

Luna's last letter let her let her love-laden lamentations live.

Inspired by a chat/brainstorm with Closer-To-The-Sun on the way back from EFNW. And of course, the awesome song by The Who.

Twilight's Library approved.

Chapters (1)


Love is the foundation of life; the purpose for our existance.

While we toil away our minds and bodies to the harsh realities of life, or heart stays strong with love.

Love for our mothers, our fathers, our sisters, and brothers. Love for those whom return it, and love for those who aren't even aware of the gift.

Love for those we have lost, for those who still stand with us, and love for those who have yet to even stand.

A beings life can easily be determined by how much they love. Believe me, I know.

After all, isn't it fitting for a Changeling to be unable to feel what is so generously given to every other creature?

Chapters (3)

So, I go to Comic-con to have fun with my friends and have a normal experience. I even resisted the temptations around me so I would not go cosplay as something. Go me. Unfortunately, the universe knows no bounds when it comes to screwing around with me.

Now stranded in a world and a body no longer my own, I'll have no choice but to face the politics and war that surround me. That and I also has to face the fact I'm in charge of a new kingdom and I have to look out for them as well.

My name is Philip. But some recognize me now as Yveltal, Pokemon of Destruction and Lord of Death.

Well, without further adiue, down the rabbit hole we go!

Displaced fic so if you hate that don't read. Displaced as a Shiny Yveltal!

Rated teen due to some violence and foul language!

We've got a great editor, Blood Angel Kirito who will edit things when he can, so don't rush the poor guy :3

The cover art is a clip from the amazing, and fluffy :3 , art series of SoftMonKeychains. So check out her work. She gave me permission to use her art as long as she gets credit, so thanks for that!

Crossovers will be done once I get situated!

Chapters (11)

I don't know how long I have been asleep. It feels like ages. I can't remember who I once was but I know its not who I am now.

The Sun, Moon, Love, Chaos, and Harmony have avatars. I guess I am the World's.

I don't remember who I was but I know who I am.

I have had many names Neltharion the Earth-Warder, The Black Scourge, The Cataclysm, The World itself Given form, but you may call me....


A displaced tale. Co-written with CrossRedstone.

Chapters 1-2 Edited by m2pt5/Emtu, Chapter 3 and 12 Edited by Word Worthy

Note: Actual Deathwing is used

Chapters (11)

Dan never thought that he would ever see his favorite villain in video-game history. Next thing he knows, he's the very being he admires! But life may not be that easy as he appears in an unfamiliar land. What adventures will he begin in this new land? Only time will tell. But Dan knows one thing for sure. He is Alduin, terror of the skies!

Hey everyone Prince_Zodiac here. I keep seeing these displaced stories all over the place and decided I would try my hand at it. Hope you like it!


Oh, and this story is now

Chapters (52)

I remembered being human once. I had gone to a convention? before I woke here to see my 'father' Toruk. It took years before we, my siblings and I, rebelled against him and now we are spread across the world. As the natives began hunting us down in the name of their various tribes, I remember us being forced deep into the volcanos and mountains that the dagonspawns guard. Slowly at first, we began a long sleep while waking every once in a while to hear tails of the outside.
It has been centuries or millenia since I have heard from my childern, my dragonspawns, and now I hear the voice of a youngster. Every other day I hear his fears, his hopes and his dreams. Each time he spoke, I would guide him closer to my den. When I hear him prepare to leave though, I knew if he left that I may grow mad. So I directed him and his two friends to me at last.
"Wh-Who are you? How is there a dragon in the mountain, this close to Canterlot!?"
"So there is a town above me hm...what happen to make my dragonspawns leave here, I wonder."

Chapters (15)

Edit: on advice, changed the name.

(AU equestria)

Ok, so here I am in Equestria, AWESOME! Living the dream my fellow bronies! The minor problem? Instead of the ponies in the show the inhabitants are all anthro versions of themselves. Good news? Twilight and her friends are willing to give me a benefit of a doubt. Bad news? Celestia and Luna despise me, the reason for that? I was brought to Equestria as one of the awesome ones in video game villain history, complete with triforce of power and immense dark magic, the powerhouse, ganondorf! As a result of our first meeting, I wound up petrified for 1500 years, thankfully I figured out a way to keep myself from going insane. But now that I am awake, I have one goal.... "Twilight? What does this symbol here say?"

(T for now but depending on how this goes it may go up, EDIT: added sex tag for upcoming refernces.)

Chapters (13)

I was one name Bill Cipher....and yes IT the name of the triangle from gravity fall my parents were an ass to me and name me after the guy. But that all chang as I was killed by the last thing I thought would happen....KILLED IN A BLIZZARD! NOW I'M GETTING ANOTHER CHANS AT LIFE THANK THE GUY OF MY GIVEN NAME!

Now I'm Hakkon Wintersbreath and I'm going to have a good time. >:)

Chapters (2)

So yeah, went to Comic-con with my girlfriend and cosplayed as a Tyranid Swarmlord. And I saw this creepy merchant selling some legit stuff. I bought a set of Bone Sabres to complete my costume but ended on some girly show land called Equestria filled with xenophobic ponies. So my plan? Run to some random ass town with a squad of Tyranids and open a diner!

Hey look a cupcake. *picks it up and eats it and spits it out* THIS *BLEEPING * CUPCAKE IS SO *BLEEPING* SWEET, IT GAVE KOBE DIABETES!!!

Chapters (1)